path: root/src/MTools/ptkdb.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/MTools/ptkdb.pm')
1 files changed, 4229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/MTools/ptkdb.pm b/src/MTools/ptkdb.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5962e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MTools/ptkdb.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,4229 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU LGPL Libray General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA,
+# or refer to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
+package DB ;
+## Expedient fix for perl 5.8.0. True DB::DB is further down.
+sub DB {}
+use Tk ;
+# If you've loaded this file via a browser
+# select "Save As..." from your file menu
+# ptkdb Perl Tk perl Debugger
+# Copyright 1998, Andrew E. Page
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
+# later version, or
+# b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
+### Sample .Xresources for ptkdb ###
+# /*
+# * Perl Tk Debugger XResources.
+# * Note... These resources are subject to change.
+# *
+# * Use 'xfontsel' to select different fonts.
+# *
+# * Append these resource to ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources
+# * and use xrdb -override ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources
+# * to activate them.
+# */
+# /* Set Value to se to place scrollbars on the right side of windows
+# CAUTION: extra whitespace at the end of the line is causing
+# failures with Tk800.011.
+# */
+# ptkdb*scrollbars: sw
+# /* controls where the code pane is oriented, down the left side, or across the top */
+# /* values can be set to left, right, top, bottom */
+# ptkdb*codeside: left
+# /*
+# * Background color for the balloon
+# * CAUTION: For certain versions of Tk trailing
+# * characters after the color produces an error
+# */
+# ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.background: green
+# ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.font: fixed /* Hot Variable Balloon Font */
+# ptkdb.frame*font: fixed /* Menu Bar */
+# ptkdb.frame.menubutton.font: fixed /* File menu */
+# ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.font: fixed /* Code Pane */
+# ptkdb.notebook.datapage.frame1.hlist.font: fixed /* Expression Notebook Page */
+# ptkdb.notebook.subspage*font: fixed /* Subroutine Notebook Page */
+# ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*entry.font: fixed /* Delete Breakpoint Buttons */
+# ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */
+# ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button1.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */
+# ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*checkbutton.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Checkbuttons */
+# ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*label.font: fixed /* Breakpoint "Cond" label */
+# ptkdb.toplevel.frame.textundo.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Entry Window */
+# ptkdb.toplevel.frame1.text.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Results Window */
+# ptkdb.toplevel.button.font: fixed /* "Eval..." Button */
+# ptkdb.toplevel.button1.font: fixed /* "Clear Eval" Button */
+# ptkdb.toplevel.button2.font: fixed /* "Clear Results" Button */
+# ptkdb.toplevel.button3.font: fixed /* "Clear Dismiss" Button */
+# /*
+# * Background color for where the debugger has stopped
+# */
+# ptkdb*stopcolor: blue
+# /*
+# * Background color for set breakpoints
+# */
+# ptkdb*breaktagcolor: red
+# /*
+# * Font for where the debugger has stopped
+# */
+# ptkdb*stopfont: -*-fixed-bold-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
+# /*
+# * Background color for the search tag
+# */
+# ptkdb*searchtagcolor: green
+use strict ;
+use vars qw($VERSION @dbline %dbline);
+# This package is the main_window object
+# for the debugger. We start with the Devel::
+# prefix because we want to install it with
+# the DB:: package that is required to be in a Devel/
+# subdir of a directory in the @INC set.
+package Devel::ptkdb ;
+=head1 NAME
+Devel::ptkdb - Perl debugger using a Tk GUI
+ ptkdb is a debugger for perl that uses perlTk for a user interface.
+ Features include:
+ Hot Variable Inspection
+ Breakpoint Control Panel
+ Expression List
+ Subroutine Tree
+=begin html
+ <body bgcolor=white>
+=end html
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+To debug a script using ptkdb invoke perl like this:
+ perl -d:ptkdb myscript.pl
+=head1 Usage
+ perl -d:ptkdb myscript.pl
+=head1 Code Pane
+=over 4
+=item Line Numbers
+ Line numbers are presented on the left side of the window. Lines that
+ have lines through them are not breakable. Lines that are plain text
+ are breakable. Clicking on these line numbers will insert a
+ breakpoint on that line and change the line number color to
+ $ENV{'PTKDB_BRKPT_COLOR'} (Defaults to Red). Clicking on the number
+ again will remove the breakpoint. If you disable the breakpoint with
+ the controls on the BrkPt notebook page the color will change to
+=item Cursor Motion
+If you place the cursor over a variable (i.e. $myVar, @myVar, or
+%myVar) and pause for a second the debugger will evaluate the current
+value of the variable and pop a balloon up with the evaluated
+result. I<This feature is not available with Tk400.>
+If Data::Dumper(standard with perl5.00502)is available it will be used
+to format the result. If there is an active selection, the text of
+that selection will be evaluated.
+=head1 Notebook Pane
+=over 2
+=item Exprs
+ This is a list of expressions that are evaluated each time the
+ debugger stops. The results of the expresssion are presented
+ heirarchically for expression that result in hashes or lists. Double
+ clicking on such an expression will cause it to collapse; double
+ clicking again will cause the expression to expand. Expressions are
+ entered through B<Enter Expr> entry, or by Alt-E when text is
+ selected in the code pane.
+ The B<Quick Expr> entry, will take an expression, evaluate it, and
+ replace the entries contents with the result. The result is also
+ transfered to the 'clipboard' for pasting.
+=item Subs
+ Displays a list of all the packages invoked with the script
+ heirarchially. At the bottom of the heirarchy are the subroutines
+ within the packages. Double click on a package to expand
+ it. Subroutines are listed by their full package names.
+=item BrkPts
+ Presents a list of the breakpoints current in use. The pushbutton
+ allows a breakpoint to be 'disabled' without removing it. Expressions
+ can be applied to the breakpoint. If the expression evaluates to be
+ 'true'(results in a defined value that is not 0) the debugger will
+ stop the script. Pressing the 'Goto' button will set the text pane
+ to that file and line where the breakpoint is set. Pressing the
+ 'Delete' button will delete the breakpoint.
+=head1 Menus
+=head2 File Menu
+=item About...
+Presents a dialog box telling you about the version of ptkdb. It
+recovers your OS name, version of perl, version of Tk, and some other
+=item Open
+Presents a list of files that are part of the invoked perl
+script. Selecting a file from this list will present this file in the
+text window.
+=item Save Config...
+Requires Data::Dumper. Prompts for a filename to save the
+configuration to. Saves the breakpoints, expressions, eval text and
+window geometry. If the name given as the default is used and the
+script is reinvoked, this configuration will be reloaded
+ B<NOTE:> You may find this preferable to using
+=item Restore Config...
+Requires Data::Dumper. Prompts for a filename to restore a configuration saved with
+the "Save Config..." menu item.
+=item Goto Line...
+Prompts for a line number. Pressing the "Okay" button sends the window to the line number entered.
+item Find Text...
+Prompts for text to search for. Options include forward search,
+backwards search, and regular expression searching.
+=item Quit
+ Causes the debugger and the target script to exit.
+=head2 Control Menu
+=item Run
+The debugger allows the script to run to the next breakpoint or until the script exits.
+item Run To Here
+Runs the debugger until it comes to wherever the insertion cursor
+in text window is placed.
+=item Set Breakpoint
+Sets a breakpoint on the line at the insertion cursor.
+item Clear Breakpoint
+Remove a breakpoint on the at the insertion cursor.
+=item Clear All Breakpoints
+Removes all current breakpoints
+=item Step Over
+Causes the debugger to step over the next line. If the line is a
+subroutine call it steps over the call, stopping when the subroutine
+=item Step In
+Causes the debugger to step into the next line. If the line is a
+subroutine call it steps into the subroutine, stopping at the first
+executable line within the subroutine.
+=item Return
+Runs the script until it returns from the currently executing
+=item Restart
+Saves the breakpoints and expressions in a temporary file and restarts
+the script from the beginning. CAUTION: This feature will not work
+properly with debugging of CGI Scripts.
+=item Stop On Warning
+When C<-w> is enabled the debugger will stop when warnings such as, "Use
+of uninitialized value at undef_warn.pl line N" are encountered. The debugger
+will stop on the NEXT line of execution since the error can't be detected
+until the current line has executed.
+This feature can be turned on at startup by adding:
+$DB::ptkdb::stop_on_warning = 1 ;
+to a .ptkdbrc file
+=head2 Data Menu
+=item Enter Expression
+When an expression is entered in the "Enter Expression:" text box,
+selecting this item will enter the expression into the expression
+list. Each time the debugger stops this expression will be evaluated
+and its result updated in the list window.
+=item Delete Expression
+ Deletes the highlighted expression in the expression window.
+=item Delete All Expressions
+ Delete all expressions in the expression window.
+=item Expression Eval Window
+Pops up a two pane window. Expressions of virtually unlimitted length
+can be entered in the top pane. Pressing the 'Eval' button will cause
+the expression to be evaluated and its placed in the lower pane. If
+Data::Dumper is available it will be used to format the resulting
+text. Undo is enabled for the text in the upper pane.
+HINT: You can enter multiple expressions by separating them with commas.
+=item Use Data::Dumper for Eval Window
+Enables or disables the use of Data::Dumper for formatting the results
+of expressions in the Eval window.
+=head2 Stack Menu
+Maintains a list of the current subroutine stack each time the
+debugger stops. Selecting an item from this menu will set the text in
+the code window to that particular subourtine entry point.
+=head2 Bookmarks Menu
+Maintains a list of bookmarks. The booksmarks are saved in ~/.ptkdb_bookmarks
+=item Add Bookmark
+Adds a bookmark to the bookmark list.
+=head1 Options
+Here is a list of the current active XResources options. Several of
+these can be overridden with environmental variables. Resources can be
+added to .Xresources or .Xdefaults depending on your X configuration.
+To enable these resources you must either restart your X server or use
+the xrdb -override resFile command. xfontsel can be used to select
+ /*
+ * Perl Tk Debugger XResources.
+ * Note... These resources are subject to change.
+ *
+ * Use 'xfontsel' to select different fonts.
+ *
+ * Append these resource to ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources
+ * and use xrdb -override ~/.Xdefaults | ~/.Xresources
+ * to activate them.
+ */
+ /* Set Value to se to place scrollbars on the right side of windows
+ CAUTION: extra whitespace at the end of the line is causing
+ failures with Tk800.011.
+ sw -> puts scrollbars on left, se puts scrollars on the right
+ */
+ ptkdb*scrollbars: sw
+ /* controls where the code pane is oriented, down the left side, or across the top */
+ /* values can be set to left, right, top, bottom */
+ ptkdb*codeside: left
+ /*
+ * Background color for the balloon
+ * CAUTION: For certain versions of Tk trailing
+ * characters after the color produces an error
+ */
+ ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.background: green
+ ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.balloon.font: fixed /* Hot Variable Balloon Font */
+ ptkdb.frame*font: fixed /* Menu Bar */
+ ptkdb.frame.menubutton.font: fixed /* File menu */
+ ptkdb.frame2.frame1.rotext.font: fixed /* Code Pane */
+ ptkdb.notebook.datapage.frame1.hlist.font: fixed /* Expression Notebook Page */
+ ptkdb.notebook.subspage*font: fixed /* Subroutine Notebook Page */
+ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*entry.font: fixed /* Delete Breakpoint Buttons */
+ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */
+ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*button1.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Expression Entries */
+ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*checkbutton.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Checkbuttons */
+ ptkdb.notebook.brkptspage*label.font: fixed /* Breakpoint Checkbuttons */
+ ptkdb.toplevel.frame.textundo.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Entry Window */
+ ptkdb.toplevel.frame1.text.font: fixed /* Eval Expression Results Window */
+ ptkdb.toplevel.button.font: fixed /* "Eval..." Button */
+ ptkdb.toplevel.button1.font: fixed /* "Clear Eval" Button */
+ ptkdb.toplevel.button2.font: fixed /* "Clear Results" Button */
+ ptkdb.toplevel.button3.font: fixed /* "Clear Dismiss" Button */
+ /*
+ * Background color for where the debugger has stopped
+ */
+ ptkdb*stopcolor: blue
+ /*
+ * Background color for set breakpoints
+ */
+ ptkdb*breaktagcolor*background: yellow
+ ptkdb*disabledbreaktagcolor*background: white
+ /*
+ * Font for where the debugger has stopped
+ */
+ ptkdb*stopfont: -*-fixed-bold-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
+ /*
+ * Background color for the search tag
+ */
+ ptkdb*searchtagcolor: green
+=head1 Environmental Variables
+=over 4
+Sets the background color of a set breakpoint
+Sets the background color of a disabled breakpoint
+Sets the font of the Text in the code pane.
+Sets which side the code pane is packed onto. Defaults to 'left'.
+Can be set to 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'.
+Overrides the Xresource ptkdb*codeside: I<side>.
+ Sets the font used in the expression notebook page.
+ Sets the font used in the Expression Eval Window
+ Sets the value used for Data::Dumper 'indent' setting. See man Data::Dumper
+ A non-zero value Sets the scrollbars of all windows to be on the
+ right side of the window. Useful for Windows users using ptkdb in an
+ XWindows environment.
+Sets the format of line numbers on the left side of the window. Default value is %05d. useful
+if you have a script that contains more than 99999 lines.
+Sets the X display that the ptkdb window will appear on when invoked. Useful for debugging CGI
+scripts on remote systems.
+Sets the path of the bookmarks file. Default is $ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdb_bookmarks
+Sets the color that highlights the line where the debugger is stopped
+=head1 FILES
+=head2 .ptkdbrc
+If this file is present in ~/ or in the directory where perl is
+invoked the file will be read and executed as a perl script before the
+debugger makes its initial stop at startup. There are several 'api'
+calls that can be used with such scripts. There is an internal
+variable $DB::no_stop_at_start that may be set to non-zero to prevent
+the debugger from stopping at the first line of the script. This is
+useful for debugging CGI scripts.
+There is a system ptkdbrc file in $PREFIX/lib/perl5/$VERS/Devel/ptkdbrc
+=over 4
+=item brkpt($fname, @lines)
+Sets breakspoints on the list of lines in $fname. A warning message
+is generated if a line is not breakable.
+=item condbrkpt($fname, @($line, $expr) )
+Sets conditional breakpoints in $fname on pairs of $line and $expr. A
+warning message is generated if a line is not breakable. NOTE: the
+validity of the expression will not be determined until execution of
+that particular line.
+=item brkonsub(@names)
+Sets a breakpoint on each subroutine name listed. A warning message is
+generated if a subroutine does not exist. NOTE: for a script with no
+other packages the default package is "main::" and the subroutines
+would be "main::mySubs".
+=item brkonsub_regex(@regExprs)
+Uses the list of @regExprs as a list of regular expressions to set breakpoints. Sets breakpoints
+on every subroutine that matches any of the listed regular expressions.
+=item textTagConfigure(tag, ?option?, ?value?)
+Allows the user to format the text in the code window. The option
+value pairs are the same values as the option for the tagConfigure
+method documented in Tk::Text. Currently the following tags are in
+ 'code' Format for code in the text pane
+ 'stoppt' Format applied to the line where the debugger is currently stopped
+ 'breakableLine' Format applied to line numbers where the code is 'breakable'
+ 'nonbreakableLine' Format applied to line numbers where the code is no breakable
+ 'breaksetLine' Format applied to line numbers were a breakpoint is set
+ 'breakdisabledLine' Format applied to line numbers were a disabled breakpoint is set
+ 'search_tag' Format applied to text when located by a search.
+ Example:
+ #
+ # Turns off the overstrike on lines that you can't set a breakpoint on
+ # and makes the text color yellow.
+ #
+ textTagConfigure('nonbreakableLine', -overstrike => 0, -foreground => "yellow") ;
+=item add_exprs(@exprList)
+Add a list of expressions to the 'Exprs' window. NOTE: use the single
+quote character \' to prevent the expression from being "evaluated" in
+the string context.
