path: root/Perl/Zinc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl/Zinc')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 304 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/Zinc/Debug.pm b/Perl/Zinc/Debug.pm
index 711faa2..57f5923 100644
--- a/Perl/Zinc/Debug.pm
+++ b/Perl/Zinc/Debug.pm
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ use Tk::Balloon;
@EXPORT_OK = qw(finditems snapshot tree init);
my ($itemstyle, $groupstyle, $step);
-my ($result_tl, $result_fm, $search_tl, $helptree_tl, $coords_tl, $transfo_tl,
- $helpcoords_tl, $searchtree_tl, $tree_tl, $alloptions_tl, $tree);
+my (%result_tl, $result_fm, $search_tl, $helptree_tl, %coords_tl, %transfo_tl,
+ $helpcoords_tl, $searchtree_tl, $tree_tl, %alloptions_tl, $tree);
my $showitemflag;
my ($x0, $y0);
my ($help_print, $imagecounter, $saving) = (0, 0, 0);
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ BEGIN {
require Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%cmdoptions, 'optionsToDisplay=s', 'optionsFormat=s',
- 'snapshotBasename=s');
+ 'snapshotBasename=s', 'expandTagsField=i');
# save current Tk::Zinc::InitObject function; it will be invoked in
# overloaded one (see below)
use Tk;
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ sub init {
for my $opt (keys(%options)) {
carp "in Tk::Zinc::Debug initialisation function, unknown option $opt\n"
unless $opt eq '-optionsToDisplay' or $opt eq '-optionsFormat'
- or $opt eq '-snapshotBasename' ;
+ or $opt eq '-snapshotBasename' or $opt eq '-expandTagsField' ;
$cmdoptions{optionsToDisplay} = $options{-optionsToDisplay} if
not defined $cmdoptions{optionsToDisplay} and
@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ sub init {
$cmdoptions{snapshotBasename} = $options{-snapshotBasename} if
not defined $cmdoptions{snapshotBasename} and
defined $options{-snapshotBasename};
+ $cmdoptions{expandTagsField} = $options{-expandTagsField} if
+ not defined $cmdoptions{expandTagsField} and
+ defined $options{-expandTagsField};
return if Tk::Exists($control_tl);
@@ -172,7 +175,8 @@ sub init {
$selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<B1-Motion>", \&resizerectangle);
- [\&stoprectangle, 'enclosed', 'Enclosed search']);
+ [\&stoprectangle, 'enclosed',
+ 'Items enclosed in rectangle']);
$off_command{findenclosed} = sub {
$button{findenclosed}->{Value} = 0;
@@ -183,11 +187,12 @@ sub init {
$on_command{findoverlap} = sub {
$button{findoverlap}->{Value} = 1;
- $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonPress-1>", [\&startrectangle, 'mixed', 'Overlap',
- 'sienna']);
+ $selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<ButtonPress-1>", [\&startrectangle, 'mixed',
+ 'Overlap', 'sienna']);
$selectedzinc->Tk::bind("<B1-Motion>", \&resizerectangle);
- [\&stoprectangle, 'overlapping', 'Overlap search']);
+ [\&stoprectangle, 'overlapping',
+ 'Items which overlap rectangle']);
$off_command{findoverlap} = sub {
$button{findoverlap}->{Value} = 0;
@@ -307,7 +312,7 @@ sub init {
$button{close}->configure(-command => sub {
- $control_tl->withdraw();
+ &Tk::Zinc::Debug::iconify;
for my $name (@but) {
@@ -373,7 +378,7 @@ sub showtree {
my @optionstodisplay = split(/,/, $optionstodisplay);
- $tree_tl = $zinc->Toplevel;
+ $tree_tl = $control_tl->Toplevel;
$tree_tl->minsize(280, 200);
$tree_tl->title("Zinc Items Tree");
$tree = $tree_tl->Scrolled('Tree',
@@ -388,7 +393,7 @@ sub showtree {
-command => sub {
my $path = shift;
my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- &showresult("", $zinc, $item);
+ &showresult("Attributes of item $item", $zinc, $item);
$zinc->after(100, sub {
&undohighlightitem(undef, $zinc)});
@@ -447,7 +452,7 @@ sub showtree {
my $path = $tree->selectionGet;
$path = 1 unless $path;
my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1];
- &showresult("", $zinc, $item);
+ &showresult("Attributes of item $item", $zinc, $item);
)->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10,
-padx => 10, -fill => 'both');
@@ -465,6 +470,7 @@ sub showtree {
-fill => 'both',
-expand => 1,
} # end showtree
@@ -512,7 +518,8 @@ sub searchInTree {
my $zinc = shift;
$searchtree_tl->destroy if $searchtree_tl and Tk::Exists($searchtree_tl);
- $searchtree_tl = $zinc->Toplevel;
+ $searchtree_tl = $tree_tl->Toplevel;
+ $searchtree_tl->transient($tree_tl);
$searchtree_tl->title("Find string in tree");
my $fm = $searchtree_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
$fm->Label(-text => "Find : ",
@@ -1009,7 +1016,7 @@ sub searchentry {
my $zinc = shift;
$search_tl->destroy if $search_tl and Tk::Exists($search_tl);
- $search_tl = $zinc->Toplevel;
+ $search_tl = $control_tl->Toplevel;
$search_tl->title("Specific search");
my $fm = $search_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top');
$fm->Label(-text => "Item TagOrId : ",
@@ -1030,9 +1037,15 @@ sub searchentry {
$searchEntryValue{$zinc} = $entry->get();
my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', $searchEntryValue{$zinc});
if (@items) {
- &showresult("Search with TagOrId $searchEntryValue{$zinc}", $zinc, @items);
+ my $label;
+ if ($searchEntryValue{$zinc} =~ /^\d/) {
+ $label = "Attributes of item $searchEntryValue{$zinc}";
+ } else {
+ $label = "Attributes of item(s) with tag $searchEntryValue{$zinc}"
+ }
+ &showresult($label, $zinc, @items);
} else {
- $status->configure(-text => "No such TagOrId ($searchEntryValue{$zinc})");
+ $status->configure(-text => "No such tagOrId ($searchEntryValue{$zinc})");
@@ -1047,23 +1060,25 @@ sub searchentry {
sub showtransfoparams {
- my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
+ my ($label, $zinc, $item) = @_;
my @m = $zinc->tget($item);
