path: root/demos/reliefs.tcl
diff options
authorlecoanet2004-05-07 15:31:01 +0000
committerlecoanet2004-05-07 15:31:01 +0000
commit9f0d489e9cda59a8ed026be96fa56f9ecc1a33f7 (patch)
tree842972357fdc905c7353dacf88a10e78427b96d8 /demos/reliefs.tcl
parent752ff8735f731e8d37fb1bea60b0323af1a1ec06 (diff)
Switched from pack to grid; Demos are put in a namespace; No more name aliases for fonts
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/reliefs.tcl')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/demos/reliefs.tcl b/demos/reliefs.tcl
index c593ee3..67dd3c4 100644
--- a/demos/reliefs.tcl
+++ b/demos/reliefs.tcl
@@ -5,255 +5,274 @@ if {![info exists zincDemo]} {
error "This script should be run from the zinc-widget demo."
-set w .reliefs
-catch {destroy $w}
-toplevel $w
-wm title $w "Zinc Relief Testbed"
-wm iconname $w reliefs
+namespace eval reliefDemo {
+ variable w .reliefs
+ catch {destroy $w}
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w "Zinc Relief Testbed"
+ wm iconname $w reliefs
-set allReliefs {flat raised sunken groove ridge \
- roundraised roundsunken roundgroove roundridge \
- sunkenrule raisedrule}
+ variable allReliefs {flat raised sunken groove ridge \
+ roundraised roundsunken roundgroove roundridge \
+ sunkenrule raisedrule}
-set defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 10 -weight bold]
+ variable defaultfont [font create -family Helvetica -size 14 -weight normal]
-frame $w.buttons
-pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
-button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
-button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
-pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code -side left -expand 1
+ grid [button $w.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"] -row 2 -column 0 -pady 10
+ grid [button $w.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"] -row 2 -column 1 -pady 10
+ ###########################################
+ # Text zone
+ #######################
+ ####################
-# Text zone
+ grid [text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 8 -width 50] \
+ -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
-text $w.text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -height 8 -width 50
-pack $w.text -expand yes -fill both
+ $w.text insert end { This demo lets you play with the various relief parameters
+ on rectangles polygons and arcs. Some reliefs and The smooth relief
+ capability is only available with openGL.
+ You can modify the items with your mouse:
-$w.text insert end { This demo lets you play with the various relief parameters
-on rectangles polygons and arcs. Some reliefs and The smooth relief
-capability is only available with openGL.
- You can modify the items with your mouse:
+ Drag-Button 1 for moving Ctrl/Shft-Button 1 for Incr/Decr sides
+ Drag-Button 2 for zooming Ctrl/Shft-Button 2 for cycling reliefs
+ Drag-Button 3 for rotating Ctrl/Shft-Button 3 for Incr/Decr border}
- Drag-Button 1 for moving Ctrl/Shft-Button 1 for Incr/Decr sides
- Drag-Button 2 for zooming Ctrl/Shft-Button 2 for cycling reliefs
- Drag-Button 3 for rotating Ctrl/Shft-Button 3 for Incr/Decr border}
-# Zinc
-proc deg2Rad {deg} {
- return [expr 3.14159 * $deg / 180.0]
-proc rad2Deg {rad} {
- return [expr int(fmod(($rad * 180.0 / 3.14159)+360.0, 360.0))]
-set bw 4
-set width 60
-set lightAngle 120
-set lightAngleRad [deg2Rad $lightAngle]
-set zincSize 500
-zinc $w.zinc -width $zincSize -height $zincSize -render 1 -font 10x20 \
- -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -backcolor lightgray \
- -lightangle $lightAngle
-pack $w.zinc -expand t -fill both
-set topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
-proc polyPoints { ox oy rad n } {
- set step [expr 2 * 3.14159 / $n]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
- set x [expr $ox + ($rad * cos($i * $step))];
- set y [expr $oy + ($rad * sin($i * $step))];
- lappend coords $x $y;
+ ###########################################
+ # Zinc
+ ##########################################
+ proc deg2Rad {deg} {
+ return [expr 3.14159 * $deg / 180.0]
- lappend coords [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1]
- return $coords
-proc makePoly {x y bw sides color group} {
- global w state allReliefs width
- set relief 2
- set g [$w.zinc add group $group]
- $w.zinc translate $g $x $y
- $w.zinc add curve $g [polyPoints 0 0 $width $sides] \
- -relief [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -linewidth $bw \
- -smoothrelief 1 -fillcolor $color -linecolor $color \
- -filled t -tags {subject polygon}
- $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center \
- -text [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -tags {subject relief}
- $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center -position {0 16} \
- -text $bw -tags {subject bw}
- set state($g,sides) $sides
- set state($g,relief) $relief
- set state($g,bw) $bw
- return $g
-set poly [makePoly 100 100 $bw 8 lightblue $topGroup]
-set poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 2*($width + 10)] 100 $bw 8 tan $topGroup]
-set poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 4*($width + 10) ] 100 $bw 8 slateblue $topGroup]
-proc lightCenter {radius angle} {
- return [list [expr $radius * (1 + 0.95*cos($angle))] \
- [expr $radius * (1 - 0.95*sin($angle))]]
-# Place the light at lightAngle on the circle
-$w.zinc add arc 1 {-5 -5 5 5} -filled 1 -fillcolor yellow \
- -tags light -priority 10
-eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $lightAngleRad]"
-# Controls.