+ Example:
+ #
+ # Adds the $_ and @_ expressions to the active list
+ #
+ add_exprs('$_', '@_') ;
+=head1 NOTES
+=head2 Debugging Other perlTk Applications
+ptkdb can be used to debug other perlTk applications if some cautions
+are observed. Basically, do not click the mouse in the application's
+window(s) when you've entered the debugger and do not click in the
+debugger's window(s) while the application is running. Doing either
+one is not necessarily fatal, but it can confuse things that are going
+on and produce unexpected results.
+Be aware that most perlTk applications have a central event loop.
+User actions, such as mouse clicks, key presses, window exposures, etc
+will generate 'events' that the script will process. When a perlTk
+application is running, its 'MainLoop' call will accept these events
+and then dispatch them to appropriate callbacks associated with the
+appropriate widgets.
+Ptkdb has its own event loop that runs whenever you've stopped at a
+breakpoint and entered the debugger. However, it can accept events
+that are generated by other perlTk windows and dispatch their
+callbacks. The problem here is that the application is supposed to be
+'stopped', and logically the application should not be able to process
+A future version of ptkdb will have an extension that will 'filter'
+events so that application events are not processed while the debugger
+is active, and debugger events will not be processed while the target
+script is active.
+=head2 Debugging CGI Scripts
+One advantage of ptkdb over the builtin debugger(-d) is that it can be
+used to debug CGI perl scripts as they run on a web server. Be sure
+that that your web server's perl instalation includes Tk.
+Change your
+ #! /usr/local/bin/perl
+ #! /usr/local/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
+TIP: You can debug scripts remotely if you're using a unix based
+Xserver and where you are authoring the script has an Xserver. The
+Xserver can be another unix workstation, a Macintosh or Win32 platform
+with an appropriate XWindows package. In your script insert the
+following BEGIN subroutine:
+ sub BEGIN {
+ $ENV{'DISPLAY'} = "myHostname:0.0" ;
+ }
+Be sure that your web server has permission to open windows on your
+Xserver (see the xhost manpage).
+Access your web page with your browswer and 'submit' the script as
+normal. The ptkdb window should appear on myHostname's monitor. At
+this point you can start debugging your script. Be aware that your
+browser may timeout waiting for the script to run.
+To expedite debugging you may want to setup your breakpoints in
+advance with a .ptkdbrc file and use the $DB::no_stop_at_start
+variable. NOTE: for debugging web scripts you may have to have the
+.ptkdbrc file installed in the server account's home directory (~www)
+or whatever username your webserver is running under. Also try
+installing a .ptkdbrc file in the same directory as the target script.
+=item I<Breakpoint Controls>
+If the size of the right hand pane is too small the breakpoint controls
+are not visible. The breakpoints are still there, the window may have
+to be enlarged in order for them to be visible.
+=item Balloons and Tk400
+The Balloons in Tk400 will not work with ptkdb. All other functions
+are supported, but the Balloons require Tk800 or higher.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andrew E. Page, aep@world.std.com
+Matthew Persico For suggestions, and beta testing.
+require 5.004 ;
+## Perform a check to see if we have the Tk library, if not, attempt
+## to load it for the user
+sub BEGIN {
+eval {
+require Tk ;
+} ;
+if( $@ ) {
+print << "__PTKDBTK_INSTALL__" ;
+*** The PerlTk library could not be found. Ptkdb requires the PerlTk library.
+Preferably Tk800.015 or better:
+In order to install this the following conditions must be met:
+1. You have to have access to a C compiler.
+2. You must have sufficient permissions to install the libraries on your system.
+To install PerlTk:
+a Download the Tk library source from http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-category/08_User_Interfaces/Tk
+b Uncompress the archive and run "perl Makefile.PL"
+c run "make install"
+ If this process completes successfully ptkdb should be operational now.
+We can attempt to run the CPAN module for you. This will, after some questions, download
+and install the Tk library automatically.
+Would you like to run the CPAN module? (y/n)
+my $answer = <STDIN> ;
+chomp $answer ;
+if( $answer =~ /y|yes/i) {
+ require CPAN ;
+ CPAN::install Tk ;
+} # if
+} # if $@
+} # end of sub BEGIN
+use Tk 800 ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+require Tk::Dialog;
+require Tk::TextUndo ;
+require Tk::ROText;
+require Tk::NoteBook ;
+require Tk::HList ;
+require Tk::Table ;
+use vars qw(@dbline) ;
+use Config ;
+# Check to see if the package actually
+# exists. If it does import the routines
+# and return a true value ;
+# NOTE: this needs to be above the 'BEGIN' subroutine,
+# otherwise it will not have been compiled by the time
+# that it is called by sub BEGIN.
+sub check_avail {
+ my ($mod, @list) = @_ ;
+ eval {
+ require $mod ; import $mod @list ;
+ } ;
+ return 0 if $@ ;
+ return 1 ;
+} # end of check_avail
+sub BEGIN {
+ $DB::on = 0 ;
+ $DB::subroutine_depth = 0 ; # our subroutine depth counter
+ $DB::step_over_depth = -1 ;
+ #
+ # the bindings and font specs for these operations have been placed here
+ # to make them accessible to people who might want to customize the
+ # operations. REF The 'bind.html' file, included in the perlTk FAQ has
+ # a fairly good explanation of the binding syntax.
+ #
+ #
+ # These lists of key bindings will be applied
+ # to the "Step In", "Step Out", "Return" Commands
+ #
+ $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep = '\x00' ;
+ $Devel::ptkdb::pathSepReplacement = "\0x01" ;
+ @Devel::ptkdb::step_in_keys = ( '<Shift-F9>', '<Alt-s>', '<Button-3>' ) ; # step into a subroutine
+ @Devel::ptkdb::step_over_keys = ( '<F9>', '<Alt-n>', '<Shift-Button-3>' ) ; # step over a subroutine
+ @Devel::ptkdb::return_keys = ( '<Alt-u>', '<Control-Button-3>' ) ; # return from a subroutine
+ @Devel::ptkdb::toggle_breakpt_keys = ( '<Alt-b>' ) ; # set or unset a breakpoint
+ # Fonts used in the displays
+ #
+ # NOTE: The environmental variable syntax here works like this:
+ # $ENV{'NAME'} accesses the environmental variable "NAME"
+ #
+ # $ENV{'NAME'} || 'string' results in $ENV{'NAME'} or 'string' if $ENV{'NAME'} is not defined.
+ #
+ #
+ @Devel::ptkdb::button_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_BUTTON_FONT'} ? ( "-font" => $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_FONT'} ) : () ; # font for buttons
+ @Devel::ptkdb::code_text_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_FONT'} ? ( "-font" => $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_FONT'} ) : () ;
+ @Devel::ptkdb::expression_text_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_EXPRESSION_FONT'} ? ( "-font" => $ENV{'PTKDB_EXPRESSION_FONT'} ) : () ;
+ @Devel::ptkdb::eval_text_font = $ENV{'PTKDB_EVAL_FONT'} ? ( -font => $ENV{'PTKDB_EVAL_FONT'} ) : () ; # text for the expression eval window
+ $Devel::ptkdb::eval_dump_indent = $ENV{'PTKDB_EVAL_DUMP_INDENT'} || 1 ;
+ #
+ # Windows users are more used to having scroll bars on the right.
+ # If they've set PTKDB_SCROLLBARS_ONRIGHT to a non-zero value
+ # this will configure our scrolled windows with scrollbars on the right
+ #
+ # this can also be done by setting:
+ #
+ # ptkdb*scrollbars: se
+ #
+ # in the .Xdefaults/.Xresources file on X based systems
+ #
+ @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg = ('-scrollbars' => 'se') ;
+ }
+ else {
+ @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg = ( ) ;
+ }
+ #
+ # Controls how far an expression result will be 'decomposed'. Setting it
+ # to 0 will take it down only one level, setting it to -1 will make it
+ # decompose it all the way down. However, if you have a situation where
+ # an element is a ref back to the array or a root of the array
+ # you could hang the debugger by making it recursively evaluate an expression
+ #
+ $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth = -1 ;
+ $Devel::ptkdb::add_expr_depth = 1 ; # how much further to expand an expression when clicked
+ $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_format = $ENV{'PTKDB_LINENUMBER_FORMAT'} || "%05d " ;
+ $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length = 5 ;
+ $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_offset = length sprintf($Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_format, 0) ;
+ $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_offset -= 1 ;
+ #
+ # Check to see if "Data Dumper" is available
+ # if it is we can save breakpoints and other
+ # various "functions". This call will also
+ # load the subroutines needed.
+ #
+ $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable = 1 ; # assuming that it is now
+ $Devel::ptkdb::useDataDumperForEval = $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ;
+ #
+ # DB Options (things not directly involving the window)
+ #
+ # Flag to disable us from intercepting $SIG{'INT'}
+ $DB::sigint_disable = defined $ENV{'PTKDB_SIGINT_DISABLE'} && $ENV{'PTKDB_SIGINT_DISABLE'} ;
+# Possibly for debugging perl CGI Web scripts on
+# remote machines.
+ } # end of BEGIN
+sub DESTROY {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ $self->save_bookmarks($self->{BookMarksPath}) if $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable && $self->{'bookmarks_changed'};
+} # end of ptkdb::DESTROY
+## subroutine provided to the user for initializing
+## files in .ptkdbrc
+sub brkpt {
+ my ($fName, @idx) = @_ ;
+ my($offset) ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fName} ;
+ $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ;
+ for( @idx ) {
+ if( !&DB::checkdbline($fName, $_ + $offset) ) {
+ my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller ;
+ print "$filename:$line: $fName line $_ is not breakable\n" ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ $DB::window->insertBreakpoint($fName, $_, 1) ; # insert a simple breakpoint
+ }
+} # end of brkpt
+# Set conditional breakpoint(s)
+sub condbrkpt {
+ my ($fname) = shift ;
+ my($offset) ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ;
+ while( @_ ) { # arg loop
+ my($index, $expr) = splice @_, 0, 2 ; # take args 2 at a time
+ if( !&DB::checkdbline($fname, $index + $offset) ) {
+ my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller ;
+ print "$filename:$line: $fname line $index is not breakable\n" ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ $DB::window->insertBreakpoint($fname, $index, 1, $expr) ; # insert a simple breakpoint
+ } # end of arg loop
+} # end of conditionalbrkpt
+sub brkonsub {
+ my(@names) = @_ ;
+ for( @names ) {
+ # get the filename and line number range of the target subroutine
+ if( !exists $DB::sub{$_} ) {
+ print "No subroutine $_. Try main::$_\n" ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ $DB::sub{$_} =~ /(.*):([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$/o ; # file name will be in $1, start line $2, end line $3
+ for( $2..$3 ) {
+ next unless &DB::checkdbline($1, $_) ;
+ $DB::window->insertBreakpoint($1, $_, 1) ;
+ last ; # only need the one breakpoint
+ }
+ } # end of name loop
+} # end of brkonsub
+# set breakpoints on subroutines matching a regular
+# expression
+sub brkonsub_regex {
+ my(@regexps) = @_ ;
+ my($regexp, @subList) ;
+ #
+ # accumulate matching subroutines
+ #
+ foreach $regexp ( @regexps ) {
+ study $regexp ;
+ push @subList, grep /$regexp/, keys %DB::sub ;
+ } # end of brkonsub_regex
+ brkonsub(@subList) ; # set breakpoints on matching subroutines
+} # end of brkonsub_regex
+# Allow the user Access to our tag configurations
+sub textTagConfigure {
+ my ($tag, @config) = @_ ;
+ $DB::window->{'text'}->tagConfigure($tag, @config) ;
+} # end of textTagConfigure
+## Change the tabs in the text field
+sub setTabs {
+ $DB::window->{'text'}->configure(-tabs => [ @_ ]) ;
+# User .ptkdbrc API
+# allows the user to add expressions to
+# the expression list window.
+sub add_exprs {
+ push @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}}, map { 'expr' => $_, 'depth' => $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth }, @_ ;
+} # end of add_exprs
+## register a subroutine reference that will be called whenever
+## ptkdb sets up it's windows
+sub register_user_window_init {
+ push @{$DB::window->{'user_window_init_list'}}, @_ ;
+} # end of register_user_window_init
+## register a subroutine reference that will be called whenever
+## ptkdb enters from code
+sub register_user_DB_entry {
+ push @{$DB::window->{'user_window_DB_entry_list'}}, @_ ;
+} # end of register_user_DB_entry
+sub get_notebook_widget {
+ return $DB::window->{'notebook'} ;
+} # end of get_notebook_widget
+# Run files provided by the user
+sub do_user_init_files {
+ use vars qw($dbg_window) ;
+ local $dbg_window = shift ;
+ eval {
+ do "$Config{'installprivlib'}/Devel/ptkdbrc" ;
+ } if -e "$Config{'installprivlib'}/Devel/ptkdbrc" ;
+ if( $@ ) {
+ print "System init file $Config{'installprivlib'}/ptkdbrc failed: $@\n" ;
+ }
+ eval {
+ do "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdbrc" ;
+ } if exists $ENV{'HOME'} && -e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdbrc" ;
+ if( $@ ) {
+ print "User init file $ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdbrc failed: $@\n" ;
+ }
+ eval {
+ do ".ptkdbrc" ;
+ } if -e ".ptkdbrc" ;
+ if( $@ ) {
+ print "User init file .ptkdbrc failed: $@\n" ;
+ }
+ &set_stop_on_warning() ;
+# Constructor for our Devel::ptkdb
+sub new {
+ my($type) = @_ ;
+ my($self) = {} ;
+ bless $self, $type ;
+ # Current position of the executing program
+ $self->{DisableOnLeave} = [] ; # List o' Widgets to disable when leaving the debugger
+ $self->{current_file} = "" ;
+ $self->{current_line} = -1 ; # initial value indicating we haven't set our line/tag
+ $self->{window_pos_offset} = 10 ; # when we enter how far from the top of the text are we positioned down
+ $self->{search_start} = "0.0" ;
+ $self->{fwdOrBack} = 1 ;
+ $self->{BookMarksPath} = $ENV{'PTKDB_BOOKMARKS_PATH'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ptkdb_bookmarks" || '.ptkdb_bookmarks' ;
+ $self->{'expr_list'} = [] ; # list of expressions to eval in our window fields: {'expr'} The expr itself {'depth'} expansion depth
+ $self->{'brkPtCnt'} = 0 ;
+ $self->{'brkPtSlots'} = [] ; # open slots for adding breakpoints to the table
+ $self->{'main_window'} = undef ;
+ $self->{'user_window_init_list'} = [] ;
+ $self->{'user_window_DB_entry_list'} = [] ;
+ $self->setup_main_window() ;
+ return $self ;
+} # end of new
+sub setup_main_window {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ # Main Window
+ $self->{main_window} = MainWindow->new() ;
+ $self->{main_window}->geometry($ENV{'PTKDB_GEOMETRY'} || "800x600") ;
+ $self->setup_options() ; # must be done after MainWindow and before other frames are setup
+ $self->{main_window}->bind('<Control-c>', \&DB::dbint_handler) ;
+ #
+ # Bind our 'quit' routine to a close command from the window manager (Alt-F4)
+ #
+ $self->{main_window}->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { $self->close_ptkdb_window() ; } ) ;
+ # Menu bar
+ $self->setup_menu_bar() ;
+ #
+ # setup Frames
+ #
+ # Setup our Code, Data, and breakpoints
+ $self->setup_frames() ;
+# This supports the File -> Open menu item
+# We create a new window and list all of the files
+# that are contained in the program. We also
+# pick up all of the perlTk files that are supporting
+# the debugger.
+sub DoOpen {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my ($topLevel, $listBox, $frame, $selectedFile, @fList) ;
+ #
+ # subroutine we call when we've selected a file
+ #
+ my $chooseSub = sub { $selectedFile = $listBox->get('active') ;
+ print "attempting to open $selectedFile\n" ;
+ $DB::window->set_file($selectedFile, 0) ;
+ destroy $topLevel ;
+ } ;
+ #
+ # Take the list the files and resort it.
