path: root/Perl/demos/Tk
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authormertz2003-11-04 12:31:26 +0000
committermertz2003-11-04 12:31:26 +0000
commitd356d70d478c84820b98bd4479ab8f0002547825 (patch)
treebb8fdbe7a61eb9cd80613ad9dd1e63061dca91f0 /Perl/demos/Tk
parent43bd0973ef002e665f4f2a0a7226243ec86ef6ff (diff)
initial release of this demo contributed by zentara, slighlty modified
ny D. Etienne for inclusion in the demos.
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl/demos/Tk')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/TripleRotatingWheel.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/TripleRotatingWheel.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0c1372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_contrib_lib/TripleRotatingWheel.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+# TripleRotatingWheel gambling game contributed by "zentara"
+# Idea derived from the wheelOfFortune.pl demo by D. Etienne etienne@cena.fr
+# $Id$
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Zinc;
+my @win =(); # an array to store winning wheel values, can range from
+ # () to (1,1,1)
+# We create a classical root widget called MainWindow; then we create Zinc
+# widget child with size, color and relief attributes, and we display it using
+# the geometry manager called 'pack'.
+my $mw = MainWindow->new;
+my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 565,
+ -backcolor => 'black',
+ -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken');
+# Then we create a gray filled rectangle, in which we will display explain text.
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1 , [200, 400, 490, 490],
+ -linewidth => 2,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -fillcolor => 'SkyBlue',
+ );
+my $text = $zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -position => [350, 445],
+ -anchor => 'center',
+ );
+$zinc->add('rectangle', 1 , [250,275,450,325], #(xpos1,ypos1,xpos2,ypos2)
+ -linewidth => 2,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -fillcolor => 'Orange',
+ );
+my $wintext = $zinc->add('text', 1,
+ -position => [350, 300],
+ -anchor => 'center',
+ );
+#create winning wheel markers
+#create first triangle, then clone and translate
+my $tr1 = $zinc->add('triangles', 1,
+ [0,20,20,20,10,50],
+ -fan => 1,
+ -colors => 'Orange',
+ -visible => 1,
+ );
+my $tr2 = $zinc->clone($tr1);
+my $tr3 = $zinc->clone($tr1);
+# Create the Wheel object (see Wheel.pm)
+my $wheel1 = Wheel->new($zinc, 350, 500, 100); #start xpos,ypos,mag
+my $wheel2 = Wheel->new($zinc, 350, 500, 100);
+my $wheel3 = Wheel->new($zinc, 350, 500, 100);
+# Display comment
+&comment("Strike any key to begin");
+# Create Tk binding
+$mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
+# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is unmapped
+sub openmode {
+ # set binding to unmap the wheel
+ $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&closemode);
+ # set binding to rotate the hand
+ $zinc->bind($wheel1, '<1>', sub {spin()});
+ $zinc->bind($wheel2, '<1>', sub {spin()});
+ $zinc->bind($wheel3, '<1>', sub {spin()});
+ # map the wheel
+ $wheel1->show(140, 150);
+ $wheel2->show(350, 150);
+ $wheel3->show(560, 150);
+ # and then inform user
+ &comment("Click on any wheel to play.\n".
+ "Strike any key to hide the wheels.");
+sub spin {
+ return if $wheel1->ismoving;
+ return if $wheel2->ismoving;
+ return if $wheel3->ismoving;
+ @win=();
+ &wincomment("PLAYING");
+ $wheel1->rotatewheel(int rand(360));
+ $wheel2->rotatewheel(int rand(360));
+ $wheel3->rotatewheel(int rand(360));
+# print "\@win->@win\n";
+ }
+# Callback bound to '<Key>' event when wheel is already mapped
+sub closemode {
+ return if $wheel1->ismoving;
+ return if $wheel2->ismoving;
+ return if $wheel3->ismoving;
+ # set binding to map the wheel
+ $mw->Tk::bind('<Key>', \&openmode);
+ # unmap the wheel
+ $wheel1->hide(350, 400);
+ $wheel2->hide(350, 400);
+ $wheel3->hide(350, 400);
+ # and then inform user
+ &comment("Strike any key to show the wheel");
+# Just display comment
+sub comment {
+ my $string = shift;
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($text, -text => $string);
+# display winning comment
+sub wincomment {
+ my $string = shift;
+ $zinc->itemconfigure($wintext, -text => $string);
+sub displaywin {
+ if($#win == -1){&wincomment("NO WIN")}
+ if($#win == 0){&wincomment("SINGLE")}
+ if($#win == 1){&wincomment("DOUBLE")}
+ if($#win == 2){&wincomment("TRIPLE")}
+ #restore disabled mouse click for next spin
+ $zinc->bind($wheel1, '<1>', sub {spin()});
+ $zinc->bind($wheel2, '<1>', sub {spin()});
+ $zinc->bind($wheel3, '<1>', sub {spin()});
+# Wheel Class
+package Wheel;
+use strict 'vars';
+use Carp;
+# Object constructor
+sub new {
+ my ($proto, $widget, $x, $y, $radius) = @_;
+ # object attributes
+ my $self = {
+ 'widget' => $widget, # widget reference
+ 'origin' => [$x, $y], # origin coordinates
+ 'radius' => $radius, # wheel radius
+ 'topgroup' => undef, # top Group item
+ 'itemclip' => undef, # id of item which clips the wheel
+ 'angle' => 0, # delta angle
+ 'stepsnumber' => 20, # animations parameters
+ 'afterdelay' => 30,
+ 'shrinkrate' => 0.8, # zoom parameters
+ 'zoomrate' => 1.1,
+ };
+ bless $self;
+ # First, we create a new Group item for the wheel. Why a Group item ?