-$w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-1> "press motion %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-1> release
-$w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-2> "press zoom %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-2> release
-$w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-3> "press mouseRotate %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-3> release
-$w.zinc bind polygon <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "incrPolySides 1"
-$w.zinc bind polygon <Control-ButtonPress-1> "incrPolySides -1"
-$w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-2> "cycleRelief 1"
-$w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-2> "cycleRelief -1"
-$w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-3> "incrBW 1"
-$w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-3> "incrBW -1"
-$w.zinc bind light <ButtonPress-1> "press lightMotion %x %y"
-$w.zinc bind light <ButtonRelease-1> release
-set curX 0
-set curY 0
-set curAngle 0
-proc press {action x y} {
- global w curAngle curX curY
+ proc rad2Deg {rad} {
+ return [expr int(fmod(($rad * 180.0 / 3.14159)+360.0, 360.0))]
+ }
- $w.zinc raise [$w.zinc group current]
+ variable bw 4
+ variable width 60
+ variable lightAngle 120
+ variable lightAngleRad [deg2Rad $lightAngle]
+ variable zincSize 500
+ grid [zinc $w.zinc -width $zincSize -height $zincSize -render 1 -font 10x20 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0 -relief sunken -backcolor lightgray \
+ -lightangle $lightAngle] -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky news
+ grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 2
+ variable topGroup [$w.zinc add group 1]
+ proc polyPoints { ox oy rad n } {
+ set step [expr 2 * 3.14159 / $n]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
+ set x [expr $ox + ($rad * cos($i * $step))];
+ set y [expr $oy + ($rad * sin($i * $step))];
+ lappend coords $x $y;
+ }
+ lappend coords [lindex $coords 0] [lindex $coords 1]
+ return $coords
+ }
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
- set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> "$action %x %y"
+ proc makePoly {x y bw sides color group} {
+ variable w
+ variable state
+ variable allReliefs
+ variable width
+ set relief 2
+ set g [$w.zinc add group $group]
+ $w.zinc translate $g $x $y
+ $w.zinc add curve $g [polyPoints 0 0 $width $sides] \
+ -relief [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -linewidth $bw \
+ -smoothrelief 1 -fillcolor $color -linecolor $color \
+ -filled t -tags {subject polygon}
+ $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center \
+ -text [lindex $allReliefs $relief] -tags {subject relief}
+ $w.zinc add text $g -anchor center -position {0 16} \
+ -text $bw -tags {subject bw}
+ set state($g,sides) $sides
+ set state($g,relief) $relief
+ set state($g,bw) $bw
+ return $g
+ }
-proc motion {x y} {
- global w curX curY topGroup
+ variable poly [makePoly 100 100 $bw 8 lightblue $topGroup]
+ variable poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 2*($width + 10)] 100 $bw 8 tan $topGroup]
+ variable poly [makePoly [expr 100 + 4*($width + 10) ] 100 $bw 8 slateblue $topGroup]
- foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
- [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
- $w.zinc translate [$w.zinc group current] [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
+ proc lightCenter {radius angle} {
+ return [list [expr $radius * (1 + 0.95*cos($angle))] \
+ [expr $radius * (1 - 0.95*sin($angle))]]
+ }
-proc lightMotion {x y} {
- global w zincSize topGroup
+ #
+ # Place the light at lightAngle on the circle
+ $w.zinc add arc 1 {-5 -5 5 5} -filled 1 -fillcolor yellow \
+ -tags light -priority 10
+ eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $lightAngleRad]"
+ #
+ # Controls.