+ # we put all of the local files first, and
+ # then list all of the system libraries.
+ #
+ @fList = sort {
+ # sort comparison function block
+ my $fa = substr($a, 0, 1) ;
+ my $fb = substr($b, 0, 1) ;
+ return $a cmp $b if ($fa eq '/') && ($fb eq '/') ;
+ return -1 if ($fb eq '/') && ($fa ne '/') ;
+ return 1 if ($fa eq '/' ) && ($fb ne '/') ;
+ return $a cmp $b ;
+ } grep s/^_<//, keys %main:: ;
+ #
+ # Create a list box with all of our files
+ # to select from
+ #
+ $topLevel = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "File Select", -overanchor => 'cursor') ;
+ $listBox = $topLevel->Scrolled('Listbox',
+ @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg,
+ @Devel::ptkdb::expression_text_font,
+ 'width' => 30)->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ # Bind a double click on the mouse button to the same action
+ # as pressing the Okay button
+ $listBox->bind('<Double-Button-1>' => $chooseSub) ;
+ $listBox->insert('end', @fList) ;
+ $topLevel->Button( text => "Okay", -command => $chooseSub, @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $topLevel->Button( text => "Cancel", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => sub { destroy $topLevel ; } )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+} # end of DoOpen
+sub do_tabs {
+ my($tabs_str) ;
+ my($w, $result, $tabs_cfg) ;
+ require Tk::Dialog ;
+ $w = $DB::window->{'main_window'}->DialogBox(-title => "Tabs", -buttons => [qw/Okay Cancel/]) ;
+ $tabs_cfg = $DB::window->{'text'}->cget(-tabs) ;
+ $tabs_str = join " ", @$tabs_cfg if $tabs_cfg ;
+ $w->add('Label', -text => 'Tabs:')->pack(-side => 'left') ;
+ $w->add('Entry', -textvariable => \$tabs_str)->pack(-side => 'left')->selectionRange(0,'end') ;
+ $result = $w->Show() ;
+ return unless $result eq 'Okay' ;
+ $DB::window->{'text'}->configure(-tabs => [ split /\s/, $tabs_str ]) ;
+sub close_ptkdb_window {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ $DB::window->{'event'} = 'run' ;
+ $self->{current_file} = "" ; # force a file reset
+ $self->{'main_window'}->destroy ;
+ $self->{'main_window'} = undef ;
+sub setup_menu_bar {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my $mw = $self->{main_window} ;
+ my ($mb, $items) ;
+ #
+ # We have menu items/features that are not available if the Data::DataDumper module
+ # isn't present. For any feature that requires it we add this option list.
+ #
+ my @dataDumperEnableOpt = ( state => 'disabled' ) unless $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ;
+ $self->{menu_bar} = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => '1')->pack(side => 'top', -fill => 'x') ;
+ $mb = $self->{menu_bar} ;
+ # file menu in menu bar
+ $items = [ [ 'command' => 'About...', -command => sub { $self->DoAbout() ; } ],
+ "-",
+ [ 'command' => 'Open', -accelerator => 'Alt+O',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => sub { $self->DoOpen() ; } ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Save Config...',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => \&DB::SaveState,
+ @dataDumperEnableOpt ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Restore Config...',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => \&DB::RestoreState,
+ @dataDumperEnableOpt ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Goto Line...',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -accelerator => 'Alt-g',
+ -command => \&DB::RestoreState,
+ @dataDumperEnableOpt ] ,
+ [ 'command' => 'Find Text...',
+ -accelerator => 'Ctrl-f',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => sub { $self->FindText() ; } ],
+ [ 'command' => "Tabs...", -command => \&do_tabs ],
+ "-",
+ [ 'command' => 'Close Window and Run', -accelerator => 'Alt+W',
+ -underline => 6, -command => sub { $self->close_ptkdb_window ; } ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Quit...', -accelerator => 'Alt+Q',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -command => sub { exit } ]
+ ] ;
+ $mw->bind('<Alt-g>' => sub { $self->GotoLine() ; }) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Control-f>' => sub { $self->FindText() ; }) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Control-r>' => \&Devel::ptkdb::DoRestart) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Alt-q>' => sub { $self->{'event'} = 'quit' } ) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Alt-w>' => sub { $self->close_ptkdb_window ; }) ;
+ $self->{file_menu_button} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'File',
+ underline => 0,
+ -menuitems => $items
+ )->pack(side =>, 'left',
+ anchor => 'nw',
+ 'padx' => 2) ;
+ # Control Menu
+ my $runSub = sub { $DB::step_over_depth = -1 ; $self->{'event'} = 'run' } ;
+ my $runToSub = sub { $DB::window->{'event'} = 'run' if $DB::window->SetBreakPoint(1) ; } ;
+ my $stepOverSub = sub { &DB::SetStepOverBreakPoint(0) ;
+ $DB::single = 1 ;
+ $DB::window->{'event'} = 'step' ;
+ } ;
+ my $stepInSub = sub {
+ $DB::step_over_depth = -1 ;
+ $DB::single = 1 ;
+ $DB::window->{'event'} = 'step' ; } ;
+ my $returnSub = sub {
+ &DB::SetStepOverBreakPoint(-1) ;
+ $self->{'event'} = 'run' ;
+ } ;
+ $items = [ [ 'command' => 'Run', -accelerator => 'Alt+r', underline => 0, -command => $runSub ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Run To Here', -accelerator => 'Alt+t', -underline => 5, -command => $runToSub ],
+ '-',
+ [ 'command' => 'Set Breakpoint', -underline => 4, -command => sub { $self->SetBreakPoint ; }, -accelerator => 'Ctrl-b' ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Clear Breakpoint', -command => sub { $self->UnsetBreakPoint } ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Clear All Breakpoints', -underline => 6, -command => sub {
+ $DB::window->removeAllBreakpoints($DB::window->{current_file}) ;
+ &DB::clearalldblines() ;
+ } ],
+ '-',
+ [ 'command' => 'Step Over', -accelerator => 'Alt+N', -underline => 0, -command => $stepOverSub ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Step In', -accelerator => 'Alt+S', -underline => 5, -command => $stepInSub ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Return', -accelerator => 'Alt+U', -underline => 3, -command => $returnSub ],
+ '-',
+ [ 'command' => 'Restart...', -accelerator => 'Ctrl-r', -underline => 0, -command => \&Devel::ptkdb::DoRestart ],
+ '-',
+ [ 'checkbutton' => 'Stop On Warning', -variable => \$DB::ptkdb::stop_on_warning, -command => \&set_stop_on_warning ]
+ ] ; # end of control menu items
+ $self->{control_menu_button} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'Control',
+ -underline => 0,
+ -menuitems => $items,
+ )->pack(side =>, 'left',
+ 'padx' => 2) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Alt-r>' => $runSub) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Alt-t>', $runToSub) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Control-b>', sub { $self->SetBreakPoint ; }) ;
+ for( @Devel::ptkdb::step_over_keys ) {
+ $mw->bind($_ => $stepOverSub );
+ }
+ for( @Devel::ptkdb::step_in_keys ) {
+ $mw->bind($_ => $stepInSub );
+ }
+ for( @Devel::ptkdb::return_keys ) {
+ $mw->bind($_ => $returnSub );
+ }
+ # Data Menu
+ $items = [ [ 'command' => 'Enter Expression', -accelerator => 'Alt+E', -command => sub { $self->EnterExpr() } ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Delete Expression', -accelerator => 'Ctrl+D', -command => sub { $self->deleteExpr() } ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Delete All Expressions', -command => sub {
+ $self->deleteAllExprs() ;
+ $self->{'expr_list'} = [] ; # clears list by dropping ref to it, replacing it with a new one
+ } ],
+ '-',
+ [ 'command' => 'Expression Eval Window...', -accelerator => 'F8', -command => sub { $self->setupEvalWindow() ; } ],
+ [ 'checkbutton' => "Use DataDumper for Eval Window?", -variable => \$Devel::ptkdb::useDataDumperForEval, @dataDumperEnableOpt ]
+ ] ;
+ $self->{data_menu_button} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'Data', -menuitems => $items,
+ underline => 0,
+ )->pack(side => 'left',
+ 'padx' => 2) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Alt-e>' => sub { $self->EnterExpr() } ) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Control-d>' => sub { $self->deleteExpr() } );
+ $mw->bind('<F8>', sub { $self->setupEvalWindow() ; }) ;
+ #
+ # Stack menu
+ #
+ $self->{stack_menu} = $mb->Menubutton(text => 'Stack',
+ underline => 2,
+ )->pack(side => 'left',
+ 'padx' => 2) ;
+ #
+ # Bookmarks menu
+ #
+ $self->{bookmarks_menu} = $mb->Menubutton('text' => 'Bookmarks',
+ underline => 0,
+ @dataDumperEnableOpt
+ )->pack(-side => 'left',
+ 'padx' => 2) ;
+ $self->setup_bookmarks_menu() ;
+ #
+ # Windows Menu
+ #
+ my($bsub) = sub { $self->{'text'}->focus() } ;
+ my($csub) = sub { $self->{'quick_entry'}->focus() } ;
+ my($dsub) = sub { $self->{'entry'}->focus() } ;
+ $items = [ [ 'command' => 'Code Pane', -accelerator => 'Alt+0', -command => $bsub ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Quick Entry', -accelerator => 'F9', -command => $csub ],
+ [ 'command' => 'Expr Entry', -accelerator => 'F11', -command => $dsub ]
+ ] ;
+ $mb->Menubutton('text' => 'Windows', -menuitems => $items
+ )->pack(-side => 'left',
+ -padx => 2) ;
+ $mw->bind('<Alt-0>', $bsub) ;
+ $mw->bind('<F9>', $csub) ;
+ $mw->bind('<F11>', $dsub) ;
+ #
+ # Bar for some popular controls
+ #
+ $self->{button_bar} = $mw->Frame()->pack(side => 'top') ;
+ $self->{stepin_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Step In", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => $stepInSub) ;
+ $self->{stepin_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ;
+ $self->{stepover_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Step Over", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => $stepOverSub) ;
+ $self->{stepover_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ;
+ $self->{return_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Return", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => $returnSub) ;
+ $self->{return_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ;
+ $self->{run_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-background => 'green', -text, => "Run", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => $runSub) ;
+ $self->{run_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ;
+ $self->{run_to_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Run To", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => $runToSub) ;
+ $self->{run_to_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ;
+ $self->{breakpt_button} = $self->{button_bar}->Button(-text, => "Break", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => sub { $self->SetBreakPoint ; } ) ;
+ $self->{breakpt_button}->pack(-side => 'left') ;
+ push @{$self->{DisableOnLeave}}, @$self{'stepin_button', 'stepover_button', 'return_button', 'run_button', 'run_to_button', 'breakpt_button'} ;
+} # end of setup_menu_bar
+sub edit_bookmarks {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my ($top) = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Edit Bookmarks") ;
+ my $list = $top->Scrolled('Listbox', -selectmode => 'multiple')->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ my $deleteSub = sub {
+ my $cnt = 0 ;
+ for( $list->curselection ) {
+ $list->delete($_ - $cnt++) ;
+ }
+ } ;
+ my $okaySub = sub {
+ $self->{'bookmarks'} = [ $list->get(0, 'end') ] ; # replace the bookmarks
+ } ;
+ my $frm = $top->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ;
+ my $deleteBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Delete', -command => $deleteSub)->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ;
+ my $cancelBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Cancel', -command => sub { destroy $top ; })->pack(-side =>'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ;
+ my $dismissBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Okay', -command => $okaySub)->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ) ;
+ $list->insert('end', @{$self->{'bookmarks'}}) ;
+} # end of edit_bookmarks
+sub setup_bookmarks_menu {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ #
+ # "Add bookmark" item
+ #
+ my $bkMarkSub = sub { $self->add_bookmark() ; } ;
+ $self->{'bookmarks_menu'}->command(-label => "Add Bookmark",
+ -accelerator => 'Alt+k',
+ -command => $bkMarkSub
+ ) ;
+ $self->{'main_window'}->bind('<Alt-k>', $bkMarkSub) ;
+ $self->{'bookmarks_menu'}->command(-label => "Edit Bookmarks",
+ -command => sub { $self->edit_bookmarks() } ) ;
+ $self->{'bookmarks_menu'}->separator() ;
+ #
+ # Check to see if there is a bookmarks file
+ #
+ return unless -e $self->{BookMarksPath} && -r $self->{BookMarksPath} ;
+ use vars qw($ptkdb_bookmarks) ;
+ local($ptkdb_bookmarks) ; # ref to hash of bookmark entries
+ do $self->{BookMarksPath} ; # eval the file
+ $self->add_bookmark_items(@$ptkdb_bookmarks) ;
+} # end of setup_bookmarks_menu
+# $item = "$fname:$lineno"
+sub add_bookmark_items {
+ my($self, @items) = @_ ;
+ my($menu) = ( $self->{'bookmarks_menu'} ) ;
+ $self->{'bookmarks_changed'} = 1 ;
+ for( @items ) {
+ my $item = $_ ;
+ $menu->command( -label => $_,
+ -command => sub { $self->bookmark_cmd($item) }) ;
+ push @{$self->{'bookmarks'}}, $item ;
+ }
+} # end of add_bookmark_item
+# Invoked from the "Add Bookmark" command
+sub add_bookmark {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ my $line = $self->get_lineno() ;
+ my $fname = $self->{'current_file'} ;
+ $self->add_bookmark_items("$fname:$line") ;
+} # end of add_bookmark
+# Command executed when someone selects
+# a bookmark
+sub bookmark_cmd {
+ my ($self, $item) = @_ ;
+ $item =~ /(.*):([0-9]+)$/ ;
+ $self->set_file($1,$2) ;
+} # end of bookmark_cmd
+sub save_bookmarks {
+ my($self, $pathName) = @_ ;
+ return unless $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ; # we can't save without the data dumper
+ local(*F) ;
+ eval {
+ open F, ">$pathName" || die "open failed" ;
+ my $d = Data::Dumper->new([ $self->{'bookmarks'} ],
+ [ 'ptkdb_bookmarks' ]) ;
+ $d->Indent(2) ; # make it more editable for people
+ my $str ;
+ if( $d->can('Dumpxs') ) {
+ $str = $d->Dumpxs() ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = $d->Dump() ;
+ }
+ print F $str || die "outputing bookmarks failed" ;
+ close(F) ;
+ } ;
+ if( $@ ) {
+ $self->DoAlert("Couldn't save bookmarks file $@") ;
+ return ;
+ }
+} # end of save_bookmarks
+# This is our callback from a double click in our
+# HList. A click in an expanded item will delete
+# the children beneath it, and the next time it
+# updates, it will only update that entry to that
+# depth. If an item is 'unexpanded' such as
+# a hash or a list, it will expand it one more
+# level. How much further an item is expanded is
+# controled by package variable $Devel::ptkdb::add_expr_depth
+sub expr_expand {
+ my ($path) = @_ ;
+ my $hl = $DB::window->{'data_list'} ;
+ my ($parent, $root, $index, @children, $depth) ;
+ $parent = $path ;
+ $root = $path ;
+ $depth = 0 ;
+ for( $root = $path ; defined $parent && $parent ne "" ; $parent = $hl->infoParent($root) ) {
+ $root = $parent ;
+ $depth += 1 ;
+ } #end of root search
+ #
+ # Determine the index of the root of our expression
+ #
+ $index = 0 ;
+ for( @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}} ) {
+ last if $_->{'expr'} eq $root ;
+ $index += 1 ;
+ }
+ #
+ # if we have children we're going to delete them
+ #
+ @children = $hl->infoChildren($path) ;
+ if( scalar @children > 0 ) {
+ $hl->deleteOffsprings($path) ;
+ $DB::window->{'expr_list'}->[$index]->{'depth'} = $depth - 1 ; # adjust our depth
+ }
+ else {
+ #
+ # Delete the existing tree and insert a new one
+ #
+ $hl->deleteEntry($root) ;
+ $hl->add($root, -at => $index) ;
+ $DB::window->{'expr_list'}->[$index]->{'depth'} += $Devel::ptkdb::add_expr_depth ;
+ #
+ # Force an update on our expressions
+ #
+ $DB::window->{'event'} = 'update' ;
+ }
+} # end of expr_expand
+sub line_number_from_coord {
+ my($txtWidget, $coord) = @_ ;
+ my($index) ;
+ $index = $txtWidget->index($coord) ;
+ # index is in the format of lineno.column
+ $index =~ /([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/o ;
+ #
+ # return a list of (col, line). Why
+ # backwards?
