path: root/src/SVG/SVG2zinc.pm
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authorribet2007-03-21 10:19:39 +0000
committerribet2007-03-21 10:19:39 +0000
commitc5866f304210618979d03c561b1e3f6f83200bce (patch)
tree7c81ae161f78cdf952f3d3a33184f8bf322c9bd8 /src/SVG/SVG2zinc.pm
parenta023d10b564d8c29566304f7777b4ec87c5b7b4d (diff)
Import initial
Diffstat (limited to 'src/SVG/SVG2zinc.pm')
1 files changed, 2245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/SVG/SVG2zinc.pm b/src/SVG/SVG2zinc.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f344b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SVG/SVG2zinc.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,2245 @@
+package SVG::SVG2zinc;
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU LGPL Libray General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA,
+# or refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
+# convertisseur SVG->TkZinc
+# Copyright 2002-2003
+# Centre d'?tudes de la Navigation A?rienne
+# Author: Christophe Mertz <mertz at intuilab dot com>
+# previously <mertz at cena dot fr>
+# with many helps from
+# Alexandre Lemort <lemort at intuilab dot com>
+# Celine Schlienger <celine at intuilab dot com>
+# St?phane Chatty <chatty at intuilab dot com>
+# $Id: SVG2zinc.pm,v 1.6 2007-03-06 07:53:22 merlin Exp $
+# this is the main module of the a converter from SVG file
+# to either perl script/module (an eventually other scripting language)
+# It is also usable to display SVG graphic file in Tk::Zinc
+# limitations are now listed in the POD at the end of this file
+use strict;
+use XML::Parser;
+use Carp;
+use Math::Trig;
+use English;
+use File::Basename;
+use SVG::SVG2zinc::Conversions;
+@EXPORT = qw( parsefile findINC );
+$REVISION = q$Revision: 1.6 $ ;
+$VERSION = "0.10";
+# to suppress some stupid warning usefull for debugging only
+my $warn=0;
+my $verbose;
+my $current_group;
+my @prev_groups = ();
+my %current_context;
+my @prev_contexts = ();
+my $itemCount = 0;
+my $effectiveItemCount = 0; # to know if some groups are empty (cf &defs et &defs_)
+my $prefix; # prefix used in tags associated to generated items
+my $colorSep = ";";
+my $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+my $targetName = '';
+my @nameStack = ();
+sub InitVars {
+ @prev_groups = ();
+ %current_context = ();
+ @prev_contexts = ();
+ $itemCount = 0;
+ $effectiveItemCount = 0;
+ $colorSep = ";";
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ $targetName = '';
+ @nameStack = ();
+# This hash table indicates all non-implemented extensions
+# Normaly, the href extension is the only implemented extension listed in the SVG entity
+# The hash-value associated to a not implemented etension is 0
+# The hash-value is then set to 1 when an warning message has been printed once
+my %notImplementedExtensionPrefix;
+# events on "graphics and container elements"
+ onfocusin onfocusout onactivate onclick
+ onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onload
+# events on "Document-level event attributes"
+my @EVENT_ON_DOC = qw /onunload onabort onerror onresize onscroll onzoom/;
+# events "Animation event attributes"
+my @EVENT_ON_ANIM = qw /onbegin onend onrepeat/ ;
+my %EVENT_ON_GRAPHICS = map { $_ => 1 } @EVENT_ON_GRAPHICS;
+my %EVENT_ON_DOC = map { $_ => 1 } @EVENT_ON_DOC;
+my %EVENT_ON_ANIM = map { $_ => 1 } @EVENT_ON_ANIM;
+### @STYLE_ATTRS and %STYLE_ATTRS are "constant" array and hash used in
+#### &analyze_style , &analyze_text_style , &groupContext , &attrs_implemented
+my @STYLE_ATTRS = qw(
+ class style display ddisplay fill fill-opacity fill-rule stroke
+ stroke-width stroke-opacity opacity font-size font-family
+ font-weight stroke-linejoin stroke-linecap stroke-dasharray text-anchor
+) ;
+my %STYLE_ATTRS = map { $_ => 1 } @STYLE_ATTRS;
+#### not implemented / not implementable attributes
+#### these attributes will generate only limited warning
+#### used in &attrs_implemented
+my @STYLE_ATTRS_NYI = qw (
+ stroke-miterlimit
+ gradientUnits gradientTransform spreadMethod
+ clip-rule clip-path
+ name
+) ; # what is the foolish name?
+my %STYLE_ATTRS_NYI = map { $_ => 1 } @STYLE_ATTRS_NYI;
+#### not yet implemented tags (to avoid many many error messages)
+#### this list could be used to clearly distinguishe TAGS
+#### not yet implemented or not implementable.
+#### This list is curently not used! consider it as a piece of comment!
+my @NO_YET_IMPLEMENTED_TAGS = qw ( midPointStop filter feColorMatrix feComponentTransfer feFuncA);
+my $fileDir; ## in fact this could be a part of an url
+ ## but we currently only get files in the some directories
+my $backend; ## the backend used to produce/interpret perl or tcl or whatever...
+my $expat;
+sub parsefile {
+ my ($svgfile, $backendName, %args) = @_;
+ &InitVars;
+ $fileDir = dirname($svgfile)."/";
+ $targetName = defined $args{-target} ? $args{-target}: '';
+ delete ($args{"-target"});
+ $includeFollowingItems = $targetName ne '' ? 0 : 1;
+ $verbose = defined $args{-verbose} ? $args{-verbose}: 0;
+ $prefix = defined $args{-prefix} ? $args{-prefix} : "";
+ delete $args{-prefix};
+ my $namespace = defined $args{-namespace} ? $args{-namespace} : 0;
+ delete $args{-namespace};
+ &SVG::SVG2zinc::Conversions::InitConv(\&myWarn, \&current_line);
+ require SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend::PerlClass;
+ $backend = SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend::PerlClass -> new (-in => $svgfile, %args);
+ $current_group = $backend -> _topgroup;
+ $backend -> fileHeader;
+ my $parser = new XML::Parser(
+ Style => 'SVG2zinc',
+ Namespaces => $namespace, # well this works for dia shape dtd!
+ Pkg => 'SVG::SVG2zinc',
+ ErrorContext => 3,
+ );
+ $parser -> setHandlers(
+ Char => \&Char,
+ Init => \&Init,
+ Final => \&Final,
+ XMLDecl => \&XMLDecl,
+ );
+ my $svg = $parser->parsefile($svgfile);
+ $backend -> fileTail;
+ &print_warning_for_not_implemented_attr;
+## as it seems that some svg files are using differencies between dtd 1.0 and 1.1
+## we need to know which version of the dtd we are using (defaulted to 1.0)
+my $dtdVersion;
+sub XMLDecl {
+ my ($parser, $Version, $Encoding, $Standalone) = @_;
+ if (defined $Version)
+ {
+ $dtdVersion = $Version;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dtdVersion = 1.0;
+ }
+# the svg tags are translated in group items.
+# If the SVG tag contains both width and height properties
+# they will be reported in the generated group as tags :
+# 'height=xxx' 'width=xxx'
+sub svg {
+sub svgold {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ delete $attrs{xmlns}; # this attribute is mandatory, but useless for SVG2zinc
+ my ($width,$height)=&sizesConvert( \%attrs , qw (width height)); #! this defines the Zinc size!
+ # case when the width or height is defined in %
+ # the % refers to the size of an including document
+ undef $width if defined $attrs{width} and $attrs{width} =~ /%/ ;
+ undef $height if defined $attrs{height} and $attrs{height}=~ /%/ ;
+ my $widthHeightTags="";
+ if (defined $width and defined $height)
+ {
+ $widthHeightTags = ", 'width=" . &float2int($width) .
+ "', 'height=" . &float2int($height) . "'";
+ }
+ if (!@prev_contexts)
+ { # we are in the very top svg group!