+ #
+ $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::press motion %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-1> ::reliefDemo::release
+ $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::press zoom %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-2> ::reliefDemo::release
+ $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::press mouseRotate %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind subject <ButtonRelease-3> ::reliefDemo::release
+ $w.zinc bind polygon <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::incrPolySides 1"
+ $w.zinc bind polygon <Control-ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::incrPolySides -1"
+ $w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::cycleRelief 1"
+ $w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-2> "::reliefDemo::cycleRelief -1"
+ $w.zinc bind subject <Shift-ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::incrBW 1"
+ $w.zinc bind subject <Control-ButtonPress-3> "::reliefDemo::incrBW -1"
+ $w.zinc bind light <ButtonPress-1> "::reliefDemo::press lightMotion %x %y"
+ $w.zinc bind light <ButtonRelease-1> ::reliefDemo::release
+ variable curX 0
+ variable curY 0
+ variable curAngle 0
+ proc press {action x y} {
+ variable w
+ variable curAngle
+ variable curX
+ variable curY
+ $w.zinc raise [$w.zinc group current]
+ set curX $x
+ set curY $y
+ set curAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
+ bind $w.zinc <Motion> "::reliefDemo::$action %x %y"
+ }
- set radius [expr $zincSize/2]
- if { $x < 0 } {
- set x 0
- } elseif { $x > $zincSize } {
- set x $zincSize
+ proc motion {x y} {
+ variable w
+ variable curX
+ variable curY
+ variable topGroup
+ foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$w.zinc transform $topGroup \
+ [list $x $y $curX $curY]] break
+ $w.zinc translate [$w.zinc group current] [expr $x1 - $x2] [expr $y1 - $y2]
+ set curX $x
+ set curY $y
+ proc lightMotion {x y} {
+ variable w
+ variable zincSize
+ variable topGroup
+ set radius [expr $zincSize/2]
+ if { $x < 0 } {
+ set x 0
+ } elseif { $x > $zincSize } {
+ set x $zincSize
+ }
- set angle [expr acos(double($x-$radius)/$radius)]
- if { $y > $radius } {
- set angle [expr - $angle]
+ set angle [expr acos(double($x-$radius)/$radius)]
+ if { $y > $radius } {
+ set angle [expr - $angle]
+ }
+ $w.zinc treset light
+ eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $angle]"
+ $w.zinc configure -lightangle [rad2Deg $angle]
- $w.zinc treset light
- eval "$w.zinc translate light [lightCenter [expr $zincSize/2] $angle]"
- $w.zinc configure -lightangle [rad2Deg $angle]
-proc zoom {x y} {
- global w curX curY
- if {$x > $curX} {
- set maxX $x
- } else {
- set maxX $curX
- }
- if {$y > $curY} {
- set maxY $y
- } else {
- set maxY $curY
- }
- if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
- return;
+ proc zoom {x y} {
+ variable w
+ variable curX
+ variable curY
+ if {$x > $curX} {
+ set maxX $x
+ } else {
+ set maxX $curX
+ }
+ if {$y > $curY} {
+ set maxY $y
+ } else {
+ set maxY $curY
+ }
+ if {($maxX == 0) || ($maxY == 0)} {
+ return;
+ }
+ set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
+ set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
+ $w.zinc scale current $sx $sx
+ set curX $x
+ set curY $y
- set sx [expr 1.0 + (double($x - $curX) / $maxX)]
- set sy [expr 1.0 + (double($y - $curY) / $maxY)]
- $w.zinc scale current $sx $sx
- set curX $x
- set curY $y
-proc mouseRotate {x y} {
- global w curAngle
- set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
- $w.zinc rotate current [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
- set curAngle $lAngle
-proc release {} {
- global w
+ proc mouseRotate {x y} {
+ variable w
+ variable curAngle
- bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
+ set lAngle [expr atan2($y, $x)]
+ $w.zinc rotate current [expr $lAngle - $curAngle]
+ set curAngle $lAngle
+ }
-proc incrPolySides {incr} {
- global w state width
+ proc release {} {
+ variable w
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,sides) $incr
- if { $state($g,sides) < 3 } {
- set state($g,sides) 3
+ bind $w.zinc <Motion> {}
- set points [polyPoints 0 0 $width $state($g,sides)]
- $w.zinc coords $g.polygon $points
+ proc incrPolySides {incr} {
+ variable w
+ variable state
+ variable width
-proc cycleRelief {incr} {
- global w state allReliefs
+ set g [$w.zinc group current]
+ incr state($g,sides) $incr
+ if { $state($g,sides) < 3 } {
+ set state($g,sides) 3
+ }
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,relief) $incr
- if { $state($g,relief) < 0 } {
- set state($g,relief) [expr [llength $allReliefs] - 1]
- } elseif { $state($g,relief) >= [llength $allReliefs] } {
- set state($g,relief) 0
+ set points [polyPoints 0 0 $width $state($g,sides)]
+ $w.zinc coords $g.polygon $points
- set rlf [lindex $allReliefs $state($g,relief)]
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -relief $rlf
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.relief -text $rlf
-proc incrBW {incr} {
- global w state
+ proc cycleRelief {incr} {
+ variable w
+ variable state
+ variable allReliefs
+ set g [$w.zinc group current]
+ incr state($g,relief) $incr
+ if { $state($g,relief) < 0 } {
+ set state($g,relief) [expr [llength $allReliefs] - 1]
+ } elseif { $state($g,relief) >= [llength $allReliefs] } {
+ set state($g,relief) 0
+ }
+ set rlf [lindex $allReliefs $state($g,relief)]
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -relief $rlf
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.relief -text $rlf
+ }
- set g [$w.zinc group current]
- incr state($g,bw) $incr
- if { $state($g,bw) < 0 } {
- set state($g,bw) 0
+ proc incrBW {incr} {
+ variable w
+ variable state
+ set g [$w.zinc group current]
+ incr state($g,bw) $incr
+ if { $state($g,bw) < 0 } {
+ set state($g,bw) 0
+ }
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -linewidth $state($g,bw)
+ $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.bw -text $state($g,bw)
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.polygon -linewidth $state($g,bw)
- $w.zinc itemconfigure $g.bw -text $state($g,bw)