+ #
+ return ($2 ,$1) ;
+} # end of line_number_from_coord
+# It may seem as if $txtWidget and $self are
+# erroneously reversed, but this is a result
+# of the calling syntax of the text-bind callback.
+sub set_breakpoint_tag {
+ my($txtWidget, $self, $coord, $value) = @_ ;
+ my($idx) ;
+ $idx = line_number_from_coord($txtWidget, $coord) ;
+ $self->insertBreakpoint($self->{'current_file'}, $idx, $value) ;
+} # end of set_breakpoint_tag
+sub clear_breakpoint_tag {
+ my($txtWidget, $self, $coord) = @_ ;
+ my($idx) ;
+ $idx = line_number_from_coord($txtWidget, $coord) ;
+ $self->removeBreakpoint($self->{'current_file'}, $idx) ;
+} # end of clear_breakpoint_tag
+sub change_breakpoint_tag {
+ my($txtWidget, $self, $coord, $value) = @_ ;
+ my($idx, $brkPt, @tagSet) ;
+ $idx = line_number_from_coord($txtWidget, $coord) ;
+ #
+ # Change the value of the breakpoint
+ #
+ @tagSet = ( "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length" ) ;
+ $brkPt = &DB::getdbline($self->{'current_file'}, $idx + $self->{'line_offset'}) ;
+ return unless $brkPt ;
+ #
+ # Check the breakpoint tag
+ #
+ if ( $txtWidget ) {
+ $txtWidget->tagRemove('breaksetLine', @tagSet ) ;
+ $txtWidget->tagRemove('breakdisabledLine', @tagSet ) ;
+ }
+ $brkPt->{'value'} = $value ;
+ if ( $txtWidget ) {
+ if ( $brkPt->{'value'} ) {
+ $txtWidget->tagAdd('breaksetLine', @tagSet ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $txtWidget->tagAdd('breakdisabledLine', @tagSet ) ;
+ }
+ }
+} # end of change_breakpoint_tag
+# God Forbid anyone comment something complex and tightly optimized.
+# We can get a list of the subroutines from the interpreter
+# by querrying the *DB::sub typeglob: keys %DB::sub
+# The list appears broken down by module:
+# main::BEGIN
+# main::mySub
+# main::otherSub
+# Tk::Adjuster::Mapped
+# Tk::Adjuster::Packed
+# Tk::Button::BEGIN
+# Tk::Button::Enter
+# We would like to break this list down into a heirarchy.
+# main Tk
+# | | | |
+# BEGIN mySub OtherSub | |
+# Adjuster Button
+# | | | |
+# Mapped Packed BEGIN Enter
+# We translate this list into a heirarchy of hashes(say three times fast).
+# We take each entry and split it into elements. Each element is a leaf in the tree.
+# We traverse the tree with the inner for loop.
+# With each branch we check to see if it already exists or
+# we create it. When we reach the last element, this becomes our entry.
+# An incoming list is potentially 'large' so we
+# pass in the ref to it instead.
+# New entries can be inserted by providing a $topH
+# hash ref to an existing tree.
+sub tree_split {
+ my ($listRef, $separator, $topH) = @_ ;
+ my ($h, $list_elem) ;
+ $topH = {} unless $topH ;
+ foreach $list_elem ( @$listRef ) {
+ $h = $topH ;
+ for( split /$separator/o, $list_elem ) { # Tk::Adjuster::Mapped -> ( Tk Adjuster Mapped )
+ $h->{$_} or $h->{$_} = {} ; # either we have an entry for this OR we create one
+ $h = $h->{$_} ;
+ }
+ @$h{'name', 'path'} = ($_, $list_elem) ; # the last leaf is our entry
+ } # end of tree_split loop
+ return $topH ;
+} # end of tree_split
+# callback executed when someone double clicks
+# an entry in the 'Subs' Tk::Notebook page.
+sub sub_list_cmd {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_ ;
+ my ($h) ;
+ my $sub_list = $self->{'sub_list'} ;
+ if ( $sub_list->info('children', $path) ) {
+ #
+ # Delete the children
+ #
+ $sub_list->deleteOffsprings($path) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ #
+ # split the path up into elements
+ # end descend through the tree.
+ #
+ $h = $Devel::ptkdb::subs_tree ;
+ for ( split /\./o, $path ) {
+ $h = $h->{$_} ; # next level down
+ }
+ #
+ # if we don't have a 'name' entry we
+ # still have levels to decend through.
+ #
+ if ( !exists $h->{'name'} ) {
+ #
+ # Add the next level paths
+ #
+ for ( sort keys %$h ) {
+ if ( exists $h->{$_}->{'path'} ) {
+ $sub_list->add($path . '.' . $_, -text => $h->{$_}->{'path'}) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sub_list->add($path . '.' . $_, -text => $_) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return ;
+ }
+ $DB::sub{$h->{'path'}} =~ /(.*):([0-9]+)-[0-9]+$/o ; # file name will be in $1, line number will be in $2 */
+ $self->set_file($1, $2) ;
+} # end of sub_list_cmd
+sub fill_subs_page {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ $self->{'sub_list'}->delete('all') ; # clear existing entries
+ my @list = keys %DB::sub ;
+ $Devel::ptkdb::subs_tree = tree_split(\@list, "::") ;
+ # setup to level of list
+ for ( sort keys %$Devel::ptkdb::subs_tree ) {
+ $self->{'sub_list'}->add($_, -text => $_) ;
+ } # end of top level loop
+sub setup_subs_page {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ $self->{'subs_page_activated'} = 1 ;
+ $self->{'sub_list'} = $self->{'subs_page'}->Scrolled('HList', -command => sub { $self->sub_list_cmd(@_) ; } ) ;
+ $self->fill_subs_page() ;
+ $self->{'sub_list'}->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', expand => 1
+ ) ;
+ $self->{'subs_list_cnt'} = scalar keys %DB::sub ;
+} # end of setup_subs_page
+sub setup_search_panel {
+ my ($self, $parent, @packArgs) = @_ ;
+ my ($frm, $srchBtn, $regexBtn, $entry) ;
+ $frm = $parent->Frame() ;
+ $frm->Button(-text => 'Goto', -command => sub { $self->DoGoto($entry) })->pack(side => 'left') ;
+ $srchBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Search', -command => sub { $self->FindSearch($entry, $srchBtn, 0) ; }
+ )->pack(side => 'left' ) ;
+ $regexBtn = $frm->Button(-text => 'Regex',
+ -command => sub { $self->FindSearch($entry, $regexBtn, 1) ; }
+ )->pack(side => 'left',
+ ) ;
+ $entry = $frm->Entry(width => 50)->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', expand => 1) ;
+ $frm->pack(@packArgs) ;
+} # end of setup search_panel
+sub setup_breakpts_page {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ require Tk::Table ;
+ $self->{'breakpts_page'} = $self->{'notebook'}->add("brkptspage", -label => "BrkPts") ;
+ $self->{'breakpts_table'} = $self->{'breakpts_page'}->Table(-columns => 1, -scrollbars => 'se')->
+ pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', expand => 1
+ ) ;
+ $self->{'breakpts_table_data'} = { } ; # controls addressed by "fname:lineno"
+} # end of setup_breakpts_page
+sub setup_frames {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my $mw = $self->{'main_window'} ;
+ my ($txt, $place_holder, $frm) ;
+ require Tk::ROText ;
+ require Tk::NoteBook ;
+ require Tk::HList ;
+ require Tk::Balloon ;
+ require Tk::Adjuster ;
+ # get the side that we want to put the code pane on
+ my($codeSide) = $ENV{'PTKDB_CODE_SIDE'} || $mw->optionGet("codeside", "") || 'left' ;
+ $mw->update ; # force geometry manager to map main_window
+ $frm = $mw->Frame(-width => $mw->reqwidth()) ; # frame for our code pane and search controls
+ $self->setup_search_panel($frm, side => 'top', fill => 'x') ;
+ #
+ # Text window for the code of our currently viewed file
+ #
+ $self->{'text'} = $frm->Scrolled('ROText',
+ -wrap => "none",
+ @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg,
+ @Devel::ptkdb::code_text_font
+ ) ;
+ $txt = $self->{'text'} ;
+ for( $txt->children ) {
+ next unless (ref $_) =~ /ROText$/ ;
+ $self->{'text'} = $_ ;
+ last ;
+ }
+ $frm->packPropagate(0) ;
+ $txt->packPropagate(0) ;
+ $frm->packAdjust(side => $codeSide, fill => 'both', expand => 1) ;
+ $txt->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', expand => 1) ;
+ # $txt->form(-top => [ $self->{'menu_bar'} ], -left => '%0', -right => '%50') ;
+ # $frm->form(-top => [ $self->{'menu_bar'} ], -left => '%50', -right => '%100') ;
+ $self->configure_text() ;
+ #
+ # Notebook
+ #
+ $self->{'notebook'} = $mw->NoteBook() ;
+ $self->{'notebook'}->packPropagate(0) ;
+ $self->{'notebook'}->pack(side => $codeSide, fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ #
+ # an hlist for the data entries
+ #
+ $self->{'data_page'} = $self->{'notebook'}->add("datapage", -label => "Exprs") ;
+ #
+ # frame, entry and label for quick expressions
+ #
+ my $frame = $self->{'data_page'}->Frame()->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'x') ;
+ my $label = $frame->Label('text' => "Quick Expr:")->pack(side => 'left') ;
+ $self->{'quick_entry'} = $frame->Entry()->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $self->{'quick_entry'}->bind('<Return>', sub { $self->QuickExpr() ; } ) ;
+ #
+ # Entry widget for expressions and breakpoints
+ #
+ $frame = $self->{'data_page'}->Frame()->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'x') ;
+ $label = $frame->Label('text' => "Enter Expr:")->pack(side => 'left') ;
+ $self->{'entry'} = $frame->Entry()->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $self->{'entry'}->bind('<Return>', sub { $self->EnterExpr() }) ;
+ #
+ # Hlist for data expressions
+ #
+ $self->{data_list} = $self->{'data_page'}->Scrolled('HList',
+ @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg,
+ separator => $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep,
+ @Devel::ptkdb::expression_text_font,
+ -command => \&Devel::ptkdb::expr_expand,
+ -selectmode => 'multiple'
+ ) ;
+ $self->{data_list}->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', expand => 1
+ ) ;
+ $self->{'subs_page_activated'} = 0 ;
+ $self->{'subs_page'} = $self->{'notebook'}->add("subspage", -label => "Subs", -createcmd => sub { $self->setup_subs_page }) ;
+ $self->setup_breakpts_page() ;
+} # end of setup_frames
+sub configure_text {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ my($txt, $mw) = ($self->{'text'}, $self->{'main_window'}) ;
+ my($place_holder) ;
+ $self->{'expr_balloon'} = $txt->Balloon();
+ $self->{'balloon_expr'} = ' ' ; # initial expression
+ # If Data::Dumper is available setup a dumper for the balloon
+ if ( $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ) {
+ $self->{'balloon_dumper'} = new Data::Dumper([$place_holder]) ;
+ $self->{'balloon_dumper'}->Terse(1) ;
+ $self->{'balloon_dumper'}->Indent($Devel::ptkdb::eval_dump_indent) ;
+ $self->{'quick_dumper'} = new Data::Dumper([$place_holder]) ;
+ $self->{'quick_dumper'}->Terse(1) ;
+ $self->{'quick_dumper'}->Indent(0) ;
+ }
+ $self->{'expr_ballon_msg'} = ' ' ;
+ $self->{'expr_balloon'}->attach($txt, -initwait => 300,
+ -msg => \$self->{'expr_ballon_msg'},
+ -balloonposition => 'mouse',
+ -postcommand => \&Devel::ptkdb::balloon_post,
+ -motioncommand => \&Devel::ptkdb::balloon_motion ) ;
+ # tags for the text
+ my @stopTagConfig = ( -foreground => 'white', -background => $mw->optionGet("stopcolor", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_STOP_TAG_COLOR'} || 'blue' ) ;
+ my $stopFnt = $mw->optionGet("stopfont", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_STOP_TAG_FONT'} ;
+ push @stopTagConfig, ( -font => $stopFnt ) if $stopFnt ; # user may not have specified a font, if not, stay with the default
+ $txt->tagConfigure('stoppt', @stopTagConfig) ;
+ $txt->tagConfigure('search_tag', "-background" => $mw->optionGet("searchtagcolor", "background") || "green") ;
+ $txt->tagConfigure("breakableLine", -overstrike => 0) ;
+ $txt->tagConfigure("nonbreakableLine", -overstrike => 1) ;
+ $txt->tagConfigure("breaksetLine", -background => $mw->optionGet("breaktagcolor", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_BRKPT_COLOR'} || 'red') ;
+ $txt->tagConfigure("breakdisabledLine", -background => $mw->optionGet("disabledbreaktagcolor", "background") || $ENV{'PTKDB_DISABLEDBRKPT_COLOR'} || 'green') ;
+ $txt->tagBind("breakableLine", '<Button-1>', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::set_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 1 ] ) ;
+ $txt->tagBind("breakableLine", '<Shift-Button-1>', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::set_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 0 ] ) ;
+ $txt->tagBind("breaksetLine", '<Button-1>', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::clear_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@') ] ) ;
+ $txt->tagBind("breaksetLine", '<Shift-Button-1>', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::change_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 0 ] ) ;
+ $txt->tagBind("breakdisabledLine", '<Button-1>', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::clear_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@') ] ) ;
+ $txt->tagBind("breakdisabledLine", '<Shift-Button-1>', [ \&Devel::ptkdb::change_breakpoint_tag, $self, Ev('@'), 1 ] ) ;
+} # end of configure_text
+sub setup_options {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my $mw = $self->{main_window} ;
+ return unless $mw->can('appname') ;
+ $mw->appname("ptkdb") ;
+ $mw->optionAdd("stopcolor" => 'cyan', 60 ) ;
+ $mw->optionAdd("stopfont" => 'fixed', 60 ) ;
+ $mw->optionAdd("breaktag" => 'red', 60 ) ;
+ $mw->optionAdd("searchtagcolor" => 'green') ;
+ $mw->optionClear ; # necessary to reload xresources
+} # end of setup_options
+sub DoAlert {
+ my($self, $msg, $title) = @_ ;
+ my($dlg) ;
+ my $okaySub = sub {
+ destroy $dlg ;
+ } ;
+ $dlg = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => $title || "Alert", -overanchor => 'cursor') ;
+ $dlg->Label( 'text' => $msg )->pack( side => 'top' ) ;
+ $dlg->Button( 'text' => "Okay", -command => $okaySub )->pack( side => 'top' )->focus ;
+ $dlg->bind('<Return>', $okaySub) ;
+} # end of DoAlert
+sub simplePromptBox {
+ my ($self, $title, $defaultText, $okaySub, $cancelSub) = @_ ;
+ my ($top, $entry, $okayBtn) ;
+ $top = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => $title, -overanchor => 'cursor' ) ;
+ $Devel::ptkdb::promptString = $defaultText ;
+ $entry = $top->Entry('-textvariable' => 'Devel::ptkdb::promptString')->pack('side' => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $okayBtn = $top->Button( text => "Okay", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font, -command => sub { &$okaySub() ; $top->destroy ;}
+ )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $top->Button( text => "Cancel", -command => sub { &$cancelSub() if $cancelSub ; $top->destroy() }, @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $entry->icursor('end') ;
+ $entry->selectionRange(0, 'end') if $entry->can('selectionRange') ; # some win32 Tk installations can't do this
+ $entry->focus() ;
+ return $top ;
+} # end of simplePromptBox
+sub get_entry_text {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ return $self->{entry}->get() ; # get the text in the entry
+} # end of get_entry_text
+# Clear any text that is in the entry field. If there
+# was any text in that field return it. If there
+# was no text then return any selection that may be active.