+ $widthHeightTags .= ", 'svg_top'";
+ }
+ my $res = "->add('group',$current_group, -tags => [$name$widthHeightTags], -priority => 10";
+ unshift @prev_contexts, \%current_context;
+ my $prop;
+ ($prop, %current_context) = &groupContext ($name, %attrs);
+ $res .= $prop . ");";
+ unshift @prev_groups, $current_group;
+ foreach my $attr (keys %attrs)
+ {
+ if ($attr =~ /^xmlns:(.+)/ )
+ {
+ my $extensionPrefix = $1;
+ # this xlink extension is only partly implemented
+ # (ie. when the url refers an image file in the same directory than the SVG file)
+ next if ($extensionPrefix eq 'xlink');
+ print "$extensionPrefix is not implemented\n";
+ $notImplementedExtensionPrefix{$extensionPrefix} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'svg', $name,
+ [qw ( id width height viewBox preserveAspectRatio xmlns),
+ # the following attributes are not currently implementable
+ qw ( enable-background overflow )], %attrs
+ );
+ &stackPort($name, $width,$height, $attrs{viewBox}, $attrs{preserveAspectRatio});
+ &display ($res);
+my @portStack;
+sub stackPort {
+# my ($name, $width,$height,$viewbox,$aspectRatio)=@_;
+ unshift @portStack, [ @_ ];
+## to treat the viewbox, preserveAspectRatio attributes
+## of the svg, symbol, image, foreignObject... entities
+sub viewPortTransforms {
+ my $portRef = shift @portStack;
+ my ($name, $width,$height,$viewbox,$aspectRatio)=@{$portRef};
+ $viewbox = "" unless defined $viewbox;
+ $aspectRatio = "" unless defined $aspectRatio;
+ $width = "" unless defined $width;
+ $height = "" unless defined $height;
+# print "In $name: width=$width height=$height viewbox=$viewbox aspectRatio=$aspectRatio\n";
+ if ($viewbox and $width and $height ) {
+ my $expr = "->adaptViewport($name, $width,$height, '$viewbox', '$aspectRatio');";
+# print "Expr = $expr\n";
+ &display($expr);
+# if (!$aspectRatio or $aspectRatio eq "none") {
+# my $translateX = $minx;
+# my $translateY = $miny;
+# my $scaleX= $width / ($portWidth - $minx);
+# my $scaleY= $height / ($portHeight - $miny);
+# @transfs = ("->translate($name, $translateX, $translateY);",
+# "->scale($name, $scaleX, $scaleY);");
+# &display(@transfs);
+ }
+sub svgold_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname) = @_;
+ print "############ End of $elementname:\n" if $verbose;
+ &viewPortTransforms;
+ $current_group = shift @prev_groups;
+ %current_context = %{shift @prev_contexts};
+# just to avoid useless warning messages
+sub desc {}
+sub desc_ { }
+# just to avoid useless warning messages
+sub title {}
+sub title_ { }
+# just to avoid useless warning messages in svg tests suites
+sub Paragraph {}
+sub Paragraph_ { }
+## return either the id of the object or a name of the form '__<elementtype>__<$counter>'
+## the returned named includes single quotes!
+## it also increments two counters:
+## - the itemCount used for naming any item
+## - the effectiveItemCount for counting graphic items only
+## This counter is used at the end of a defs to see if a group
+## must be saved, or if the group is just empty
+sub name {
+ my ($type, $id) = @_;
+ print "############ In $type:\n" if $verbose;
+ $itemCount++;
+ $effectiveItemCount++ if (defined $id and
+ $type ne 'defs' and
+ $type ne 'switch' and
+ $type ne 'g' and
+ $type ne 'svg' and
+ $type !~ /Gradient/
+ );
+ if (defined $id) {
+ $id = &cleanName ($id);
+ return ("'$id'", 1);
+ } else {
+ return ("'" . $prefix . "__$type"."__$itemCount'",0);
+ }
+sub g {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname, %attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs {id});
+ my $res = '$parent = $previous = '." -> add ('group', $current_group, -tags => [$name], -priority => 10";
+ unshift @prev_groups, $current_group;
+ $current_group = '$parent';
+ unshift @prev_contexts, \%current_context;
+ my $prop;
+ ($prop, %current_context) = &groupContext ($name, %attrs);
+ $res .= $prop . ");\n";
+ $res .= 'push (@parents, $parent);';
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'g', $name, [qw ( id transform ) , @EVENT_ON_GRAPHICS ], %attrs ); ### les styles attrs sont ? traiter ? part!
+ &ddisplay ($res, &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}));
+ &treatGroupEvent ($name, %attrs);
+## returns true if the parameter is an EVENT_ON_GRAPHICS (ie. applies only to group-like tags)
+sub isGroupEvent {
+ my ($attr) = @_;
+ return $EVENT_ON_GRAPHICS{$attr} or 0;
+## should bing callbacks to group, depending on events and scripts...
+## not yet implemented
+sub treatGroupEvent {
+ my ($objname, %attr) = (@_);
+ foreach my $event (@EVENT_ON_GRAPHICS)
+ {
+ my $value = $attr{$event};
+ next unless defined $value;
+ # print "## $objname HAS EVENT $event = $value\n";
+ # XXX what should I do here?
+ }
+sub groupContext {
+ my ($name, %attrs) = @_;
+ my %childrenContext;
+ my $prop = "";
+ foreach my $attr (keys %attrs)
+ {
+ my $value = $attrs{$attr};
+ if (!defined $value)
+ {
+ &myWarn ("!! Undefined value for attribute $attr in group $name !?");
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (&isGroupEvent ($attr))
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ $value = &removeComment($value);
+ if ($attr eq 'opacity')
+ {
+ $value = &convertOpacity ($value);
+ $prop = sprintf ", -alpha => %i", &float2int($value * 100);
+ }
+ elsif ($attr eq 'id' or $attr eq 'transform')
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($attr eq 'display' and $value eq 'none')
+ {
+ $prop .= ", -visible => 0, -sensitive => 0";
+ &myWarn ("!! The following group is not visible: $name !?\n");
+ }
+ elsif (&isAnExtensionAttr($attr))
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($attr eq 'viewBox' or $attr eq 'preserveAspectRatio' or $attr eq 'height' or $attr eq 'width')
+ {
+ }
+ elsif (!defined $STYLE_ATTRS{$attr})
+ {
+ if (defined $STYLE_ATTRS_NYI{$attr})
+ {
+ &not_implemented_attr($attr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &myWarn ("!!! Unimplemented attribute '$attr' (='$value') in group $name\n");
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $childrenContext{$attr} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ print "children context: ", join (", ", (%childrenContext)) , "\n" if $verbose;
+ return ($prop, %childrenContext);
+sub g_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+# $current_group = shift @prev_groups;
+ if (!defined $attrs{opacity_group})
+ {
+ %current_context = %{shift @prev_contexts};
+ }
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+ my $res = 'pop (@parents);'."\n";
+ $res .= '$parent = $parents [$#parents];'."\n";
+ &ddisplay ($res);
+## A switch is implemented as a group.
+## BUG: In fact, we should select either the first if the tag is implemented
+## or the secund sub-tag if not.
+## In practice, the first sub-tag is not implemented in standard SVG, so we
+## we forget it and take the second one.
+## A problem will appear if the first tag is implemented, because, in this case
+## we will instanciantes both the first and second
+sub switch {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ $name =~ s/\'//g;
+ $attrs{id} = $name;
+ &g($parser, $elementname, %attrs);
+sub switch_ {
+ &g_;
+# a clipath is a not-visible groupe whose items define a clipping area
+# usable with the clip-path attribute
+# BUG: currently, the clipping is not implemented, but at least clipping
+## items are put in a invisible sub-group and are not displayed
+sub clipPath {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ print "In clippath $name NYI\n";
+ my $res = "->add('group',$current_group, -tags => [$name, '__clipPath'], -priority => 10, -atomic => 1, -visible => 0";
+ unshift @prev_groups, $current_group;
+ unshift @prev_contexts, \%current_context;
+ my $prop;
+ ($prop, %current_context) = &groupContext ($name, %attrs);
+ $res .= $prop . ");";
+ &display ($res, &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}));
+sub clipPath_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname) = @_;
+ print "############ End of $elementname:\n" if $verbose;
+ %current_context = %{shift @prev_contexts};
+# a symbol is a non-visible group which will be instancianted (cloned)
+# latter in a <use> tag
+sub symbol {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ ## should we verify that the clippath has an Id?
+ ## should we verify that <symbols> is defined inside a <defs> tag?
+ my $res = "-> add('group', $current_group, -tags => [$name], -priority => 10, -atomic => 1, -visible => 0";
+ unshift @prev_groups, $current_group;
+ unshift @prev_contexts, \%current_context;
+ my $prop;
+ ($prop, %current_context) = &groupContext ($name, %attrs);
+ $res .= $prop . ");";
+# &attrs_implemented ( 'g', $name, [qw ( id transform ) , @EVENT_ON_GRAPHICS ], %attrs ); ### les styles attrs sont ? traiter ? part!