+ # At least two reasons. Wheel object consists of several Zinc items,
+ # we'll see below; it moves when it is mapped or unmapped, grows when
+ # you hit the jackpot. So, it's more easy to apply such transformations
+ # to a structured items set, using Group capability, rather than apply
+ # to each item separately or using canvas-like Tags mechanism.
+ # Second reason refers to clipping. When it is mapped or unmapped, wheel
+ # object is drawn inside a circle with variant radius; clipping is a
+ # specific property of Group item
+ # That's why we create a Group item in the top group, and set its
+ # coordinates.
+ $self->{topgroup} = $widget->add('group', 1, -visible => 0);
+ $widget->coords($self->{topgroup}, [$x,$y]);
+#print " start widget coords-> $x $y\n";
+ # All the following items will be created in this group...
+ # Create the invisible Arc item used to clip the wheel, centered on the
+ # group origin.
+ $self->{itemclip} = $widget->add('arc', $self->{topgroup},
+ [-$radius, -$radius, $radius, $radius],
+ -visible => 0,
+ );
+ $widget->itemconfigure($self->{topgroup}, -clip => $self->{itemclip});
+ # Create the wheel with 6 filled Arc items centered on the group origin
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $color (qw(magenta blue cyan green yellow red)) {
+ $widget->add('arc', $self->{topgroup},
+ [-$radius, -$radius, $radius, $radius],
+ -visible => 1,
+ -filled => 1,
+ -closed => 1,
+ -extent => 60,
+ -pieslice => 1,
+ -fillcolor => $color,
+ -linewidth => 1,
+ -startangle => 60*$i ,
+ -tags => [$self],
+ );
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # Create the Text item representing the jackpot.
+ $widget->add('text', $self->{topgroup},
+ -position => [0, -$radius+20],
+ -font =>
+ '-adobe-helvetica-bold-o-normal--34-240-100-100-p-182-iso8859-1',
+ -anchor => 'center',
+ -text => "\$",
+ );
+ # Then we unmap the wheel; in fact, Group item is translated and its
+ # clipping circle is shrunk to a point.
+ $self->_clipAndTranslate($self->{shrinkrate}**$self->{stepsnumber});
+ return $self;
+# Public methods
+# Return 1 if wheel is moving (opening or closing animation)
+sub ismoving {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 1 if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing} or $self->{turning};
+# Display wheel with animation effect
+sub show {
+ my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
+ # simple lock management
+ return if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing};
+ $self->{opening} = 1;
+ # start animation
+ $self->_open($x, $y, 0);
+# Unmap wheel with animation effect
+sub hide {
+ my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
+ # simple lock management
+ return if $self->{opening} or $self->{closing};
+ $self->{closing} = 1;
+ # start animation
+ $self->_close($x, $y, 0);
+# Just rotate the hand with animation effect.