+sub clear_entry_text {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ my $str = $self->{'entry'}->get() ;
+ $self->{'entry'}->delete(0, 'end') ;
+ #
+ # No String
+ # Empty String
+ # Or a string that is only whitespace
+ #
+ if( !$str || $str eq "" || $str =~ /^\s+$/ ) {
+ #
+ # If there is no string or the string is just white text
+ # Get the text in the selction( if any)
+ #
+ if( $self->{'text'}->tagRanges('sel') ) { # check to see if 'sel' tag exists (return undef value)
+ $str = $self->{'text'}->get("sel.first", "sel.last") ; # get the text between the 'first' and 'last' point of the sel (selection) tag
+ }
+ # If still no text, bring the focus to the entry
+ elsif( !$str || $str eq "" || $str =~ /^\s+$/ ) {
+ $self->{'entry'}->focus() ;
+ $str = "" ;
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Erase existing text
+ #
+ return $str ;
+} # end of clear_entry_text
+sub brkPtCheckbutton {
+ my ($self, $fname, $idx, $brkPt) = @_ ;
+ my ($widg) ;
+ change_breakpoint_tag($self->{'text'}, $self, "$idx.0", $brkPt->{'value'}) if $fname eq $self->{'current_file'} ;
+} # end of brkPtCheckbutton
+# insert a breakpoint control into our breakpoint list.
+# returns a handle to the control
+# Expression, if defined, is to be evaluated at the breakpoint
+# and execution stopped if it is non-zero/defined.
+# If action is defined && True then it will be evalled
+# before continuing.
+sub insertBreakpoint {
+ my ($self, $fname, @brks) = @_ ;
+ my ($btn, $cnt, $item) ;
+ my($offset) ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ;
+ while( @brks ) {
+ my($index, $value, $expression) = splice @brks, 0, 3 ; # take args 3 at a time
+ my $brkPt = {} ;
+ my $txt = &DB::getdbtextline($fname, $index) ;
+ @$brkPt{'type', 'line', 'expr', 'value', 'fname', 'text'} =
+ ('user', $index, $expression, $value, $fname, "$txt") ;
+ &DB::setdbline($fname, $index + $offset, $brkPt) ;
+ $self->add_brkpt_to_brkpt_page($brkPt) ;
+ next unless $fname eq $self->{'current_file'} ;
+ $self->{'text'}->tagRemove("breakableLine", "$index.0", "$index.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ;
+ $self->{'text'}->tagAdd($value ? "breaksetLine" : "breakdisabledLine", "$index.0", "$index.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ;
+ } # end of loop
+} # end of insertBreakpoint
+sub add_brkpt_to_brkpt_page {
+ my($self, $brkPt) = @_ ;
+ my($btn, $fname, $index, $frm, $upperFrame, $lowerFrame) ;
+ my ($row, $btnName, $width) ;
+ #
+ # Add the breakpoint to the breakpoints page
+ #
+ ($fname, $index) = @$brkPt{'fname', 'line'} ;
+ return if exists $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$index"} ;
+ $self->{'brkPtCnt'} += 1 ;
+ $btnName = $fname ;
+ $btnName =~ s/.*\/([^\/]*)$/$1/o ;
+ # take the last leaf of the pathname
+ $frm = $self->{'breakpts_table'}->Frame(-relief => 'raised') ;
+ $upperFrame = $frm->Frame()->pack('side' => 'top', '-fill' => 'x', 'expand' => 1) ;
+ $btn = $upperFrame->Checkbutton(-text => "$btnName:$index",
+ -variable => \$brkPt->{'value'}, # CAUTION value tracking
+ -command => sub { $self->brkPtCheckbutton($fname, $index, $brkPt) }) ;
+ $btn->pack(side => 'left') ;
+ $btn = $upperFrame->Button(-text => "Delete", -command => sub { $self->removeBreakpoint($fname, $index) ; } ) ;
+ $btn->pack('side' => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $btn = $upperFrame->Button(-text => "Goto", -command => sub { $self->set_file($fname, $index) ; } ) ;
+ $btn->pack('side' => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $lowerFrame = $frm->Frame()->pack('side' => 'top', '-fill' => 'x', 'expand' => 1) ;
+ $lowerFrame->Label(-text => "Cond:")->pack('side' => 'left') ;
+ $btn = $lowerFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$brkPt->{'expr'}) ;
+ $btn->pack('side' => 'left', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $frm->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $row = pop @{$self->{'brkPtSlots'}} or $row = $self->{'brkPtCnt'} ;
+ $self->{'breakpts_table'}->put($row, 1, $frm) ;
+ $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$index"}->{'frm'} = $frm ;
+ $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$index"}->{'row'} = $row ;
+ $self->{'main_window'}->update ;
+ $width = $frm->width ;
+ if ( $width > $self->{'breakpts_table'}->width ) {
+ $self->{'notebook'}->configure(-width => $width) ;
+ }
+} # end of add_brkpt_to_brkpt_page
+sub remove_brkpt_from_brkpt_page {
+ my($self, $fname, $idx) = @_ ;
+ my($table) ;
+ $table = $self->{'breakpts_table'} ;
+ # Delete the breakpoint control in the breakpoints window
+ $table->put($self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$idx"}->{'row'}, 1) ; # delete?
+ #
+ # Add this now empty slot to the list of ones we have open
+ #
+ push @{$self->{'brkPtSlots'}}, $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$idx"}->{'row'} ;
+ $self->{'brkPtSlots'} = [ sort { $b <=> $a } @{$self->{'brkPtSlots'}} ] ;
+ delete $self->{'breakpts_table_data'}->{"$fname:$idx"} ;
+ $self->{'brkPtCnt'} -= 1 ;
+} # end of remove_brkpt_from_brkpt_page
+# Supporting the "Run To Here..." command
+sub insertTempBreakpoint {
+ my ($self, $fname, $index) = @_ ;
+ my($offset) ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ;
+ return if( &DB::getdbline($fname, $index + $offset) ) ; # we already have a breakpoint here
+ &DB::setdbline($fname, $index + $offset, {'type' => 'temp', 'line' => $index, 'value' => 1 } ) ;
+} # end of insertTempBreakpoint
+sub reinsertBreakpoints {
+ my ($self, $fname) = @_ ;
+ my ($brkPt) ;
+ foreach $brkPt ( &DB::getbreakpoints($fname) ) {
+ #
+ # Our breakpoints are indexed by line
+ # therefore we can have 'gaps' where there
+ # lines, but not breaks set for them.
+ #
+ next unless defined $brkPt ;
+ $self->insertBreakpoint($fname, @$brkPt{'line', 'value', 'expr'}) if( $brkPt->{'type'} eq 'user' ) ;
+ $self->insertTempBreakpoint($fname, $brkPt->{line}) if( $brkPt->{'type'} eq 'temp' ) ;
+ } # end of reinsert loop
+} # end of reinsertBreakpoints
+sub removeBreakpointTags {
+ my ($self, @brkPts) = @_ ;
+ my($idx, $brkPt) ;
+ foreach $brkPt (@brkPts) {
+ $idx = $brkPt->{'line'} ;
+ if ( $brkPt->{'value'} ) {
+ $self->{'text'}->tagRemove("breaksetLine", "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'text'}->tagRemove("breakdisabledLine", "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ;
+ }
+ $self->{'text'}->tagAdd("breakableLine", "$idx.0", "$idx.$Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length") ;
+ }
+} # end of removeBreakpointTags
+# Remove a breakpoint from the current window
+sub removeBreakpoint {
+ my ($self, $fname, @idx) = @_ ;
+ my ($idx, $chkIdx, $i, $j, $info) ;
+ my($offset) ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ $offset = $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ? 1 : 0 ;
+ foreach $idx (@idx) { # end of removal loop
+ next unless defined $idx ;
+ my $brkPt = &DB::getdbline($fname, $idx + $offset) ;
+ next unless $brkPt ; # if we do not have an entry
+ &DB::cleardbline($fname, $idx + $offset) ;
+ $self->remove_brkpt_from_brkpt_page($fname, $idx) ;
+ next unless $brkPt->{fname} eq $self->{'current_file'} ; # if this isn't our current file there will be no controls
+ # Delete the ext associated with the breakpoint expression (if any)
+ $self->removeBreakpointTags($brkPt) ;
+ } # end of remove loop
+ return ;
+} # end of removeBreakpoint
+sub removeAllBreakpoints {
+ my ($self, $fname) = @_ ;
+ $self->removeBreakpoint($fname, &DB::getdblineindexes($fname)) ;
+} # end of removeAllBreakpoints
+# Delete expressions prior to an update
+sub deleteAllExprs {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ $self->{'data_list'}->delete('all') ;
+} # end of deleteAllExprs
+sub EnterExpr {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my $str = $self->clear_entry_text() ;
+ if( $str && $str ne "" && $str !~ /^\s+$/ ) { # if there is an expression and it's more than white space
+ $self->{'expr'} = $str ;
+ $self->{'event'} = 'expr' ;
+ }
+} # end of EnterExpr
+sub QuickExpr {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my $str = $self->{'quick_entry'}->get() ;
+ if( $str && $str ne "" && $str !~ /^\s+$/ ) { # if there is an expression and it's more than white space
+ $self->{'qexpr'} = $str ;
+ $self->{'event'} = 'qexpr' ;
+ }
+} # end of QuickExpr
+sub deleteExpr {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my ($entry, $i, @indexes) ;
+ my @sList = $self->{'data_list'}->info('select') ;
+ #
+ # if we're deleteing a top level expression
+ # we have to take it out of the list of expressions
+ #
+ foreach $entry ( @sList ) {
+ next if ($entry =~ /\//) ; # goto next expression if we're not a top level ( expr/entry)
+ $i = 0 ;
+ grep { push @indexes, $i if ($_->{'expr'} eq $entry) ; $i++ ; } @{$self->{'expr_list'}} ;
+ } # end of check loop
+ # now take out our list of indexes ;
+ for( 0..$#indexes ) {
+ splice @{$self->{'expr_list'}}, $indexes[$_] - $_, 1 ;
+ }
+ for( @sList ) {
+ $self->{'data_list'}->delete('entry', $_) ;
+ }
+} # end of deleteExpr
+sub fixExprPath {
+ my(@pathList) = @_ ;
+ for (@pathList) {
+ s/$Devel::ptkdb::pathSep/$Devel::ptkdb::pathSepReplacement/go ;
+ } # end of path list
+ return $pathList[0] unless wantarray ;
+ return @pathList ;
+} # end of fixExprPath
+## Inserts an expression($theRef) into an HList Widget($dl). If the expression
+## is an array, blessed array, hash, or blessed hash(typical object), then this
+## routine is called recursively, adding the members to the next level of heirarchy,
+## prefixing array members with a [idx] and the hash members with the key name.
+## This continues until the entire expression is decomposed to it's atomic constituents.
+## Protection is given(with $reusedRefs) to ensure that 'circular' references within
+## arrays or hashes(i.e. where a member of a array or hash contains a reference to a
+## parent element within the heirarchy.
+# Returns 1 if sucessfully added 0 if not
+sub insertExpr {
+ my($self, $reusedRefs, $dl, $theRef, $name, $depth, $dirPath) = @_ ;
+ my($label, $type, $result, $selfCnt, @circRefs) ;
+ local($^W) = 0 ; # spare us uncessary warnings about comparing strings with ==
+ #
+ # Add data new data entries to the bottom
+ #
+ $dirPath = "" unless defined $dirPath ;
+ $label = "" ;
+ $selfCnt = 0 ;
+ while( ref $theRef eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ $theRef = $$theRef ;
+ }
+ REF_CHECK: for( ; ; ) {
+ push @circRefs, $theRef ;
+ $type = ref $theRef ;
+ last unless ($type eq "REF") ;
+ $theRef = $$theRef ; # dref again
+ $label .= "\\" ; # append a
+ if( grep $_ == $theRef, @circRefs ) {
+ $label .= "(circular)" ;
+ last ;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !$type || $type eq "" || $type eq "GLOB" || $type eq "CODE") {
+ eval {
+ if( !defined $theRef ) {
+ $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $label" . "undef") ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $label$theRef") ;
+ }
+ } ;
+ $self->DoAlert($@), return 0 if $@ ;
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ if( $type eq 'ARRAY' or "$theRef" =~ /ARRAY/ ) {
+ my ($r, $idx) ;
+ $idx = 0 ;
+ eval {
+ $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $theRef") ;
+ } ;
+ if( $@ ) {
+ $self->DoAlert($@) ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ $result = 1 ;
+ foreach $r ( @{$theRef} ) {
+ if( grep $_ == $r, @$reusedRefs ) { # check to make sure that we're not doing a single level self reference
+ eval {
+ $dl->add($dirPath . fixExprPath($name) . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep . "__ptkdb_self_path" . $selfCnt++, -text => "[$idx] = $r REUSED ADDR") ;
+ } ;
+ $self->DoAlert($@) if( $@ ) ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ $^W = 0 ;
+ push @$reusedRefs, $r ;
+ $result = $self->insertExpr($reusedRefs, $dl, $r, "[$idx]", $depth-1, $dirPath . fixExprPath($name) . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep) unless $depth == 0 ;
+ pop @$reusedRefs ;
+ return 0 unless $result ;
+ $idx += 1 ;
+ }
+ return 1 ;
+ } # end of array case
+ if( "$theRef" !~ /HASH\050\060x[0-9a-f]*\051/o ) {
+ eval {
+ $dl->add($dirPath . fixExprPath($name), -text => "$name = $theRef") ;
+ } ;
+ if( $@ ) {
+ $self->DoAlert($@) ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+# Anything else at this point is
+# either a 'HASH' or an object
+# of some kind.
+ my($r, @theKeys, $idx) ;
+ $idx = 0 ;
+ @theKeys = sort keys %{$theRef} ;
+ $dl->add($dirPath . $name, -text => "$name = $theRef") ;
+ $result = 1 ;
+ foreach $r ( @$theRef{@theKeys} ) { # slice out the values with the sorted list
+ if( grep $_ == $r, @$reusedRefs ) { # check to make sure that we're not doing a single level self reference
+ eval {
+ $dl->add($dirPath . fixExprPath($name) . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep . "__ptkdb_self_path" . $selfCnt++, -text => "$theKeys[$idx++] = $r REUSED ADDR") ;
+ } ;
+ print "bad path $@\n" if( $@ ) ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ $^W = 0 ;
+ push @$reusedRefs, $r ;
+ $result = $self->insertExpr($reusedRefs, # recursion protection
+ $dl, # data list widget
+ $r, # reference whose value is displayed
+ $theKeys[$idx], # name
+ $depth-1, # remaining expansion depth
+ $dirPath . $name . $Devel::ptkdb::pathSep # path to add to
+ ) unless $depth == 0 ;
+ pop @$reusedRefs ;
+ return 0 unless $result ;
+ $idx += 1 ;
+ } # end of ref add loop
+ return 1 ;
+} # end of insertExpr
+# We're setting the line where we are stopped.
+# Create a tag for this and set it as bold.