+ &display ($res, &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}));
+# &treatGroupEvent ($name, %attrs);
+sub symbol_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname) = @_;
+ print "############ End of $elementname:\n" if $verbose;
+# $current_group = shift @prev_groups;
+ %current_context = %{shift @prev_contexts};
+# this will clone and make visible either symbols or other items based on the Id refered by the xlink:href attribute
+sub use {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my $ref = $attrs{'xlink:href'};
+ if (!defined $ref) {
+ &myWarn ("!! $elementname must have a xlink:href attribute\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ $ref =~ s/\#//;
+ my $cleanedId = &cleanName($ref); # to make the name zinc compliant
+ my $res = "-> clone ('$cleanedId', -visible => 1, -tags => [$name, 'cloned_$cleanedId']";
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .=");";
+ my ($x,$y,$width,$height) = ($attrs{x},$attrs{y},$attrs{width},$attrs{height});
+ my @transforms = "-> chggroup ($name, $current_group);";
+ if (defined $x)
+ {
+ push @transforms, "-> translate ($name, $x,$y);";
+ }
+ &display ($res,@transforms);
+{ ## start of defs block to share $res and other variables between many functions
+ ## XXX: BUG this code DOES NOT allow recursive defs! (this is also probably a bug in the SVG file)
+ my $defsCounter = 0;
+ my $insideGradient = 0; ## should never exceed 1!
+ my $res; # the current gradient/object being defined
+ my $defsId; # the group id containing items to be cloned
+ # this group will be deleted later if it is empty
+ my $effectiveItem;
+ ## a <defs> will generate the creation of an invisible group in Tk::Zinc
+ ## to be cloned latter in a <use> tag
+ ## This group can be potentialy empty and in this cas it would be better
+ ## not to create it, or at least delete it latter if it is empty
+ sub defs {
+ }
+ sub defsold {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ ($defsId) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ $defsId =~ s/\'//g;
+ $attrs{id} = $defsId;
+ &g($parser, $elementname, %attrs);
+ &display("-> itemconfigure ('$defsId', -visible => 0);");
+ $defsCounter++;
+ $effectiveItem = $effectiveItemCount;
+ print "############ $elementname: $defsId\n" if $verbose;
+ }
+sub defsold_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname) = @_;
+ $defsCounter++;
+# print "end of defs $defsId:", $effectiveItemCount , $effectiveItem, "\n";
+ &g_;
+ if ($effectiveItemCount == $effectiveItem) {
+ &display ("-> remove ('$defsId');");
+ }
+### CSS : Cascading Style Sheet
+{ ### css
+ my @styles;
+ my %classes;
+ my %elementClasses;
+ my %idClasses;
+ my $in_css=0;
+sub nextStyle {
+ my $text = shift;
+ push @styles,$text;
+# print "Style: $text\n";
+## returns a reference to a hash-table defining pair of (attribut value) describing
+## a CSS style associated to a Class
+## returns undef if such class is not defined
+sub getClass {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $ref_styles = $classes{$class};
+# print "in getClass: $class ",%classes, "\n";
+# my %styles = %{$ref_styles}; print "in getClass: $class ", (%styles), "\n";
+ return ($ref_styles);
+## returns a reference to a hash-table defining pair of (attribut value) describing
+## a CSS style associated to an element type
+## returns undef if such element type is not defined
+sub getElementClass {
+ my $element = shift;
+ my $ref_styles = $elementClasses{$element};
+# my %styles = %{$ref_styles};
+# print "in getElementClass: $element ", (%styles), "\n";
+ return ($ref_styles);
+## returns a reference to a hash-table defining pair of (attribut value) describing
+## a CSS style associated to an Id
+## returns undef if such class is not defined
+sub getIdClass {
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $ref_styles = $idClasses{$id};
+# my %styles = %{$ref_styles};
+# print "in getIdClass: $id ", (%styles), "\n";
+ return ($ref_styles);
+sub style {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ if ($attrs{type} eq "text/css") {
+ $in_css=1;
+ }
+} # end of style
+sub style_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname) = @_;
+ my $str = "";
+ foreach my $s (@styles) {
+ $s = &removeComment($s);
+ $s =~ s/\s(\s+)//g ; # removing blocks of blanks
+ $str .= " " . $s;
+ }
+# print "in style_: $str\n";
+ while ($str) {
+# print "remaning str in style_: $str\n";
+ if ($str =~ /^\s*\.(\S+)\s*\{\s*([^\}]*)\}\s*(.*)/ ) {
+ # class styling
+ my ($name,$value) = ($1,$2);
+ $str = $3;
+# $value =~ s/\s+$//;
+ print "STYLE of class: '$name' => '$value'\n";
+ ## and now do something!
+ my %style = &expandStyle($value);
+ $classes{$1} = \%style;
+ } elsif ( $str =~ /^\s*\#([^\{]+)\s*\{\s*([^\}]*)\}\s*(.*)/ ) {
+ my ($ids,$value) = ($1,$2);
+ $str = $3;
+ print "STYLE of ids: '$ids' => '$value'\n";
+ ## and now do something!
+ } elsif ( $str =~ /^\s*\[([^\{]+)\]\s*\{\s*([^\}]*)\}\s*(.*)/ ) {
+ my ($attr_val,$value) = ($1,$2);
+ $str = $3;
+ print "STYLE of attr_values: '$attr_val' => '$value'\n";
+ ## and now do something!
+ } elsif ( $str =~ /^\s*\@font-face\s*\{\s*[^\}]*\}\s*(.*)/ ) {
+ print "STYLE of font-face", substr($str, 0, 100),"....\n";
+ $str = $1;
+ } elsif ( $str =~ /^\s*([^\s\{]+)\s*\{\s*([^\}]*)\}\s*(.*)/ ) {
+ my ($name,$value) = ($1,$2);
+ $str = $3;
+ print "STYLE of tags: '$name' => '$value'\n";
+ ## and now do something... NYI
+ } else {
+ &myWarn ("unknown style : $str\nskipping this style");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $in_css=0;
+ @styles=();
+} # end of style_
+} ### end of css
+### gradients
+my $gname;
+my @stops;
+my @inheritedStops;
+my $angle;
+my $center;
+my $gradientUnits;
+my @linearCoords;
+my @transformsGrad;
+sub radialGradient {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ &myWarn ("!! $elementname must have an id\n") unless $natural;
+ $gname = substr ($name,1,-1); # remove quote (') at the very beginning and end of $name
+ $insideGradient ++;
+ &myWarn ("Gradient '$gname' definition inside a previous gradient definition. This is bug in svg source\n")
+ unless $insideGradient == 1;
+ @stops = ();
+ @inheritedStops = ();
+ if (defined $attrs{'xlink:href'})
+ {
+ my $unused;
+ my $link = delete $attrs{'xlink:href'};
+ if ($link =~ /^\#(.+)$/)
+ {
+ $link = $1;
+ @inheritedStops = @{getGradient ($link)};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # BUG??: we only treat internal links like #gradientName
+ carp "bad link towards a gradient: $link";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($fx,$fy,$cx,$cy, $r) = &sizesConvert( \%attrs , qw (fx fy cx cy r));
+ # BUG: a serious limitation is that TkZinc (3.2.6i) does not support
+ # the cx, cy and r parameters
+ $gradientUnits = $attrs{gradientUnits} ? $attrs{gradientUnits} : 'objectBoundingBox';
+ if (defined $cx and $cx == $fx) { delete $attrs{cx}; } # to avoid needless warning of &attrs_implemented
+ if (defined $cy and $cy == $fy) { delete $attrs{cy}; } # to avoid needless warning of &attrs_implemented
