diff options
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/library/pkgIndex.tcl b/library/pkgIndex.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c1a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/pkgIndex.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Tcl package index file, version 1.1
+# This file is generated by the "pkg_mkIndex" command
+# and sourced either when an application starts up or
+# by a "package unknown" script. It invokes the
+# "package ifneeded" command to set up package-related
+# information so that packages will be loaded automatically
+# in response to "package require" commands. When this
+# script is sourced, the variable $dir must contain the
+# full path name of this file's directory.
+package ifneeded ZincText 1.0 [list source [file join $dir zincText.tcl]]
diff --git a/library/zincText.tcl b/library/zincText.tcl
index 3aef8a1..e7c8899 100644
--- a/library/zincText.tcl
+++ b/library/zincText.tcl
@@ -67,17 +67,16 @@
proc zn_TextBindings {zinc} {
$zinc bind text <1> "startSel $zinc %x %y"
$zinc bind text <2> "pasteSel $zinc %x %y"
$zinc bind text <B1-Motion> "extendSel $zinc %x %y"
$zinc bind text <Shift-B1-Motion> "extendSel $zinc %x %y"
$zinc bind text <Shift-1> "$zinc select adjust current @%x,%y"
- $zinc bind text <Left> sub "moveCur $zinc -1"
- $zinc bind text <Right> sub "moveCur $zinc 1"
- $zinc bind text <Up> sub "setCur $zinc up"
- $zinc bind text <Down> sub "setCur $zinc down"
+ $zinc bind text <Left> "moveCur $zinc -1"
+ $zinc bind text <Right> "moveCur $zinc 1"
+ $zinc bind text <Up> "setCur $zinc up"
+ $zinc bind text <Down> "setCur $zinc down"
$zinc bind text <Control-a> "setCur $zinc bol"
$zinc bind text <Home> "setCur $zinc bol"
$zinc bind text <Control-e> "setCur $zinc eol"
@@ -184,3 +183,5 @@ proc textDel {w dir} {
+package provide ZincText 1.0