+sub set_line {
+ my ($self, $lineno) = @_ ;
+ my $text = $self->{'text'} ;
+ return if( $lineno <= 0 ) ;
+ if( $self->{current_line} > 0 ) {
+ $text->tagRemove('stoppt', "$self->{current_line}.0 linestart", "$self->{current_line}.0 lineend") ;
+ }
+ $self->{current_line} = $lineno - $self->{'line_offset'} ;
+ $text->tagAdd('stoppt', "$self->{current_line}.0 linestart", "$self->{current_line}.0 lineend") ;
+ $self->{'text'}->see("$self->{current_line}.0 linestart") ;
+} # end of set_line
+# Set the file that is in the code window.
+# $fname the 'new' file to view
+# $line the line number we're at
+# $brkPts any breakpoints that may have been set in this file
+use Carp ;
+sub set_file {
+ my ($self, $fname, $line) = @_ ;
+ my ($lineStr, $offset, $text, $i, @text) ;
+ my (@breakableTagList, @nonBreakableTagList) ;
+ return unless $fname ; # we're getting an undef here on 'Restart...'
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname};
+ #
+ # with the #! /usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb at the header of the file
+ # we've found that with various combinations of other options the
+ # files haven't come in at the right offsets
+ #
+ $offset = 0 ;
+ $offset = 1 if $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ;
+ $self->{'line_offset'} = $offset ;
+ $text = $self->{'text'} ;
+ if( $fname eq $self->{current_file} ) {
+ $self->set_line($line) ;
+ return ;
+ } ;
+ $fname =~ s/^\-// ; # Tk does not like leadiing '-'s
+ $self->{main_window}->configure('-title' => $fname) ;
+ # Erase any existing text
+ $text->delete('0.0','end') ;
+ my $len = $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length ;
+ #
+ # This is the tightest loop we have in the ptkdb code.
+ # It is here where performance is the most critical.
+ # The map block formats perl code for display. Since
+ # the file could be potentially large, we will try
+ # to make this loop as thin as possible.
+ #
+ # NOTE: For a new perl individual this may appear as
+ # if it was intentionally obfuscated. This is not
+ # not the case. The following code is the result
+ # of an intensive effort to optimize this code.
+ # Prior versions of this code were quite easier
+ # to read, but took 3 times longer.
+ #
+ $lineStr = " " x 200 ; # pre-allocate space for $lineStr
+ $i = 1 ;
+ local($^W) = 0 ; # spares us useless warnings under -w when checking $dbline[$_] != 0
+ #
+ # The 'map' call will build list of 'string', 'tag' pairs
+ # that will become arguments to the 'insert' call. Passing
+ # the text to insert "all at once" rather than one insert->('end', 'string', 'tag')
+ # call at time provides a MASSIVE savings in execution time.
+ #
+ $text->insert('end', map {
+ #
+ # build collections of tags representing
+ # the line numbers for breakable and
+ # non-breakable lines. We apply these
+ # tags after we've built the text
+ #
+ ($_ != 0 && push @breakableTagList, "$i.0", "$i.$len") || push @nonBreakableTagList, "$i.0", "$i.$len" ;
+ $lineStr = sprintf($Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_format, $i++) . $_ ; # line number + text of the line
+ $lineStr .= "\n" unless /\n$/o ; # append a \n if there isn't one already
+ ($lineStr, 'code') ; # return value for block, a string,tag pair for text insert
+ } @dbline[$offset+1 .. $#dbline] ) ;
+ #
+ # Apply the tags that we've collected
+ # NOTE: it was attempted to incorporate these
+ # operations into the 'map' block above, but that
+ # actually degraded performance.
+ #
+ $text->tagAdd("breakableLine", @breakableTagList) if @breakableTagList ; # apply tag to line numbers where the lines are breakable
+ $text->tagAdd("nonbreakableLine", @nonBreakableTagList) if @nonBreakableTagList ; # apply tag to line numbers where the lines are not breakable.
+ #
+ # Reinsert breakpoints (if info provided)
+ #
+ $self->set_line($line) ;
+ $self->{current_file} = $fname ;
+ return $self->reinsertBreakpoints($fname) ;
+ } # end of set_file
+# Get the current line that the insert cursor is in
+ sub get_lineno {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my ($info) ;
+ $info = $self->{'text'}->index('insert') ; # get the location for the insertion point
+ $info =~ s/\..*$/\.0/ ;
+ return int $info ;
+ } # end of get_lineno
+sub DoGoto {
+ my ($self, $entry) = @_ ;
+ my $txt = $entry->get() ;
+ $txt =~ s/(\d*).*/$1/ ; # take the first blob of digits
+ if( $txt eq "" ) {
+ print "invalid text range\n" ;
+ return if $txt eq "" ;
+ }
+ $self->{'text'}->see("$txt.0") ;
+ $entry->selectionRange(0, 'end') if $entry->can('selectionRange')
+ } # end of DoGoto
+sub GotoLine {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my ($topLevel) ;
+ if( $self->{goto_window} ) {
+ $self->{goto_window}->raise() ;
+ $self->{goto_text}->focus() ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ #
+ # Construct a dialog that has an
+ # entry field, okay and cancel buttons
+ #
+ my $okaySub = sub { $self->DoGoto($self->{'goto_text'}) } ;
+ $topLevel = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Goto Line?", -overanchor => 'cursor') ;
+ $self->{goto_text} = $topLevel->Entry()->pack(side => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $self->{goto_text}->bind('<Return>', $okaySub) ; # make a CR do the same thing as pressing an okay
+ $self->{goto_text}->focus() ;
+ # Bind a double click on the mouse button to the same action
+ # as pressing the Okay button
+ $topLevel->Button( text => "Okay", -command => $okaySub, @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ #
+ # Subroutone called when the 'Dismiss'
+ # button is pushed.
+ #
+ my $dismissSub = sub {
+ delete $self->{goto_text} ;
+ destroy {$self->{goto_window}} ;
+ delete $self->{goto_window} ; # remove the entry from our hash so we won't
+ } ;
+ $topLevel->Button( text => "Dismiss", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => $dismissSub )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $topLevel->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', sub { destroy $topLevel ; } ) ;
+ $self->{goto_window} = $topLevel ;
+} # end of GotoLine
+# Subroutine called when the 'okay' button is pressed
+sub FindSearch {
+ my ($self, $entry, $btn, $regExp) = @_ ;
+ my (@switches, $result) ;
+ my $txt = $entry->get() ;
+ return if $txt eq "" ;
+ push @switches, "-forward" if $self->{fwdOrBack} eq "forward" ;
+ push @switches, "-backward" if $self->{fwdOrBack} eq "backward" ;
+ if( $regExp ) {
+ push @switches, "-regexp" ;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @switches, "-nocase" ; # if we're not doing regex we may as well do caseless search
+ }
+ $result = $self->{'text'}->search(@switches, $txt, $self->{search_start}) ;
+ # untag the previously found text
+ $self->{'text'}->tagRemove('search_tag', @{$self->{search_tag}}) if defined $self->{search_tag} ;
+ if( !$result || $result eq "" ) {
+ # No Text was found
+ $btn->flash() ;
+ $btn->bell() ;
+ delete $self->{search_tag} ;
+ $self->{'search_start'} = "0.0" ;
+ }
+ else { # text found
+ $self->{'text'}->see($result) ;
+ # set the insertion of the text as well
+ $self->{'text'}->markSet('insert' => $result) ;
+ my $len = length $txt ;
+ if( $self->{fwdOrBack} ) {
+ $self->{search_start} = "$result +$len chars" ;
+ $self->{search_tag} = [ $result, $self->{search_start} ] ;
+ }
+ else {
+ # backwards search
+ $self->{search_start} = "$result -$len chars" ;
+ $self->{search_tag} = [ $result, "$result +$len chars" ] ;
+ }
+ # tag the newly found text
+ $self->{'text'}->tagAdd('search_tag', @{$self->{search_tag}}) ;
+ } # end of text found
+ $entry->selectionRange(0, 'end') if $entry->can('selectionRange') ;
+} # end of FindSearch
+# Support for the Find Text... Menu command
+sub FindText {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my ($top, $entry, $rad1, $rad2, $chk, $regExp, $frm, $okayBtn) ;
+ #
+ # if we already have the Find Text Window
+ # open don't bother openning another, bring
+ # the existing one to the front.
+ #
+ if( $self->{find_window} ) {
+ $self->{find_window}->raise() ;
+ $self->{find_text}->focus() ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ $self->{search_start} = $self->{'text'}->index('insert') if( $self->{search_start} eq "" ) ;
+ #
+ # Subroutine called when the 'Dismiss' button
+ # is pushed.
+ #
+ my $dismissSub = sub {
+ $self->{'text'}->tagRemove('search_tag', @{$self->{search_tag}}) if defined $self->{search_tag} ;
+ $self->{search_start} = "" ;
+ destroy {$self->{find_window}} ;
+ delete $self->{search_tag} ;
+ delete $self->{find_window} ;
+ } ;
+ #
+ # Construct a dialog that has an entry field, forward, backward, regex option, okay and cancel buttons
+ #
+ $top = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Find Text?") ;
+ $self->{find_text} = $top->Entry()->pack('side' => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $frm = $top->Frame()->pack('side' => 'top', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $self->{fwdOrBack} = 'forward' ;
+ $rad1 = $frm->Radiobutton('text' => "Forward", 'value' => 1, 'variable' => \$self->{fwdOrBack}) ;
+ $rad1->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $rad2 = $frm->Radiobutton('text' => "Backward", 'value' => 0, 'variable' => \$self->{fwdOrBack}) ;
+ $rad2->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $regExp = 0 ;
+ $chk = $frm->Checkbutton('text' => "RegExp", 'variable' => \$regExp) ;
+ $chk->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ # Okay and cancel buttons
+ # Bind a double click on the mouse button to the same action
+ # as pressing the Okay button
+ $okayBtn = $top->Button( text => "Okay", -command => sub { $self->FindSearch($self->{find_text}, $okayBtn, $regExp) ; },
+ @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ )->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $self->{find_text}->bind('<Return>', sub { $self->FindSearch($self->{find_text}, $okayBtn, $regExp) ; }) ;
+ $top->Button( text => "Dismiss", @Devel::ptkdb::button_font,
+ -command => $dismissSub)->pack(side => 'left', fill => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $top->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', $dismissSub) ;
+ $self->{find_text}->focus() ;
+ $self->{find_window} = $top ;
+} # end of FindText
+sub main_loop {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my ($evt, $str, $result) ;
+ my $i = 0;
+ SWITCH: for ($self->{'event'} = 'null' ; ; $self->{'event'} = undef ) {
+ Tk::DoOneEvent(0);
+ next unless $self->{'event'} ;
+ $evt = $self->{'event'} ;
+ $evt =~ /step/o && do { last SWITCH ; } ;
+ $evt =~ /null/o && do { next SWITCH ; } ;
+ $evt =~ /run/o && do { last SWITCH ; } ;
+ $evt =~ /quit/o && do { $self->{main_window}->destroy if $self->{main_window} ;
+ $self->{main_window} = undef if defined $self->{main_window} ; exit ; } ;
+ $evt =~ /expr/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # adds an expression to our expression window
+ $evt =~ /qexpr/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # does a 'quick' expression
+ $evt =~ /update/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # forces an update on our expression window
+ $evt =~ /reeval/o && do { return $evt ; } ; # updated the open expression eval window
+ $evt =~ /balloon_eval/ && do { return $evt } ;
+ } # end of switch block
+ return $evt ;
+} # end of main_loop
+# $subStackRef A reference to the current subroutine stack
+sub goto_sub_from_stack {
+ my ($self, $f, $lineno) = @_ ;
+ $self->set_file($f, $lineno) ;
+} # end of goto_sub_from_stack ;
+sub refresh_stack_menu {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my ($str, $name, $i, $sub_offset, $subStack) ;
+ #
+ # CAUTION: In the effort to 'rationalize' the code
+ # are moving some of this function down from DB::DB
+ # to here. $sub_offset represents how far 'down'
+ # we are from DB::DB. The $DB::subroutine_depth is
+ # tracked in such a way that while we are 'in' the debugger
+ # it will not be incremented, and thus represents the stack depth
+ # of the target program.
+ #
+ $sub_offset = 1 ;
+ $subStack = [] ;
+ # clear existing entries
+ for( $i = 0 ; $i <= $DB::subroutine_depth ; $i++ ) {
+ my ($package, $filename, $line, $subName) = caller $i+$sub_offset ;
+ last if !$subName ;
+ push @$subStack, { 'name' => $subName, 'pck' => $package, 'filename' => $filename, 'line' => $line } ;
+ }
+ $self->{stack_menu}->menu->delete(0, 'last') ; # delete existing menu items
+ for( $i = 0 ; $subStack->[$i] ; $i++ ) {
+ $str = defined $subStack->[$i+1] ? "$subStack->[$i+1]->{name}" : "MAIN" ;
+ my ($f, $line) = ($subStack->[$i]->{filename}, $subStack->[$i]->{line}) ; # make copies of the values for use in 'sub'
+ $self->{stack_menu}->command(-label => $str, -command => sub { $self->goto_sub_from_stack($f, $line) ; } ) ;
+ }
+} # end of refresh_stack_menu
+no strict ;
+sub get_state {
+ my ($self, $fname) = @_ ;
+ my ($val) ;
+ local($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) ;
+ do "$fname" ;
+ if( $@ ) {
+ $self->DoAlert($@) ;
+ return ( undef ) x 4 ; # return a list of 4 undefined values
+ }
+ return ($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) ;
+} # end of get_state
+use strict ;
+sub restoreStateFile {
+ my ($self, $fname) = @_ ;
+ local(*F) ;
+ my ($saveCurFile, $s, @n, $n) ;
+ if (!(-e $fname && -r $fname)) {
+ $self->DoAlert("$fname does not exist") ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ my ($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) = $self->get_state($fname) ;
+ my ($f, $brks) ;
+ return unless defined $files || defined $expr_list ;
+ &DB::restore_breakpoints_from_save($files) ;
+ #
+ # This should force the breakpoints to be restored
+ #
+ $saveCurFile = $self->{current_file} ;
+ @$self{ 'current_file', 'expr_list', 'eval_saved_text' } =
+ ( "" , $expr_list, $eval_saved_text) ;
+ $self->set_file($saveCurFile, $self->{current_line}) ;
+ $self->{'event'} = 'update' ;
+ if ( $main_win_geometry && $self->{'main_window'} ) {
+ # restore the height and width of the window
+ $self->{main_window}->geometry( $main_win_geometry ) ;
+ }
+} # end of retstoreState
+sub updateEvalWindow {
+ my ($self, @result) = @_ ;
+ my ($leng, $str, $d) ;
+ $leng = 0 ;
+ for( @result ) {
+ if( !$Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable || !$Devel::ptkdb::useDataDumperForEval ) {
+ $str = "$_\n" ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $d = Data::Dumper->new([ $_ ]) ;
+ $d->Indent($Devel::ptkdb::eval_dump_indent) ;
+ $d->Terse(1) ;
+ if( Data::Dumper->can('Dumpxs') ) {
+ $str = $d->Dumpxs( $_ ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = $d->Dump( $_ ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ $leng += length $str ;
+ $self->{eval_results}->insert('end', $str) ;
+ }
+} # end of updateEvalWindow
+sub setupEvalWindow {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ my($top, $dismissSub) ;
+ my $f ;
+ $self->{eval_window}->focus(), return if exists $self->{eval_window} ; # already running this window?