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'radialGradient', $name, [qw ( id fx fy r gradientUnits)], %attrs );
+ $fx = &float2int(($fx -0.5) * 100);
+ $fy = &float2int(($fy -0.5) * 100);
+ @linearCoords = ($fx, $fy);
+# $center = "$fx $fy";
+sub radialGradient_ {
+ $insideGradient --;
+ if (!@stops) {
+ if (@inheritedStops) {
+ @stops = @inheritedStops;
+ } else {
+ carp ("Bad gradient def: nor stops, neither xlink;href");
+ }
+ }
+ my @stps = @stops;
+ my @co = @linearCoords;
+ my $gradientDefs = {type => 'radial', coords => \@co, stops => \@stps, gradientUnits => $gradientUnits, transform => []};
+ recordGradient ($gname, $gradientDefs);
+ @stops = ();
+sub linearGradient {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ &myWarn ("!! $elementname must have an id\n") unless $natural;
+ $gname = substr ($name,1,-1); # remove quote (') at the very beginning and end of $name
+ $insideGradient ++;
+ &myWarn ("Gradient '$gname' definition inside a previous gradient Definition. This will bug\n")
+ unless $insideGradient == 1;
+ @stops = ();
+ @inheritedStops = ();
+ if (defined $attrs{'xlink:href'})
+ {
+ my $unused;
+ my $link = delete $attrs{'xlink:href'};
+ if ($link =~ /^\#(.+)$/)
+ {
+ $link = $1;
+ @inheritedStops = @{getGradient ($link)};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # BUG??: we only treat internal links like #gradientName
+ carp "bad link towards a gradient: $link";
+ }
+ }
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'linearGradient', $name, [qw (gradientTransform x1 x2 y1 y2 id gradientUnits)], %attrs );
+ @linearCoords = &sizesConvert( \%attrs , qw (x1 y1 x2 y2));
+ @transformsGrad = parseGradientTransforms ($attrs{'gradientTransform'});
+ $gradientUnits = $attrs{gradientUnits} ? $attrs{gradientUnits} : 'objectBoundingBox';
+sub linearGradient_ {
+ $insideGradient --;
+ if (!@stops)
+ {
+ if (@inheritedStops)
+ {
+ @stops = @inheritedStops;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ carp ("Bad gradient def: nor stops, neither xlink;href");
+ }
+ }
+ my @stps = @stops;
+ my @co = @linearCoords;
+ my @transform = @transformsGrad;
+ my $gradientDefs = {type => 'axial', coords => \@co, stops => \@stps, gradientUnits => $gradientUnits, transform => \@transform};
+ recordGradient ($gname, $gradientDefs);
+sub parseGradientTransforms {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ return (1,0,0,1,0,0) if !defined $str;
+ my @fullTrans;
+ while ($str) {
+ my ($trans, $params, $rest) = $str =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)\s*(.*)/ ;
+ my @params = (defined $params) ? split (/[\s,]+/, $params) : ();
+ if (!(defined $trans)) {
+ } elsif ($trans eq 'translate') {
+ $params[1] = 0 if scalar @params == 1;
+ push @fullTrans, [1,0,0,1,@params];
+ } elsif ($trans eq 'rotate') {
+ my $angle = $params[0] = &deg2rad($params[0]);
+ push @fullTrans, [cos($angle),sin($angle),-sin($angle),cos($angle),0,0];
+ } elsif ($trans eq 'scale') {
+ $params[1] = $params[0] if scalar @params == 1;
+ push @fullTrans, [$params[0],0,0,$params[1],0,0];
+ } elsif ($trans eq 'matrix') {
+ push @fullTrans, [@params];
+ } elsif ($trans eq 'skewX') {
+ $params[0] = &deg2rad($params[0]);
+ push @fullTrans, [1,0,tan($params[0]),1,0,0];
+ } elsif ($trans eq 'skewY') {
+ $params[0] = &deg2rad($params[0]);
+ push @fullTrans, [1,tan($params[0]),0,1,0,0];
+ } elsif ($trans eq 'skew'){
+ myWarn ("!!! Transformation $trans NOT implemented\n");
+ } else {
+ myWarn ("!!! Unkown transformation '$trans'\n");
+ }
+ $str = $rest;
+ }
+ my @transList = reverse @fullTrans;
+ my @matrix = (1,0,0,1,0,0);
+ foreach my $trans (@transList) {
+ my @t = @{$trans};
+ my $a00 = $t[0] * $matrix[0] + $t[2] * $matrix[1];
+ my $a01 = $t[1] * $matrix[0] + $t[3] * $matrix[1];
+ my $a10 = $t[0] * $matrix[2] + $t[2] * $matrix[3];
+ my $a11 = $t[1] * $matrix[2] + $t[3] * $matrix[3];
+ my $a20 = $t[0] * $matrix[4] + $t[2] * $matrix[5] + $t[4];
+ my $a21 = $t[1] * $matrix[4] + $t[3] * $matrix[5] + $t[5];
+ @matrix = ($a00,$a01,$a10,$a11,$a20,$a21);
+ }
+ return (@matrix);
+sub stop {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ &myWarn ("$elementname should be defined inside <linearGradient> or <radialGradiant>\n") unless $insideGradient;
+ my $style = delete $attrs{'style'};
+ if (defined $style) {
+ my %keyvalues = &expandStyle($style);
+ %attrs = (%attrs , %keyvalues);
+ }
+ my $offset = $attrs{'offset'};
+ my $color = $attrs{'stop-color'};
+ if (!defined $color) {
+ &myWarn ("!! Undefined stop-color in a <stop>\n");
+ } elsif (!defined $offset) {
+ &myWarn ("!! Undefined offset in a <stop>\n");
+ } else {
+ if ($offset =~ /([\.\d]+)%/){
+ $offset = &float2int($1);
+# } elsif ($offset =~ /^([.\d]+)$/) {
+# $offset = &float2int($1*100);
+ } else {
+ $offset = &float2int($offset*100);
+ }
+ my ($newcol, $gd) = &colorConvert($color);
+ if ($newcol ne '')
+ {
+ $color = $newcol;
+ }
+ if (defined (my $stopOpacity = $attrs{'stop-opacity'})) {
+ $stopOpacity = &float2int($stopOpacity*100);
+ push @stops, "$color$colorSep$stopOpacity $offset";
+ } else {
+ push @stops, "$color $offset";
+ }
+ }
+} # end of stop
+} # end of gradient closure
+my $opacity_group = 100;
+my $start_opacity_group = 0;
+sub start_opacity_gp {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, $alpha) = @_;
+ if ($start_opacity_group)
+ {
+ my $res = '$parent ='." -> add ('group', $current_group, -priority => 10, -alpha => $opacity_group);";
+ unshift @prev_groups, $current_group;
+ $current_group = '$parent';
+ $res .= 'push (@parents, $parent);';
+ return $res;
+ }
+ return '';
+sub close_opacity_gp {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, $alpha) = @_;
+ if ($start_opacity_group)
+ {
+ my $res = 'pop (@parents);'."\n";
+ $res .= '$parent = $parents [$#parents];'."\n";
+ $start_opacity_group = 0;
+ return $res;
+ }
+ return '';
+my %convertFormat = (
+ 'jpg' => 'jpeg',
+ 'jpeg' => 'jpeg',
+ 'png' => 'png',
+sub image {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my $group = $current_group;
+ my @RES;
+ if (my $opacity = $attrs{'opacity'})
+ {
+ # creating an intermediate group for managing the transparency
+ # BUG: we could used the attribute -color := white:$opacity
+ $opacity = &convertOpacity ($opacity);
+ if ($opacity != 1)
+ {
+ ## on cr?e un groupe pour g?rer la transparence
+ my $opacity = &float2int(100 * $opacity);
+ my $newgroup = substr ($name, 0, -1) . "transparency'";
+ push @RES , '$previous = '." -> add('group', $current_group, -alpha => $opacity, -tags => [ $newgroup ], -priority => 10);\n";
+ $group = $newgroup;
+ }
+ }
+ my $res = "";
+ my $ref = "";
+ if ($ref = $attrs {'xlink:href'})
+ {
+ if ($ref =~ /^data:image\/(\w+);base64,(.+)/)
+ {
+ my $format = $1;
+ my $data = $2;
+ $ref = "data:image/$format;base64"; # $ref is used later in a tag of the icon
+ $format = $convertFormat {lc($format)};
+ $res .= '$previous = '." -> add ('icon', $group, -image => -> Photo (-data => '$data', -format => '$format')";
+ }
+ elsif ($ref =~ /^data:;base64,(.+)/)
+ {
+ ## the following piece of code works more or less ?!