+sub rotatewheel {
+ my $self = shift;
+ #print "wheel-> $self->{topgroup}";
+ my $angle = shift;
+#print " angle->$angle\n";
+ return if $self->{turning};
+#prevent "double-clicking", so mouse is disabled
+#until current play is over
+$zinc->bind($wheel1, '<1>', sub {});
+$zinc->bind($wheel2, '<1>', sub {});
+$zinc->bind($wheel3, '<1>', sub {});
+ $angle = 0 unless $angle;
+ my $oldangle = $self->{angle};
+ $self->{angle} = $angle;
+ if ((330 < $angle)||($angle < 30)) {
+ $self->{fortune} = 1;
+ push (@win, $self->{fortune});
+ }
+ $self->_rotatewheel(2*3.1416*($angle + 1440 - $oldangle)/360);
+ #the 1440 above gives at least 2 full spins each play
+# Private methods
+# Generate opening animation; see below _clipAndTranslate method for
+# Zinc specific use.
+sub _open {
+ my ($self, $x, $y, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $widget = $self->{widget};
+ my $group = $self->{topgroup};
+ # first step of animation
+ if ($cnt == 0) {
+ $widget->itemconfigure($group, -visible => 1);
+ my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
+ $x = ($x - $pos[0])/$self->{stepsnumber};
+ $y = ($y - $pos[1])/$self->{stepsnumber};
+ # last step
+ } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
+ $self->{opening} = undef;
+ return;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ # move and grow the wheel
+ $self->_clipAndTranslate(1/$self->{shrinkrate}, $x, $y);
+ # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
+ $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_open($x, $y, $cnt)});
+# Generate closing animation; see below _clipAndTranslate method for
+# Zinc specific use.
+sub _close {
+ my ($self, $x, $y, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $widget = $self->{widget};
+ my $group = $self->{topgroup};
+ # first step of animation
+ if ($cnt == 0) {
+ my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
+ $x = ($x - $pos[0])/$self->{stepsnumber};
+ $y = ($y - $pos[1])/$self->{stepsnumber};
+ # last step
+ } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
+ $widget->itemconfigure($group, -visible => 0);
+ $self->{closing} = undef;
+ return;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ # move and shrink the wheel
+ $self->_clipAndTranslate($self->{shrinkrate}, $x, $y);
+ # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
+ $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_close($x, $y, $cnt)});
+# Generate hand rotation animation.
+sub _rotatewheel {
+ my ($self, $angle, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $widget = $self->{widget};
+ my $group = $self->{topgroup};
+#grab position of widget
+my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
+my $x = ($pos[0]);
+my $y = ($pos[1]);
+ $self->{turning} = 1;
+ # first step of animation
+ if (not $cnt) {
+ $angle /= $self->{stepsnumber};
+ # last step
+ } elsif ($cnt == $self->{stepsnumber}) {
+ if ($self->{fortune}) {
+ $self->_fortune;
+ } else {
+ $self->{turning} = undef;
+ }
+ &main::displaywin();
+ return;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ # use 'rotation' Zinc method.
+ $widget->rotate($self->{topgroup}, $angle);
+# process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
+#needed to keep wheel stationary while rotating
+ $widget->after($self->{afterdelay}, sub {$self->_rotatewheel($angle, $cnt)});
+# Generate growing animation to notify jackpot
+sub _fortune {
+ my ($self, $cnt) = @_;
+ $cnt = 0 unless $cnt;
+ my $zf;
+ my $widget = $self->{widget};
+ my $group = $self->{topgroup};
+ my @pos = $widget->coords($group);
+ # last step of animation
+ if ($cnt == 6) {
+ $self->{fortune} = undef;
+ $self->{turning} = undef;
+ return;
+ # event steps : wheel grows
+ } elsif ($cnt == 0 or $cnt % 2 == 0) {
+ $zf = $self->{zoomrate};
+ # odd steps : wheel is shrunk
+ } else {
+ $zf = 1/$self->{zoomrate};
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ # Now, we apply scale transformation to the Group item, using the 'scale'
+ # Zinc method. Note that we reset group coords before scaling it, in order
+ # that the origin of the transformation corresponds to the center of the
+ # wheel. When scale is done, we restore previous coords of group.
+ $widget->coords($group, [0, 0]);
+ $widget->scale($group, $zf, $zf);
+ $widget->coords($group, \@pos);
+ # process the animation using the 'after' Tk defering method
+ $widget->after(100, sub {print "\007";$self->_fortune($cnt)});
+ &main::displaywin();
+# Update group clipping and translation, using 'scale' and 'translate'
+# Zinc methods.
+sub _clipAndTranslate {
+ my ($self, $shrinkfactor, $x, $y) = @_;
+ $x = 0 unless $x;
+ $y = 0 unless $y;
+ $self->{widget}->scale($self->{itemclip}, $shrinkfactor, $shrinkfactor);
+ $self->{widget}->translate($self->{topgroup}, $x, $y);