+ $top = $self->{main_window}->Toplevel(-title => "Evaluate Expressions...") ;
+ $self->{eval_window} = $top ;
+ $self->{eval_text} = $top->Scrolled('TextUndo',
+ @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg,
+ @Devel::ptkdb::eval_text_font,
+ width => 50,
+ height => 10,
+ -wrap => "none",
+ )->packAdjust('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ $self->{eval_text}->insert('end', $self->{eval_saved_text}) if exists $self->{eval_saved_text} && defined $self->{eval_saved_text} ;
+ $top->Label(-text, "Results:")->pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'both', -expand => 'n') ;
+ $self->{eval_results} = $top->Scrolled('Text',
+ @Devel::ptkdb::scrollbar_cfg,
+ width => 50,
+ height => 10,
+ -wrap => "none",
+ @Devel::ptkdb::eval_text_font
+ )->pack('side' => 'top', 'fill' => 'both', -expand => 1) ;
+ my $btn = $top->Button(-text => 'Eval...', -command => sub { $DB::window->{event} = 'reeval' ; }
+ )->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $dismissSub = sub {
+ $self->{eval_saved_text} = $self->{eval_text}->get('0.0', 'end') ;
+ $self->{eval_window}->destroy ;
+ delete $self->{eval_window} ;
+ } ;
+ $top->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', $dismissSub ) ;
+ $top->Button(-text => 'Clear Eval', -command => sub { $self->{eval_text}->delete('0.0', 'end') }
+ )->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $top->Button(-text => 'Clear Results', -command => sub { $self->{eval_results}->delete('0.0', 'end') }
+ )->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+ $top->Button(-text => 'Dismiss', -command => $dismissSub)->pack('side' => 'left', 'fill' => 'x', -expand => 1) ;
+} # end of setupEvalWindow ;
+sub filterBreakPts {
+ my ($breakPtsListRef, $fname) = @_ ;
+ my $dbline = $main::{'_<' . $fname}; # breakable lines
+ local($^W) = 0 ;
+ #
+ # Go through the list of breaks and take out any that
+ # are no longer breakable
+ #
+ for( @$breakPtsListRef ) {
+ next unless defined $_ ;
+ next if $dbline->[$_->{'line'}] != 0 ; # still breakable
+ $_ = undef ;
+ }
+} # end of filterBreakPts
+sub DoAbout {
+ my $self = shift ;
+ my $str = "ptkdb $DB::VERSION\nCopyright 1998 by Andrew E. Page\nFeedback to aep\@world.std.com\n\n" ;
+ my $threadString = "" ;
+ $threadString = "Threads Available" if $Config::Config{usethreads} ;
+ $threadString = " Thread Debugging Enabled" if $DB::usethreads ;
+ $str .= <<"__STR__" ;
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of either:
+ a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
+ later version, or
+ b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this Kit.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
+ OS $^O
+ Tk Version $Tk::VERSION
+ Perl Version $]
+Data::Dumper Version $Data::Dumper::VERSION
+ $threadString
+ $self->DoAlert($str, "About ptkdb") ;
+} # end of DoAbout
+# return 1 if succesfully set,
+# return 0 if otherwise
+sub SetBreakPoint {
+ my ($self, $isTemp) = @_ ;
+ my $dbw = $DB::window ;
+ my $lineno = $dbw->get_lineno() ;
+ my $expr = $dbw->clear_entry_text() ;
+ local($^W) = 0 ;
+ if( !&DB::checkdbline($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno + $self->{'line_offset'}) ) {
+ $dbw->DoAlert("line $lineno in $DB::window->{current_file} is not breakable") ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ if( !$isTemp ) {
+ $dbw->insertBreakpoint($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno, 1, $expr) ;
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dbw->insertTempBreakpoint($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno) ;
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+} # end of SetBreakPoint
+sub UnsetBreakPoint {
+ my ($self) = @_ ;
+ my $lineno = $self->get_lineno() ;
+ $self->removeBreakpoint($DB::window->{current_file}, $lineno) ;
+} # end of UnsetBreakPoint
+sub balloon_post {
+ my $self = $DB::window ;
+ my $txt = $DB::window->{'text'} ;
+ return 0 if ($self->{'expr_ballon_msg'} eq "") || ($self->{'balloon_expr'} eq "") ; # don't post for an empty string
+ return $self->{'balloon_coord'} ;
+sub balloon_motion {
+ my ($txt, $x, $y) = @_ ;
+ my ($offset_x, $offset_y) = ($x + 4, $y + 4) ;
+ my $self = $DB::window ;
+ my $txt2 = $self->{'text'} ;
+ my $data ;
+ $self->{'balloon_coord'} = "$offset_x,$offset_y" ;
+ $x -= $txt->rootx ;
+ $y -= $txt->rooty ;
+ #
+ # Post an event that will cause us to put up a popup
+ #
+ if( $txt2->tagRanges('sel') ) { # check to see if 'sel' tag exists (return undef value)
+ $data = $txt2->get("sel.first", "sel.last") ; # get the text between the 'first' and 'last' point of the sel (selection) tag
+ }
+ else {
+ $data = $DB::window->retrieve_text_expr($x, $y) ;
+ }
+ if( !$data ) {
+ $self->{'balloon_expr'} = "" ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ return 0 if ($data eq $self->{'balloon_expr'}) ; # nevermind if it's the same expression
+ $self->{'event'} = 'balloon_eval' ;
+ $self->{'balloon_expr'} = $data ;
+ return 1 ; # ballon will be canceled and a new one put up(maybe)
+} # end of balloon_motion
+sub retrieve_text_expr {
+ my($self, $x, $y) = @_ ;
+ my $txt = $self->{'text'} ;
+ my $coord = "\@$x,$y" ;
+ my($idx, $col, $data, $offset) ;
+ ($col, $idx) = line_number_from_coord($txt, $coord) ;
+ $offset = $Devel::ptkdb::linenumber_length + 1 ; # line number text + 1 space
+ return undef if $col < $offset ; # no posting
+ $col -= $offset ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $self->{current_file}} ;
+ return undef if( !defined $dbline[$idx] || $dbline[$idx] == 0 ) ; # no executable text, no real variable(?)
+ $data = $dbline[$idx] ;
+ # if we're sitting over white space, leave
+ my $len = length $data ;
+ return unless $data && $col && $len > 0 ;
+ return if substr($data, $col, 1) =~ /\s/ ;
+ # walk backwards till we find some whitespace
+ $col = $len if $len < $col ;
+ while( --$col >= 0 ) {
+ last if substr($data, $col, 1) =~ /[\s\$\@\%]/ ;
+ }
+ substr($data, $col) =~ /^([\$\@\%][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/ ;
+ return $1 ;
+# after DB::eval get's us a result
+sub code_motion_eval {
+ my ($self, @result) = @_ ;
+ my $str ;
+ if( exists $self->{'balloon_dumper'} ) {
+ my $d = $self->{'balloon_dumper'} ;
+ $d->Reset() ;
+ $d->Values( [ $#result == 0 ? @result : \@result ] ) ;
+ if( $d->can('Dumpxs') ) {
+ $str = $d->Dumpxs() ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = $d->Dump() ;
+ }
+ chomp($str) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = "@result" ;
+ }
+ #
+ # Cut the string down to 1024 characters to keep from
+ # overloading the balloon window
+ #
+ $self->{'expr_ballon_msg'} = "$self->{'balloon_expr'} = " . substr $str, 0, 1024 ;
+ } # end of code motion eval
+# Subroutine called when we enter DB::DB()
+# In other words when the target script 'stops'
+# in the Debugger
+sub EnterActions {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+# $self->{'main_window'}->Unbusy() ;
+} # end of EnterActions
+# Subroutine called when we return from DB::DB()
+# When the target script resumes.
+sub LeaveActions {
+ my($self) = @_ ;
+ # $self->{'main_window'}->Busy() ;
+} # end of LeaveActions
+sub BEGIN {
+ $Devel::ptkdb::scriptName = $0 ;
+ @Devel::ptkdb::script_args = @ARGV ; # copy args
+## Save the ptkdb state file and restart the debugger
+sub DoRestart {
+ my($fname) ;
+ $fname = $ENV{'TMP'} || $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || $ENV{'TMP_DIR'} || $ENV{'TEMP'} || $ENV{'HOME'} ;
+ $fname .= '/' if $fname ;
+ $fname = "" unless $fname ;
+ $fname .= "ptkdb_restart_state$$" ;
+ # print "saving temp state file $fname\n" ;
+ &DB::save_state_file($fname) ;
+ ##
+ ## build up the command to do the restart
+ ##
+ $fname = "perl -w -d:ptkdb $Devel::ptkdb::scriptName @Devel::ptkdb::script_args" ;
+ # print "$$ doing a restart with $fname\n" ;
+ exec $fname ;
+} # end of DoRestart
+## Enables/Disables the feature where we stop
+## if we've encountered a perl warning such as:
+## "Use of uninitialized value at undef_warn.pl line N"
+sub stop_on_warning_cb {
+ &$DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save() if $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save ; # call any previously registered warning
+ $DB::window->DoAlert(@_) ;
+ $DB::single = 1 ; # forces debugger to stop next time
+sub set_stop_on_warning {
+ if( $DB::ptkdb::stop_on_warning ) {
+ return if $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save == \&stop_on_warning_cb ; # prevents recursion
+ $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save = $SIG{'__WARN__'} if $SIG{'__WARN__'} ;
+ $SIG{'__WARN__'} = \&stop_on_warning_cb ;
+ }
+ else {
+ ##
+ ## Restore any previous warning signal
+ ##
+ local($^W) = 0 ;
+ $SIG{'__WARN__'} = $DB::ptkdb::warn_sig_save ;
+ }
+} # end of set_stop_on_warning
+1 ; # end of Devel::ptkdb
+package DB ;
+use vars '$VERSION', '$header' ;
+$VERSION = '1.108' ;
+$header = "ptkdb.pm version $DB::VERSION";
+$DB::window->{current_file} = "" ;
+# Here's the clue...
+# eval only seems to eval the context of
+# the executing script while in the DB
+# package. When we had updateExprs in the Devel::ptkdb
+# package eval would turn up an undef result.
+sub updateExprs {
+ my ($package) = @_ ;
+ #
+ # Update expressions
+ #
+ $DB::window->deleteAllExprs() ;
+ my ($expr, @result);
+ foreach $expr ( @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}} ) {
+ next if length $expr == 0 ;
+ @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $expr->{'expr'}) ;
+ if( scalar @result == 1 ) {
+ $DB::window->insertExpr([ $result[0] ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, $result[0], $expr->{'expr'}, $expr->{'depth'}) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $DB::window->insertExpr([ \@result ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, \@result, $expr->{'expr'}, $expr->{'depth'}) ;
+ }
+ }
+} # end of updateExprs
+no strict ; # turning strict off (shame shame) because we keep getting errrs for the local(*dbline)
+# returns true if line is breakable
+use Carp ;
+sub checkdbline($$) {
+ my ($fname, $lineno) = @_ ;
+ return 0 unless $fname; # we're getting an undef here on 'Restart...'
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ local($^W) = 0 ; # spares us warnings under -w
+ my $flag = $dbline[$lineno] != 0 ;
+ return $flag;
+} # end of checkdbline
+# sets a breakpoint 'through' a magic
+# variable that perl is able to interpert
+sub setdbline($$$) {
+ my ($fname, $lineno, $value) = @_ ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname};
+ $dbline{$lineno} = $value ;
+} # end of setdbline
+sub getdbline($$) {
+ my ($fname, $lineno) = @_ ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname};
+ return $dbline{$lineno} ;
+} # end of getdbline
+sub getdbtextline {
+ my ($fname, $lineno) = @_ ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname};
+ return $dbline[$lineno] ;
+} # end of getdbline
+sub cleardbline($$;&) {
+ my ($fname, $lineno, $clearsub) = @_ ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname};
+ my $value ; # just in case we want it for something
+ $value = $dbline{$lineno} ;
+ delete $dbline{$lineno} ;
+ &$clearsub($value) if $value && $clearsub ;
+ return $value ;
+} # end of cleardbline
+sub clearalldblines(;&) {
+ my ($clearsub) = @_ ;
+ my ($key, $value, $brkPt, $dbkey) ;
+ local(*dbline) ;
+ while ( ($key, $value) = each %main:: ) { # key loop
+ next unless $key =~ /^_</ ;
+ *dbline = $value ;
+ foreach $dbkey (keys %dbline) {
+ $brkPt = $dbline{$dbkey} ;
+ delete $dbline{$dbkey} ;
+ next unless $brkPt && $clearSub ;
+ &$clearsub($brkPt) ; # if specificed, call the sub routine to clear the breakpoint
+ }
+ } # end of key loop
+} # end of clearalldblines
+sub getdblineindexes {
+ my ($fname) = @_ ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ return keys %dbline ;
+} # end of getdblineindexes
+sub getbreakpoints {
+ my (@fnames) = @_ ;
+ my ($fname, @retList) ;
+ foreach $fname (@fnames) {
+ next unless $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{'_<' . $fname} ;
+ push @retList, values %dbline ;
+ }
+ return @retList ;
+} # end of getbreakpoints
+# Construct a hash of the files
+# that have breakpoints to save
+sub breakpoints_to_save {
+ my ($file, @breaks, $brkPt, $svBrkPt, $list) ;
+ my ($brkList) ;
+ $brkList = {} ;
+ foreach $file ( keys %main:: ) { # file loop
+ next unless $file =~ /^_</ && exists $main::{$file} ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{$file} ;
+ next unless @breaks = values %dbline ;
+ $list = [] ;
+ foreach $brkPt ( @breaks ) {
+ $svBrkPt = { %$brkPt } ; # make a copy of it's data
+ push @$list, $svBrkPt ;
+ } # end of breakpoint loop
+ $brkList->{$file} = $list ;
+ } # end of file loop
+ return $brkList ;
+} # end of breakpoints_to_save
+# When we restore breakpoints from a state file
+# they've often 'moved' because the file
+# has been editted.
+# We search for the line starting with the original line number,
+# then we walk it back 20 lines, then with line right after the
+# orginal line number and walk forward 20 lines.