+ ## BUG: there is a pb with scaling (ex: data-svg/vero_data/propal_crea_boutons.svg)
+ my $data = $1;
+ $ref = "data:;base64";
+ $res .= '$previous = '." -> add ('icon',$group, -image => -> Photo (-data => '$data')";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (open REF, "$fileDir$ref")
+ {
+ close REF;
+ $res .= '$previous = '." -> add ('icon',$group, -image => -> Photo ('$ref', -file => '$fileDir$ref')";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &myWarn ("When parsing the image '$name': no such file: '" . substr ("$fileDir$ref", 0,50) . "'\n") ;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &myWarn ("Unable to parse the image '$name'") ;
+ return;
+ }
+ $res .= ", -tags => [$name, '$ref'], -composescale => 1, -composerotation => 1, -priority => 10);";
+ push @RES, $res ;
+ my ($x, $y, $width, $height) = &sizesConvert ( \%attrs , qw (x y width height));
+ if ($width == 0 or $height == 0)
+ {
+ &myWarn ("Skipping a 0 sized image: '$name' size is $width x $height\n");
+ }
+ elsif ($width < 0 or $height < 0)
+ {
+ &myWarn ("Error in the size of the image '$name' : $width x $height\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #push @RES, " -> adaptViewport ($name, $width,$height);";
+ }
+ if ($x or $y)
+ {
+ push @RES, " -> translate (\$previous, $x,$y);";
+ }
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'image', $name, [qw (transform x y width height id )], %attrs );
+ &ddisplay (@RES, &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}));
+} # end of image
+sub image_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+sub line {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my $res = "->add ('curve', $current_group, [$attrs{x1}, $attrs{y1}, $attrs{x2}, $attrs{y2}], -priority => 10";
+ $res .= ", -tags => ['line'";
+ $res .= ", $name" if ($natural or $attrs{transform});
+ $res .= "]";
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .=");";
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'line', $name, [qw (x1 y1 x2 y2 style id transform )], %attrs );
+ &ddisplay ($res,
+ &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}) );
+} # end of line
+sub line_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+sub Char {
+ my ($expat, $text) = @_;
+ return if !defined $text;
+ my $type = ($expat->context)[-1];
+ return if !defined $type;
+ chomp $text;
+ return if (!$text && ($text ne "0")); # empty text!
+ if ($type eq 'tspan')
+ {
+ &nextText ($text);
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'style')
+ {
+ &nextStyle ($text);
+ }
+} # end of char
+my $current_font_key = '';
+my %save_current_context = ();
+## this lexical block allows &text, &nextTetx, &tspan, and &text_ to share common variables
+ my $res;
+ my @transforms;
+ my @texts;
+ my $text_x;
+ my $text_y;
+ sub text
+ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $prop;
+ %save_current_context = %current_context;
+ ($prop, %current_context) = &groupContext ("", %attrs);
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ ($text_x, $text_y) = &sizesConvert( \%attrs , qw (x y));
+ $res = "->add('text',$current_group, -composescale => 1, -composerotation => 1, -position => [0, 0], -tags => ['text'";
+ $res .= ", $name" if ($natural or $attrs{transform});
+ $res .= "], -anchor => 'nw'";
+ $res .= &analyze_text_style (\%attrs);
+ @texts = ();
+ @transforms = &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform});
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'text', $name, [qw (stroke-miterlimit x y id transform text-anchor font-family font-size)], %attrs );
+ }
+ sub nextText {
+ my $txt = shift;
+ push @texts,$txt;
+ }
+ ## BUG: <tspan> tags can be used to modiofy many graphics attributs of the part of the text
+ ## such as colors, fonte, size and position...
+ ## this is currently hard to implement as in Tk::Zinc a text item can only have one color, one size...
+ sub tspan {
+ my ($expat, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $res .= &analyze_text_style (\%attrs);
+ }
+ sub text_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (my $i=0 ; $i <= $#texts ; $i++)
+ {
+ $texts[$i] =~ s/\'/\\'/g ; #'
+ }
+ my $theText = join ('', @texts);
+ $res .= ", -text => '$theText', -priority => 10);";
+ my @ascent;
+ if ($text_x != 0 || $text_y != 0)
+ {
+ push (@ascent, "-> translate(\$previous, $text_x, $text_y);");
+ }
+ push (@ascent, "my \$ascent = -> fontMetrics (\$fonts{\"$current_font_key\"}, -ascent);");
+ push (@ascent, "-> translate(\$previous,0, -\$ascent);");
+ &ddisplay ($res, @ascent, @transforms);
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+ %current_context = %save_current_context;
+ }
+} ## end of text lexical block
+sub polyline {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my $res = "->add('curve',$current_group,[" . &points(\%attrs);
+ $res .= "], -tags => ['polyline'";
+ $res .= ", $name" if ($natural or $attrs{transform});
+ $res .= "], -priority => 10";
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .=");";
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'polyline', $name, [qw (points style transform id )], %attrs );
+ &ddisplay ($res,
+ &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}) );
+sub polyline_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+my $add_stroke = 0;
+sub rect {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my ($x,$y,$width,$height)=&sizesConvert( \%attrs , qw (x y width height));
+ my ($type, $path) = getRectData ($x, $y, $width, $height, $attrs {rx}, $attrs {ry});
+ $add_stroke = 0;
+ my $res = "\$previous = -> add('$type',$current_group, [$path], -tags => ['rect'";
+ $res .= ", $name" if ($natural or $attrs{transform});
+ $res .= "], -priority => 10";
+ $res .= ", -filled => 1" unless defined $attrs{fill} and $attrs{fill} eq 'none';
+ $add_stroke = 1 if defined $attrs{stroke};
+ delete $attrs{'stroke-linejoin'}; ## BUG: due to TkZinc limitation: no -joinstyle for rectangle
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .= ", -linewidth => 0" if !$add_stroke;
+ $res .=");";
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'rect', $name, [qw (id x y width height style transform rx ry )], %attrs );
+ &ddisplay ($res,
+ &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}) );
+sub getRectData {
+ my ($x, $y, $width, $height, $rx, $ry) = @_;
+ my $xf = $x + $width;
+ my $yf = $y + $height;
+ if (( !defined $rx ) && ( !defined $ry ))
+ {
+ return ('rectangle', "$x,$y, ".($x+$width).','.($y+$height));
+ }
+ $rx = (defined $rx) ? $rx : $ry;
+ $ry = (defined $ry) ? $ry : $rx;
+ $rx = 0 if ($rx < 0);
+ $ry = 0 if ($ry < 0);
+ $rx = ($rx > $width / 2) ? $width / 2 : $rx;
+ $ry = ($ry > $width / 2) ? $width / 2 : $ry;
+ my $c = (sqrt (2) - 1) * 4/3;
+ my $retour = "[$x + $rx, $y], [$x + (1 - $c) * $rx, $y, 'c'],";
+ $retour .= "[$x, $y + (1 - $c) * $ry, 'c'], [$x, $y + $ry],";
+ $retour .= "[$x, $yf - $ry], [$x, $yf - (1 - $c) * $ry, 'c'],";
+ $retour .= "[$x + (1 - $c) * $rx, $yf, 'c'], [$x + $rx, $yf],";
+ $retour .= "[$xf - $rx, $yf], [$xf - (1 - $c) * $rx, $yf, 'c'],";
+ $retour .= "[$xf, $yf - (1 - $c) * $ry, 'c'], [$xf, $yf - $ry],";
+ $retour .= "[$xf, $y + $ry], [$xf, $y + (1 - $c) * $ry, 'c'],";
+ $retour .= "[$xf - (1 - $c) * $rx, $y, 'c'], [$xf - $rx, $y],";
+ $retour .= "[$x + $rx, $y]";
+ return ('curve', $retour);
+sub rect_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+sub ellipse {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my ($cx,$cy,$rx,$ry)=&sizesConvert( \%attrs , qw (cx cy rx ry));
+ my $res = "\$previous = ->add('arc', $current_group, [". ($cx-$rx) . ", ". ($cy-$ry) .
+ ", " . ($cx+$rx) . ", ". ($cy+$ry) . "], -tags => ['ellipse',";
+ $res .= ", $name" if ($natural or $attrs{transform});
+ $res .= "], -priority => 10";
+ # by default, ellipses are filled
+ # from svg specifs). The value is set here, and can be overidden later
+ # in the &analyze_style
+ $res .= ", -filled => 1" unless defined $attrs{fill} and $attrs{fill} eq 'none';
+ delete $attrs{'stroke-linejoin'}; ## BUG: due to TkZinc limitation: no -joinstyle for arc
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .=");";
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'ellipse', $name, [qw (cx cy rx ry style transform id )], %attrs );
+ &ddisplay ($res,
+ &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}) );
+sub ellipse_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+sub circle {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my ($cx,$cy,$r)=&sizesConvert( \%attrs , qw (cx cy r));
+ my $res = "\$previous = -> add('arc',$current_group,[". ($cx-$r) . ", ". ($cy-$r) .
+ ", " . ($cx+$r) . ", ". ($cy+$r) . "], -tags => ['circle'";
+ $res .= ", $name" if ($natural or $attrs{transform});
+ $res .= "], -priority => 10";
+ # by default, circles are filled
+ # from svg specifs). The value is set here, and can be overidden later
+ # in the &analyze_style
+ $res .= ", -filled => 1" unless defined $attrs{fill} and $attrs{fill} eq 'none';
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .=");";
+ delete $attrs{'stroke-linejoin'}; ## BUG: due to TkZinc limitation: no -joinstyle for arc
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'circle', $name, [qw ( cx cy r transform id )], %attrs );
+ &ddisplay ($res,
+ &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}) );
+sub circle_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+sub polygon {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname,%attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my $res = "\$previous = -> add('curve',$current_group,[" . &points(\%attrs);
+ $res .= "], -closed => 1, -tags => ['polygon'";
+ $res .= ", $name" if ($natural or $attrs{transform});
+ $res .= "], -priority => 10";
+ # by default, polygones are filled
+ # from svg specifs). The value is set here, and can be overidden later
+ # in the &analyze_style
+ $res .= ", -filled => 1" unless defined $attrs{fill} and $attrs{fill} eq 'none';
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .= ");";
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'polygone', $name, [qw ( points style transform id )], %attrs );
+ &ddisplay ($res,
+ &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}) );
+sub polygon_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+sub path {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ push (@nameStack, $attrs{id});
+ if($attrs{id} eq $targetName)
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 1;
+ }
+ if( !$includeFollowingItems )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $add_stroke = 0;
+ %attrs = &expandAttributes ($elementname, %attrs);
+ my ($name,$natural) = &name ($elementname, $attrs{id});
+ my $res = "";
+ my ($closed, @listOfListpoints) = &pathPoints (\%attrs);
+ my $refPoints = shift @listOfListpoints;
+ $res .= join (", ", @{$refPoints});
+ $res .= "], -tags => [$name], -priority => 10";
+ $res .= ", -filled => 1" unless defined $attrs {fill} and $attrs {fill} eq 'none';
+ $add_stroke = 1 if defined $attrs {stroke};
+ if ( defined $attrs{'fill-rule'} )
+ {
+ $res .= ", -fillrule => 'nonzero'" unless $attrs{'fill-rule'} eq 'evenodd';
+ delete $attrs{'fill-rule'};
+ }
+ $res .= ", -closed => $closed";
+ $res .= &analyze_style (\%attrs);
+ $res .= ", -linewidth => 0" if !$add_stroke;
+ $res .= ");";
+ # and process other contours
+ my @contours = ();
+ foreach my $refPoints (@listOfListpoints)
+ {
+ my @points = @{$refPoints};
+ my $contour = "-> contour($name, 'add', 0, [";
+ $contour .= join (", ", @points);
+ $contour .= "]);";
+ push @contours, $contour;
+ }
+ &attrs_implemented ( 'path', $name, [qw ( d style stroke-linejoin stroke-linecap transform id stroke-dasharray )], %attrs );
+ $res = start_opacity_gp ($parser, $elementname)."\$previous = -> add('curve', $current_group, [".$res;
+ &ddisplay ($res, @contours, &transform('$previous', $attrs{transform}));
+ $res = close_opacity_gp ($parser, $elementname);
+ &ddisplay ($res);
+} # end of path
+sub path_ {
+ my ($parser, $elementname, %attrs) = @_;
+ $attrs{id} = pop (@nameStack);
+ if ((defined $attrs{id}) && ($attrs{id} eq $targetName))
+ {
+ $includeFollowingItems = 0;
+ }
+sub expandAttributes {
+ my ($elementName, %rawAttrs) = @_;
+ my (%styleKeyValues, %classKeyValues, %elementKeyValues, %idKeyValues);
+ my $style = delete $rawAttrs{'style'};
+ if (defined $style) {
+ %styleKeyValues = &expandStyle($style);
+ }
+ my $class = delete $rawAttrs{'class'};
+ if (defined $class) { ## for the css
+ my $ref_styles = &getClass($class);
+ if (defined $ref_styles) {
+ %classKeyValues = %{$ref_styles};
+ } else {
+ &myWarn ("class attribute refers an illegal style: '$class'\n");
+ }
+ }
+ my $ref_styles = &getElementClass($elementName);
+ if (defined $ref_styles) {
+ %elementKeyValues = %{$ref_styles};
+ }
+ my $id = $rawAttrs{id};
+ if (defined $id) {
+ my $ref_style = &getIdClass($id);
+ if (defined $ref_style) {
+ %idKeyValues = %{$ref_styles};
+ }
+ }
+ return (%rawAttrs, %elementKeyValues, %classKeyValues, %styleKeyValues, %idKeyValues); ## the order is important!
+### CM 19/1/03: This function could be really simplified (CM 09/09/3 why??? I do not remember!)
+## analyze styles attached to an item (non text item) and on any of its groups
+sub analyze_style {
+ my ($ref_attr) = @_;
+ my %ref_attr = %{$ref_attr};
+ my %attrs = (%current_context , %ref_attr );
+ my %directkeyvalues;
+ foreach my $attr (@STYLE_ATTRS)
+ {
+ my $value = $attrs {$attr};
+ if (defined $value)
+ {
+ $directkeyvalues {$attr} = &removeComment ($value);
+ }
+ }
+ return &analyze_style_hash (\%directkeyvalues);
+## analyze styles attached to a text item and on any of its groups
+sub analyze_text_style {
+ my ($ref_attr) = @_;
+ my %attrs = ( %current_context , %{$ref_attr} );
+ my $res = "";
+ my $style = delete $attrs{'style'};
+ if (defined $style)
+ {
+ my %keyvalues = &expandStyle($style);
+ $res = &analyze_text_style_hash (\%keyvalues);
+ }
+ my %directkeyvalues;
+ foreach my $attr (@STYLE_ATTRS)
+ {
+ my $value = $attrs{$attr};
+ if (defined $value)
+ {
+ $directkeyvalues{$attr} = &removeComment($value);
+ }
+ }
+ $res .= &analyze_text_style_hash (\%directkeyvalues);
+ return $res;
+## expanses the attribute = "prop:val;prop2:val2" in a hashtable like {prop => val, prop2 => val2, ...}
+## and return this hash (BUG: may be it should return a reference!)
+sub expandStyle {
+ my ($style) = @_;
+ return () unless defined $style;
+ my %keyvalues;
+ $style = &removeComment ($style);
+ foreach my $keyvalue ( split ( /\s*;\s*/ , $style) )
+ {
+ my ($key, $value) = $keyvalue =~ /(.*)\s*:\s*(.*)/ ;
+ $keyvalues{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ return %keyvalues;
+## Analyze attributes contained in the hashtable given as ref
+## This hashtable {attribut =>value...} must contain all
+## attributes to analyze
+## returns a string containing the TkZinc attributes
+sub analyze_style_hash {
+ my ($ref_keyvalues) = @_;
+ my %keyvalues = %{$ref_keyvalues};
+ my $res = "";
+ my $opacity = &convertOpacity (delete $keyvalues {'opacity'});
+ my $stroke = delete $keyvalues {'stroke'};
+ my $strokeOpacity = delete $keyvalues {'stroke-opacity'};
+ $strokeOpacity = 1 if !defined $strokeOpacity;
+ $strokeOpacity = &float2int (&convertOpacity ($strokeOpacity) * $opacity * 100);
+ if (defined $stroke)
+ {
+ my ($color, $gd) = &colorConvert ($stroke);
+ if ($gd)
+ {
+ &applyGradient ($color, '-linecolor');
+ }
+ elsif ($color eq "none")
+ {
+ $res .= ", -linewidth => 0";
+ delete $keyvalues {'stroke-width'};
+ }
+ elsif ($strokeOpacity != 100)
+ {
+ if (&existsGradient ($color))
+ {
+ my $newColor = &addTransparencyToGradient ($color, $strokeOpacity);
+ $res .= ", -linecolor => \"$newColor\", -filled => 1";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $res .= ", -linecolor => \"$color$colorSep$strokeOpacity\"";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $res .= ", -linecolor => \"$color\"";
+ }
+ $add_stroke = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $strokeOpacity != 1 )
+ {
+ # no stroke color, but opacity
+ ## what should I do?!