+# NOTE: dbline is expected to be 'local'
+# when called
+sub fix_breakpoints {
+ my(@brkPts) = @_ ;
+ my($startLine, $endLine, $nLines, $brkPt) ;
+ my (@retList) ;
+ local($^W) = 0 ;
+ $nLines = scalar @dbline ;
+ foreach $brkPt (@brkPts) {
+ $startLine = $brkPt->{'line'} > 20 ? $brkPt->{'line'} - 20 : 0 ;
+ $endLine = $brkPt->{'line'} < $nLines - 20 ? $brkPt->{'line'} + 20 : $nLines ;
+ for( (reverse $startLine..$brkPt->{'line'}), $brkPt->{'line'} + 1 .. $endLine ) {
+ next unless $brkPt->{'text'} eq $dbline[$_] ;
+ $brkPt->{'line'} = $_ ;
+ push @retList, $brkPt ;
+ last ;
+ }
+ } # end of breakpoint list
+ return @retList ;
+} # end of fix_breakpoints
+# Restore breakpoints saved above
+sub restore_breakpoints_from_save {
+ my ($brkList) = @_ ;
+ my ($offset, $key, $list, $brkPt, @newList) ;
+ while ( ($key, $list) = each %$brkList ) { # reinsert loop
+ next unless exists $main::{$key} ;
+ local(*dbline) = $main::{$key} ;
+ $offset = 0 ;
+ $offset = 1 if $dbline[1] =~ /use\s+.*Devel::_?ptkdb/ ;
+ @newList = fix_breakpoints(@$list) ;
+ foreach $brkPt ( @newList ) {
+ if( !&DB::checkdbline($key, $brkPt->{'line'} + $offset) ) {
+ print "Breakpoint $key:$brkPt->{'line'} in config file is not breakable.\n" ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ $dbline{$brkPt->{'line'}} = { %$brkPt } ; # make a fresh copy
+ }
+ } # end of reinsert loop
+} # end of restore_breakpoints_from_save ;
+use strict ;
+sub dbint_handler {
+ my($sigName) = @_ ;
+ $DB::single = 1 ;
+ print "signalled\n" ;
+} # end of dbint_handler
+# Do first time initialization at the startup
+# of DB::DB
+sub Initialize {
+ my ($fName) = @_ ;
+ return if $DB::ptkdb::isInitialized ;
+ $DB::ptkdb::isInitialized = 1 ;
+ $DB::window = new Devel::ptkdb ;
+ $DB::window->do_user_init_files() ;
+ $DB::dbint_handler_save = $SIG{'INT'} unless $DB::sigint_disable ; # saves the old handler
+ $SIG{'INT'} = "DB::dbint_handler" unless $DB::sigint_disable ;
+ # Save the file name we started up with
+ $DB::startupFname = $fName ;
+ # Check for a 'restart' file
+ if( $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} && $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable && -e $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} ) {
+ ##
+ ## Restore expressions and breakpoints in state file
+ ##
+ $DB::window->restoreStateFile($ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'}) ;
+ unlink $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} ; # delete state file
+ # print "restoring state from $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'}\n" ;
+ $ENV{'PTKDB_RESTART_STATE_FILE'} = "" ; # clear entry
+ }
+ else {
+ &DB::restoreState($fName) if $Devel::ptkdb::DataDumperAvailable ;
+ }
+} # end of Initialize
+sub restoreState {
+ my($fName) = @_ ;
+ my ($stateFile, $files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry, $restoreName) ;
+ $stateFile = makeFileSaveName($fName) ;
+ if( -e $stateFile && -r $stateFile ) {
+ ($files, $expr_list, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry) = $DB::window->get_state($stateFile) ;
+ &DB::restore_breakpoints_from_save($files) ;
+ $DB::window->{'expr_list'} = $expr_list if defined $expr_list ;
+ $DB::window->{eval_saved_text} = $eval_saved_text ;
+ if ( $main_win_geometry ) {
+ # restore the height and width of the window
+ $DB::window->{main_window}->geometry($main_win_geometry) ;
+ }
+ }
+} # end of Restore State
+sub makeFileSaveName {
+ my ($fName) = @_ ;
+ my $saveName = $fName ;
+ if( $saveName =~ /.p[lm]$/ ) {
+ $saveName =~ s/.pl$/.ptkdb/ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $saveName .= ".ptkdb" ;
+ }
+ return $saveName ;
+} # end of makeFileSaveName
+sub save_state_file {
+ my($fname) = @_ ;
+ my($files, $d, $saveStr) ;
+ $files = &DB::breakpoints_to_save() ;
+ $d = Data::Dumper->new( [ $files, $DB::window->{'expr_list'}, "" ],
+ [ "files", "expr_list", "eval_saved_text" ] ) ;
+ $d->Purity(1) ;
+ if( Data::Dumper->can('Dumpxs') ) {
+ $saveStr = $d->Dumpxs() ;
+ } else {
+ $saveStr = $d->Dump() ;
+ }
+ local(*F) ;
+ open F, ">$fname" || die "Couldn't open file $fname" ;
+ print F $saveStr || die "Couldn't write file" ;
+ close F ;
+} # end of save_state_file
+sub SaveState {
+ my($name_in) = @_ ;
+ my ($top, $entry, $okayBtn, $win) ;
+ my ($fname, $saveSub, $cancelSub, $saveName, $eval_saved_text, $d) ;
+ my ($files, $main_win_geometry);
+ #
+ # Create our default name
+ #
+ $win = $DB::window ;
+ #
+ # Extract the height and width of our window
+ #
+ $main_win_geometry = $win->{main_window}->geometry ;
+ if ( defined $win->{save_box} ) {
+ $win->{save_box}->raise ;
+ $win->{save_box}->focus ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ $saveName = $name_in || makeFileSaveName($DB::startupFname) ;
+ $saveSub = sub {
+ $win->{'event'} = 'null' ;
+ my $saveStr ;
+ delete $win->{save_box} ;
+ if( exists $win->{eval_window} ) {
+ $eval_saved_text = $win->{eval_text}->get('0.0', 'end') ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $eval_saved_text = $win->{eval_saved_text} ;
+ }
+ $files = &DB::breakpoints_to_save() ;
+ $d = Data::Dumper->new( [ $files, $win->{'expr_list'}, $eval_saved_text, $main_win_geometry ],
+ [ "files", "expr_list", "eval_saved_text", "main_win_geometry"] ) ;
+ $d->Purity(1) ;
+ if( Data::Dumper->can('Dumpxs') ) {
+ $saveStr = $d->Dumpxs() ;
+ } else {
+ $saveStr = $d->Dump() ;
+ }
+ local(*F) ;
+ eval {
+ open F, ">$saveName" || die "Couldn't open file $saveName" ;
+ print F $saveStr || die "Couldn't write file" ;
+ close F ;
+ } ;
+ $win->DoAlert($@) if $@ ;
+ } ; # end of save sub
+ $cancelSub = sub {
+ delete $win->{'save_box'}
+ } ; # end of cancel sub
+ #
+ # Create a dialog
+ #
+ $win->{'save_box'} = $win->simplePromptBox("Save Config?", $saveName, $saveSub, $cancelSub) ;
+} # end of SaveState
+sub RestoreState {
+ my ($top, $restoreSub) ;
+ $restoreSub = sub {
+ $DB::window->restoreStateFile($Devel::ptkdb::promptString) ;
+ } ;
+ $top = $DB::window->simplePromptBox("Restore Config?", makeFileSaveName($DB::startupFname), $restoreSub) ;
+} # end of RestoreState
+sub SetStepOverBreakPoint {
+ my ($offset) = @_ ;
+ $DB::step_over_depth = $DB::subroutine_depth + ($offset ? $offset : 0) ;
+} # end of SetStepOverBreakPoint
+# NOTE: It may be logical and somewhat more economical
+# lines of codewise to set $DB::step_over_depth_saved
+# when we enter the subroutine, but this gets called
+# for EVERY callable line of code in a program that
+# is being debugged, so we try to save every line of
+# execution that we can.
+sub isBreakPoint {
+ my ($fname, $line, $package) = @_ ;
+ my ($brkPt) ;
+ if ( $DB::single && ($DB::step_over_depth < $DB::subroutine_depth) && ($DB::step_over_depth > 0) && !$DB::on) {
+ $DB::single = 0 ;
+ return 0 ;
+ }
+ #
+ # doing a step over/in
+ #
+ if( $DB::single || $DB::signal ) {
+ $DB::single = 0 ;
+ $DB::signal = 0 ;
+ $DB::subroutine_depth = $DB::subroutine_depth ;
+ return 1 ;
+ }
+ #
+ # 1st Check to see if there is even a breakpoint there.
+ # 2nd If there is a breakpoint check to see if it's check box control is 'on'
+ # 3rd If there is any kind of expression, evaluate it and see if it's true.
+ #
+ $brkPt = &DB::getdbline($fname, $line) ;
+ return 0 if( !$brkPt || !$brkPt->{'value'} || !breakPointEvalExpr($brkPt, $package) ) ;
+ &DB::cleardbline($fname, $line) if( $brkPt->{'type'} eq 'temp' ) ;
+ $DB::subroutine_depth = $DB::subroutine_depth ;
+ return 1 ;
+} # end of isBreakPoint
+# Check the breakpoint expression to see if it
+# is true.
+sub breakPointEvalExpr {
+ my ($brkPt, $package) = @_ ;
+ my (@result) ;
+ return 1 unless $brkPt->{expr} ; # return if there is no expression
+ no strict ;
+ @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $brkPt->{'expr'}) ;
+ use strict ;
+ $DB::window->DoAlert($@) if $@ ;
+ return $result[0] or @result ; # we could have a case where the 1st element is undefined
+ # but subsequent elements are defined
+} # end of breakPointEvalExpr
+# Evaluate the given expression, return the result.
+# MUST BE CALLED from within DB::DB in order for it
+# to properly interpret the vars
+sub dbeval {
+ my($ptkdb__package, $ptkdb__expr) = @_ ;
+ my(@ptkdb__result, $ptkdb__str, $ptkdb__saveW) ;
+ my(@ptkdb_args) ;
+ no strict ;
+ $ptkdb__saveW = $^W ; # save the state of the "warning"(-w) flag
+ $^W = 0 ;
+ #
+ # This substitution is done so that
+ # we return HASH, as opposed to an ARRAY.
+ # An expression of %hash results in a
+ # list of key/value pairs.
+ #
+ $ptkdb__expr =~ s/^\s*%/\\%/o ;
+ @_ = @DB::saved_args ; # replace @_ arg array with what we came in with
+ @ptkdb__result = eval <<__EVAL__ ;
+ \$\@ = \$DB::save_err ;
+ package $ptkdb__package ;
+ $ptkdb__expr ;
+ @ptkdb__result = ("ERROR ($@)") if $@ ;
+ $^W = $ptkdb__saveW ; # restore the state of the "warning"(-w) flag
+ use strict ;
+ return @ptkdb__result ;
+} # end of dbeval
+# Call back we give to our 'quit' button
+# and binding to the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol
+# to quit the debugger.
+sub dbexit {
+ exit ;
+} # end of dbexit
+# This is the primary entry point for the debugger. When a perl program
+# is parsed with the -d(in our case -d:ptkdb) option set the parser will
+# insert a call to DB::DB in front of every excecutable statement.
+# Refs: Progamming Perl 2nd Edition, Larry Wall, O'Reilly & Associates, Chapter 8
+sub DB {
+ @DB::saved_args = @_ ; # save arg context
+ $DB::save_err = $@ ; # save value of $@
+ my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller ;
+ my ($stop, $cnt) ;
+ unless( $DB::ptkdb::isInitialized ) {
+ return if( $filename ne $0 ) ; # not in our target file
+ &DB::Initialize($filename) ;
+ }
+ if (!isBreakPoint($filename, $line, $package) ) {
+ $DB::single = 0 ;
+ $@ = $DB::save_err ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( !$DB::window ) { # not setup yet
+ $@ = $DB::save_err ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ $DB::window->setup_main_window() unless $DB::window->{'main_window'} ;
+ $DB::window->EnterActions() ;
+ my ($saveP) ;
+ $saveP = $^P ;
+ $^P = 0 ;
+ $DB::on = 1 ;
+# The user can specify this variable in one of the startup files,
+# this will make the debugger run right after startup without
+# the user having to press the 'run' button.
+ if( $DB::no_stop_at_start ) {
+ $DB::no_stop_at_start = 0 ;
+ $DB::on = 0 ;
+ $@ = $DB::save_err ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if( !$DB::sigint_disable ) {
+ $SIG{'INT'} = $DB::dbint_handler_save if $DB::dbint_handler_save ; # restore original signal handler
+ $SIG{'INT'} = "DB::dbexit" unless $DB::dbint_handler_save ;
+ }
+ #$DB::window->{main_window}->raise() ; # bring us to the top make sure OUR event loop runs
+ $DB::window->{main_window}->focus() ;
+ $DB::window->set_file($filename, $line) ;
+ #
+ # Refresh the exprs to see if anything has changed
+ #
+ updateExprs($package) ;
+ #
+ # Update subs Page if necessary
+ #
+ $cnt = scalar keys %DB::sub ;
+ if ( $cnt != $DB::window->{'subs_list_cnt'} && $DB::window->{'subs_page_activated'} ) {
+ $DB::window->fill_subs_page() ;
+ $DB::window->{'subs_list_cnt'} = $cnt ;
+ }
+ #
+ # Update the subroutine stack menu
+ #
+ $DB::window->refresh_stack_menu() ;
+ $DB::window->{run_flag} = 1 ;
+ my ($evt, @result, $r) ;
+ for( ; ; ) {
+ #
+ # we wait here for something to do
+ #
+ $evt = $DB::window->main_loop() ;
+ last if( $evt eq 'step' ) ;
+ $DB::single = 0 if ($evt eq 'run' ) ;
+ if ($evt eq 'balloon_eval' ) {
+ $DB::window->code_motion_eval(&DB::dbeval($package, $DB::window->{'balloon_expr'})) ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ if ( $evt eq 'qexpr' ) {
+ my $str ;
+ @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $DB::window->{'qexpr'}) ;
+ $DB::window->{'quick_entry'}->delete(0, 'end') ; # clear old text
+ if (exists $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}) {
+ $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Reset() ;
+ $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Values( [ $#result == 0 ? @result : \@result ] ) ;
+ if( $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->can('Dumpxs') ) {
+ $str = $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Dumpxs() ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = $DB::window->{'quick_dumper'}->Dump() ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = "@result" ;
+ }
+ $DB::window->{'quick_entry'}->insert(0, $str) ; #enter the text
+ $DB::window->{'quick_entry'}->selectionRange(0, 'end') ; # select it
+ $evt = 'update' ; # force an update on the expressions
+ }
+ if( $evt eq 'expr' ) {
+ #
+ # Append the new expression to the list
+ # but first check to make sure that we don't
+ # already have it.
+ #
+ if ( grep $_->{'expr'} eq $DB::window->{'expr'}, @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}} ) {
+ $DB::window->DoAlert("$DB::window->{'expr'} is already listed") ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $DB::window->{expr}) ;
+ if( scalar @result == 1 ) {
+ $r = $DB::window->insertExpr([ $result[0] ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, $result[0], $DB::window->{'expr'}, $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $r = $DB::window->insertExpr([ \@result ], $DB::window->{'data_list'}, \@result, $DB::window->{'expr'}, $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth) ;
+ }
+ #
+ # $r will be 1 if the expression was added succesfully, 0 if not,
+ # and it if wasn't added sucessfully it won't be reevalled the
+ # next time through.
+ #
+ push @{$DB::window->{'expr_list'}}, { 'expr' => $DB::window->{'expr'}, 'depth' => $Devel::ptkdb::expr_depth } if $r ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ if( $evt eq 'update' ) {
+ updateExprs($package) ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ if( $evt eq 'reeval' ) {
+ #
+ # Reevaluate the contents of the expression eval window
+ #
+ my $txt = $DB::window->{'eval_text'}->get('0.0', 'end') ;
+ my @result = &DB::dbeval($package, $txt) ;
+ $DB::window->updateEvalWindow(@result) ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ last ;
+ }
+ $^P = $saveP ;
+ $SIG{'INT'} = "DB::dbint_handler" unless $DB::sigint_disable ; # set our signal handler
+ $DB::window->LeaveActions() ;
+ $@ = $DB::save_err ;
+ $DB::on = 0 ;
+ } # end of DB
+# This is another place where we'll try and keep the
+# code as 'lite' as possible to prevent the debugger
+# from slowing down the user's application
+# When a perl program is parsed with the -d(in our case a -d:ptkdb) option
+# the parser will route all subroutine calls through here, setting $DB::sub
+# to the name of the subroutine to be called, leaving it to the debugger to
+# make the actual subroutine call and do any pre or post processing it may
+# need to do. In our case we take the opportunity to track the depth of the call
+# stack so that we can update our 'Stack' menu when we stop.
+# Refs: Progamming Perl 2nd Edition, Larry Wall, O'Reilly & Associates, Chapter 8
+ sub sub {
+ my ($result, @result) ;
+# See NOTES(1)
+ if( wantarray ) {
+ $DB::subroutine_depth += 1 unless $DB::on ;
+ $DB::single = 0 if ( ($DB::step_over_depth < $DB::subroutine_depth) && ($DB::step_over_depth >= 0) && !$DB::on) ;
+ no strict ; # otherwise perl gripes about calling the sub by the reference
+ @result = &$DB::sub ; # call the subroutine by name
+ use strict ;
+ $DB::subroutine_depth -= 1 unless $DB::on ;
+ $DB::single = 1 if ($DB::step_over_depth >= $DB::subroutine_depth && !$DB::on) ;
+ return @result ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $DB::subroutine_depth += 1 unless $DB::on ;
+ $DB::single = 0 if ( ($DB::step_over_depth < $DB::subroutine_depth) && ($DB::step_over_depth >= 0) && !$DB::on) ;
+ no strict ; # otherwise perl gripes about calling the sub by the reference
+ $result = &$DB::sub ; # call the subroutine by name
+ use strict ;
+ $DB::subroutine_depth -= 1 unless $DB::on ;
+ $DB::single = 1 if ($DB::step_over_depth >= $DB::subroutine_depth && !$DB::on) ;
+ return $result ;
+ }
+ } # end of sub
+1 ; # return true value