+ }
+ my $fill = delete $keyvalues{'fill'};
+ my $fillOpacity = delete $keyvalues{'fill-opacity'};
+ $fillOpacity = 1 if !defined $fillOpacity;
+ $fillOpacity = &float2int(&convertOpacity($fillOpacity) * $opacity * 100);
+ delete $keyvalues{'fill-opacity'};
+ if (defined $fill)
+ {
+ my ($color, $gd) = &colorConvert ($fill);
+ if ($gd)
+ {
+ if ($fillOpacity != 100)
+ {
+ print STDERR "Attention, gros hack\n";
+ $start_opacity_group = 1;
+ $opacity_group = $fillOpacity;
+ }
+ &applyGradient ($color, '-fillcolor');
+ }
+ elsif ($color eq "none")
+ {
+ $res .= ", -filled => 0";
+ delete $keyvalues {'fill-opacity'};
+ }
+ elsif ( $fillOpacity != 100 )
+ {
+ if (&existsGradient ($color))
+ {
+ my $newColor = &addTransparencyToGradient ($color, $fillOpacity);
+ $res .= ", -fillcolor => \"$newColor\", -filled => 1";
+ $res .= ", -linecolor => \"$newColor\"," unless defined $stroke;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $res .= ", -fillcolor => \"$color$colorSep$fillOpacity\", -filled => 1";
+ $res .= ", -linecolor => \"$color$colorSep$fillOpacity\"," unless defined $stroke;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $res .= ", -fillcolor => \"$color\", -filled =>1";
+ $res .= ", -linecolor => \"$color\"" unless defined $stroke;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %keyvalues)
+ {
+ my $value = $keyvalues{$key};
+ next if (!defined $value);
+ if ($key eq 'stroke-width')
+ {
+ if ( defined $keyvalues{stroke} and $keyvalues{stroke} eq 'none' )
+ {
+ delete $keyvalues{stroke};
+ next;
+ }
+ $value = &sizeConvert($value);
+ if ($value == 0 and $dtdVersion eq "1.0")
+ {
+ $value = 0.1; # BUG? a widht of 0 is the smallest possible width in SVG 1.0 [true or false?]
+ }
+ $res .= ", -linewidth => $value";
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'stroke-dasharray')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -linestyle => \"dashed\"";
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'display')
+ {
+ if ($value eq 'none')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -visible => 0, -sensitive => 0";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'visibility')
+ {
+ ## BUG? if a "not-visible" <g> group contains a visible graphic element
+ ## this element WILL NOT be visible in TkZinc , but should be visible in SVG!!
+ ## Cf specif svg p. 284
+ if ($value eq 'hidden' or $value eq 'collapse')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -visible => 0";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'stroke-linecap')
+ {
+ if ($value eq 'butt' or $value eq 'round')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -capstyle => \"$value\"";
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq 'square')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -capstyle => \"projecting\"";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &myWarn ("!! bad value for $key style : $value\n");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'stroke-linejoin')
+ {
+ ($value) = $value =~ /(\w+)/ ;
+ $res .= ", -joinstyle => \"$value\"";
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'fill-rule')
+ {
+ ### this attributes is for shape only and is analyzed in &path
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'font-size')
+ {
+ ### this attributes is for text only and is analyzed in &analyze_text_style_hash
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &myWarn ("Unknown Style (in analyze_style_hash): $key (value is $value)\n") if $warn;
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+sub analyze_text_style_hash
+ my ($ref_keyvalues) = @_;
+ my %keyvalues = %{$ref_keyvalues};
+ my $res = "";
+ my $opacity = &convertOpacity($keyvalues{opacity});
+ delete $keyvalues{'opacity'};
+ my $fontFamily="";
+ my $fontSize ="";
+ my $fontWeight ="";
+ foreach my $key (keys %keyvalues)
+ {
+ my $value = $keyvalues{$key};
+ next if (!defined $value); # in this case, the SVG code is invalide (TBC)
+ if ($key eq 'text-anchor')
+ {
+ if ($value eq 'start')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -anchor => 'nw'";
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq 'end')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -anchor => 'ne'";
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq 'middle')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -anchor => 'n'"
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'display')
+ {
+ if ($value eq 'none')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -visible => 0, -sensitive => 0";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'visibility')
+ {
+ ## BUG? if a "not-visible" <g> group contains a visible graphic element
+ ## this element WILL NOT be visible in TkZinc , but should be visible in SVG!!
+ ## Cf specif svg p. 284
+ if ($value eq 'hidden' or $value eq 'collapse')
+ {
+ $res .= ", -visible => 0";
+ }
+ ## We do not treat the other possible values for display as defined in CSS2?!
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'font-family')
+ {
+ $value =~ s/\'//g; # on removing quotes around the fonte name
+ $fontFamily = $value;
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'font-size')
+ {
+ $fontSize = $value;
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'font-weight')
+ {
+ $fontWeight = $value;
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq 'fill')
+ {
+ my $fillOpacity;
+ my ($color, $gd) = &colorConvert($value);
+ if ( $gd )
+ {
+ &applyGradient ($color, '-color');
+ }
+ elsif ($color eq 'none')
+ {
+ # $res .= ", -filled => 0"; # this is the default value in Tk::Zinc
+ }
+ elsif ( ($fillOpacity = $keyvalues{'fill-opacity'} or $opacity != 1) )
+ {
+ $fillOpacity = &convertOpacity($fillOpacity) * $opacity;
+ delete $keyvalues{'fill-opacity'};
+ if ( &existsGradient($color) )
+ {
+ # so, apply a transparency to a Tk::Zinc named gradient
+ my $newColor = &addTransparencyToGradient($color,$fillOpacity);
+ $res .= ", -color => \"$newColor\"";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $fillOpacity = int ($fillOpacity * 100);
+ $res .= ", -color => \"$color$colorSep$fillOpacity\"";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $res .= ", -color => \"$color\"";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &myWarn ("Unknown Style of text: $key (value is $value)\n") if $warn;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fontFamily or $fontSize or $fontWeight)
+ {
+ ## to be extended to all other fonts definition parameters
+ ## NB: fontWeight is not used yet!
+ my ($fontKey,$code) = &createNamedFont ($fontFamily, $fontSize, "");
+ &display("\$fonts{\"$fontKey\"} = ") if $code;
+ &display($code) if $code;
+ $res .= ", -font => \"$fontKey\"";
+ $current_font_key = $fontKey;
+ }
+ return $res;
+## print warnings for all used attributes unkonwn or not implemented
+sub attrs_implemented {
+ my ($type, $name, $ref_attrs_implemented, %attrs) = @_;
+ my %attrs_implemented;
+ foreach my $attr (@{$ref_attrs_implemented}) {
+ $attrs_implemented{$attr}=1;
+ }
+ my %expandStyle = &expandStyle ($attrs{style});
+ my %attributes = ( %expandStyle, %attrs);
+ foreach my $attr ( keys %attributes ) {
+# print "attr: $attr $attributes{$attr}\n";
+ if (!&isAnExtensionAttr($attr) and
+ !defined $STYLE_ATTRS{$attr} and
+ !defined $attrs_implemented{$attr}) {
+ if (defined $STYLE_ATTRS_NYI{$attr}) {
+ &not_implemented_attr($attr);
+ } else {
+ &myWarn ("!!! Unimplemented attribute '$attr' (='$attributes{$attr}') in '$type' $name\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} # end of attrs_implemented
+# These hashes contain the number of usage of not implemented attributes and
+# the lines on svg source files where a not implemented attributes is used
+# so that they can be displayed by the sub &print_warning_for_not_implemented_attr
+my %not_implemented_attr;
+my %not_implemented_attr_lines;
+sub not_implemented_attr {
+ my ($attr) = @_;
+ $not_implemented_attr{$attr}++;
+ if (defined $not_implemented_attr_lines{$attr}) {
+ push @{$not_implemented_attr_lines{$attr}},&current_line;
+ } else {
+ $not_implemented_attr_lines{$attr} = [&current_line];
+ }
+sub print_warning_for_not_implemented_attr {
+ foreach my $k (sort keys %not_implemented_attr) {
+ print "not implemented/implementable attribute '$k' was used $not_implemented_attr{$k} times in lines ";
+ my @lines;
+ if ($not_implemented_attr{$k} > 20) {
+ @lines = @{$not_implemented_attr_lines{$k}}[0..19];
+ print join (", ",@lines) ,"...\n";
+ } else {
+ @lines = @{$not_implemented_attr_lines{$k}};
+ print join (", ",@lines) ,"...\n";
+ }
+ }
+# print a warning for the first use of an attribute of a non-implemented extension to SVG
+# return :
+# - true if the attribute belong to an extension of SVG
+# - false if its supposed to be a standard SVG attribute (or a non-existing attribute)
+sub isAnExtensionAttr {
+ my ($attr) = @_;
+ if ( $attr =~ /^(.+):.+/ ) {
+ my $prefix = $1;
+ if (defined $notImplementedExtensionPrefix{$prefix} and
+ $notImplementedExtensionPrefix{$prefix} == 0) {
+ &myWarn ("!! XML EXTENSION '$prefix' IS NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");
+ # we set the value to 1 so that the next time we will not prnt another message
+ $notImplementedExtensionPrefix{$prefix} = 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+} # end of isAnExtensionAttr
+ my $inMetadata=0;
+ sub metadata {
+ $inMetadata++;
+ }
+sub _metadata {
+ $inMetadata--;
+sub inMetadata {
+ return $inMetadata;
+sub notYetImplemented {
+ my ($elementname) = @_;
+ &myWarn ("####### $elementname: Not Yet Implemented\n");
+ my $expat;
+sub Init {
+ $expat = shift;
+sub Final {
+ undef $expat;
+## takes 1 arg : 'message'
+sub myWarn {
+ my ($mess) = @_;
+ if (defined $expat) {
+ print STDOUT ("at ", $expat->current_line, ": $mess");
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT $mess;
+ }
+sub current_line {
+ if (defined $expat)
+ {
+ return $expat->current_line;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "_undef_";
+ }
+sub applyGradient {
+ my (@res) = @_;
+ $backend -> applyGradient(@res);
+sub recordGradient {
+ my (@res) = @_;
+ $backend -> recordGradient(@res);
+sub getGradient {
+ my (@res) = @_;
+ return $backend -> getGradient(@res);
+sub display {
+ my (@res) = @_;
+ $backend -> treatLines(@res);
+sub ddisplay {
+ my (@res) = @_;
+ $backend -> dtreatLines(@res);
+sub findINC
+ my $file = join('/',@_);
+ my $dir;
+ $file =~ s,::,/,g;
+ foreach $dir (@INC)
+ {
+ my $path;
+ return $path if (-e ($path = "$dir/$file"));
+ }
+ return undef;
+### this a slightly different implementation of the subs style as defined in XML::Parser
+### Differences are :
+# - when an error occure in a callback, the error is handled and a warning is
+# printed with the line number of the SVG source file
+# - namespace can be used (this is usefull for example to treat the SVG included in dia data files)
+package XML::Parser::SVG2zinc;
+$XML::Parser::Built_In_Styles{'SVG2zinc'} = 1;
+sub Start {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $expat = shift;
+ my $tag = shift;
+ my $ns = $expat->namespace($tag);
+ if (!defined $ns || $ns =~ /\/svg$/)
+ {
+ ## the tag is a SVG tag
+ ## BUG: we should also get some tags of XML standard used by
+ ## the SVG standard. Exemple: xlink:href
+ my $sub = $expat->{Pkg} . "::$tag";
+ if (defined &$sub)
+ {
+ eval { &$sub($expat, $tag, @_) };
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ $expat->xpcarp("An Error occured while evaluationg $tag {...} :\n$@");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (&SVG::SVG2zinc::inMetadata)
+ {
+ # we do othing, unless tags were treated before!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($tag eq 'a:midPointStop') {return;}
+ ## skipping the tag if it is part of not implemented extension
+ my ($extension) = $tag =~ /(\w+):.*/;
+ return if defined $extension && defined $notImplementedExtensionPrefix{$extension};
+ warn "## Unimplemented SVG tag: $tag\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub End {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $expat = shift;
+ my $tag = shift;
+ my $ns = $expat->namespace($tag);
+ if (!defined $ns || $ns =~ /\/svg$/) {
+ my $sub = $expat->{Pkg} . "::${tag}_";
+ ## the tag is a SVG tag
+ if (defined &$sub) {
+ eval { &$sub($expat, $tag) };
+ if ($@) {
+ $expat->xpcarp("An Error occured while evaluationg ${tag}_ {...}) :\n$@");
+ }
+ } else {
+ # the following error message is not usefull, as there were already
+ # an error message at the opening tag
+ # warn "## Unimplemented SVG tag: ${tag}_\n";
+ }
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+SVG::SVG2zinc - a module to display or convert svg files in scripts, classes, images...
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use SVG::SVG2zinc;
+ &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg', 'Backend','file.svg',
+ -out => 'outfile',
+ -verbose => $verbose,
+ -namespace => 0|1,
+ -prefix => 'string',
+ );
+ # to generate a Perl script:
+ &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg','PerlScript',
+ -out => 'file.pl');
+ # to generate a Perl Class:
+ &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg','PerlClass',
+ -out => 'Class.pm');
+ # to display a svgfile:
+ &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg', 'Display');
+ #To convert a svgfile in png/jpeg file:
+ &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg', 'Image',
+ -out => 'file.jpg');
+ # to generate a Tcl script:
+ &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg','TclScript',
+ -out => 'file.tcl');
+Depending on the used Backend, &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile either generates a Perl Class,
+Perl script, Tcl Script, bitmap images or displays SVG files inside a Tk::Zinc widget.
+SVG::SVG2zinc could be extended to generate Python scripts and/or
+classes, or other files, just by sub-classing SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend(3pm)
+==head1 HOW IT WORKS
+This converter creates some TkZinc items associated to most SVG tags.
+For example, <SVG> or <G> tags are transformed in TkZinc groups. <PATH>
+are converted in TkZinc curves.... many more to come...
+==head2 TkZinc items tags
+Every TkZinc item created by the parser get one or more tags. If the
+corresponding svg tag has an Id, this Id will be used as a tag, after
+some cleaning due to TkZinc limitation on tag values (no dot, star, etc...).
+If the corresponding svg tag has no Id, the parser add a tag of the
+following form : __<itemtype>__<integer>. If the parser is provided
+a B<-prefix> option, the prefix is prepended to the tag:
+The TkZinc group associated to the top <SVG> tag has the following tag 'svg_top', as well as 'width=integer' 'heigth=integer' tags if width and height are defined in the top <SVG> tag. These tags can be used to find the group and to get its desired width and height.
+==head2 RunTime code
+There is currently on new Tk::Zinc method needed when executing perl code generated.
+This perl Tk::Zinc::adaptViewport function should be translated and included or
+imported in any script generated in an other scripting language (eg. Tcl or Python).
+Some limitations are due to differences between Tk::Zinc and SVG graphic models :
+=over 2
+=item B<Drawing width>
+Drawing width are zoomed in SVG but are not in Tk::Zinc where it is constant whatever the zoom factor is.
+=item B<Gradient Transformation>
+Gradient Transformation is not possible in Tk::Zinc. May be it could be implemented by the converter?
+=item B<Rounded Rectangles>
+Rectangles cannot have rounded corners in Tk::Zinc. Could be implemented, by producing curve item rather than rectangles in Tk::zinc. Should be implemented in a future release of Tk::Zinc
+=item B<Text and tspan tags>
+Text and tspan tags are very complex items in SVG, for example placement can be very precise and complex. Many such features are difficult
+to implement in Tk::Zinc and are not currently implemented
+=item B<Font>
+Font management is still limited. It will be rotatable and zoomable in future release of Tk::Zinc. SVG fonts included in a document are not readed, currently.
+=item B<SVG image filtering>
+No image filtering functions are (and will be) available with Tk::Zinc, except if YOU want to contribute?
+=item B<ClipPath tag>
+The SVG ClipPath tag is a bit more powerfull than Tk::Zinc clipping (clipper is limited to one item). So currently this is not implemented at all in SVG::SVG2zinc
+There are also some limitations due to the early stage of the converter:
+=over 2
+=item B<CSS>
+CSS in external url is not yet implemented
+=item B<SVG animation and scripting>
+No animation is currently available, neither scripting in the SVG file. But Perl or Tcl are scripting languages, are not they?
+=item B<switch tag>
+The SVG switch tag is only partly implemented, but should work in most situations
+=item B<href for images>
+href for images can only reference a file in the same directory than the SVG source file.
+It was said there is still one hidden bug... but please patch and/or report it to the author! Any (simple ?)
+SVG file not correctly rendered by this module (except for limitations
+listed previously) could be send to the author with little comments
+about the expected rendering and observed differences.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+svg2zinc.pl(1) a sample script using and demonstrating SVG::SVG2zinc
+SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend(3pm) to defined new backends.
+Tk::Zinc(3) TkZinc is available at www.openatc.org/zinc/
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Christophe Mertz <mertz at intuilab dot com>
+many patches and extensions from Alexandre Lemort <lemort at intuilab dot com>
+helps from Celine Schlienger <celine at intuilab dot com> and St?phane Chatty <chatty at intuilab dot com>
+CENA (C) 2002-2004, IntuiLab (C) 2004
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the term of the LGPL licence.