my ($xt, $yt, $xsc, $ysc, $a, $xsk) = $zinc->tget($item, 'all');
- $transfo_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($transfo_tl);
- $transfo_tl = $zinc->Toplevel();
+ $transfo_tl{$item}->destroy if Tk::Exists($transfo_tl{$item});
+ $transfo_tl{$item} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
+ $transfo_tl{$item}->transient($result_tl{$label})
+ if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
my $title = "Transformations of item $item";
- $transfo_tl->title($title);
+ $transfo_tl{$item}->title($title);
my $r = 0;
my $c = 0;
- my $fm1 = $transfo_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top',
- -padx => 20,
- -pady => 20,
- );
- my $fm2 = $transfo_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top',
- -padx => 20,
- -pady => 20,
- );
+ my $fm1 = $transfo_tl{$item}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top',
+ -padx => 20,
+ -pady => 20,
+ );
+ my $fm2 = $transfo_tl{$item}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top',
+ -padx => 20,
+ -pady => 20,
+ );
# translate params
$fm1->Label(-text => 'translate', -relief => 'ridge')
->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++,
@@ -1110,7 +1125,8 @@ sub showtransfoparams {
$btn->bind('<3>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 2]);
$fm2->Button(-text => 'Close',
-command => sub {
- $transfo_tl->destroy;
+ $transfo_tl{$item}->destroy;
+ delete $transfo_tl{$item};
})->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
@@ -1130,33 +1146,35 @@ sub showresult {
my ($label, $zinc, @items) = @_;
# toplevel (re-)creation
- $result_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($result_tl);
- $result_tl = $zinc->Toplevel();
- my $title = "Zinc Debug";
+ $result_tl{$label}->destroy if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
+ $result_tl{$label} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
+ my $title = "TK::Zinc Debug";
$title .= " - $label" if $label;
- $result_tl->title($title);
- $result_tl->geometry('+10+20');
- my $fm = $result_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom',
+ $result_tl{$label}->title($title);
+ $result_tl{$label}->geometry('+10+20');
+ $control_tl->raise;
+ my $fm = $result_tl{$label}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom',
$fm->Button(-text => 'Help',
-command => [\&showHelpAboutAttributes, $zinc]
)->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
$fm->Button(-text => 'Close',
-command => sub {
- $result_tl->destroy;
+ $result_tl{$label}->destroy;
+ delete $result_tl{$label};
$zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel");
})->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
# scrolled pane creation
- $result_fm = $result_tl->Scrolled('Pane',
- -scrollbars => 'osoe',
- -height => 200,
- -width => 1024,
- );
+ $result_fm = $result_tl{$label}->Scrolled('Pane',
+ -scrollbars => 'osoe',
+ -height => 200,
+ -width => 1024,
+ );
my $fm2 = $result_fm->Frame->pack;
# attributes display
- &showattributes($zinc, $fm2, \@items);
+ &showattributes($zinc, $fm2, $label, \@items);
my $width = $fm2->width + 10;
@@ -1167,51 +1185,30 @@ sub showresult {
-fill => 'both',
-expand => 1,
} # end showresult
# display table containing additionnal options/values
sub showalloptions {
- my ($zinc, $item, $fmp) = @_;
- $alloptions_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($alloptions_tl);
- $alloptions_tl = $zinc->Toplevel();
- my $tl = $alloptions_tl;
+ my ($label, $zinc, $item, $fmp) = @_;
+ $alloptions_tl{$item}->destroy if Tk::Exists($alloptions_tl{$item});
+ $alloptions_tl{$item} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
+ $alloptions_tl{$item}->transient($result_tl{$label})
+ if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
+ my $tl = $alloptions_tl{$item};
my $title = "All options of item $item";
- # header
- #----------------
- my $fm_top = $tl->Frame()->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 0,
- -padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- );
- # show item
- my $btn = $fm_top->Button(-height => 2,
- -text => 'Show Item',
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1);
- $btn->bind('<1>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 0]);
- $btn->bind('<2>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 1]);
- $btn->bind('<3>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 2]);
- # bounding box
- $btn = $fm_top->Button(-height => 2,
- -text => 'Bounding Box',
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1);
- $btn->bind("<1>", [\&showbbox, $zinc, $item]);
- $btn->bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", [\&hidebbox, $zinc]);
- # transformations
- $btn = $fm_top->Button(-height => 2,
- -text => "treset")
- ->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1);
- $btn->bind('<1>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 0]);
- $btn->bind('<2>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 1]);
- $btn->bind('<3>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 2]);
# footer
$tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack(-side => 'bottom');
+ -command => sub {
+ $alloptions_tl{$item}->destroy;
+ delete $alloptions_tl{$item};
+ })->pack(-side => 'bottom');
# option scrolled frame
my $fm = $tl->Scrolled('Pane',
@@ -1222,22 +1219,33 @@ sub showalloptions {
-expand => 1,
-fill => 'both');
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
+ my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
+ my $i = 1;
+ $fm->Label(-text => $title, -background => $bgcolor,
+ -fg => 'sienna', -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i++, -column => 1, -ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5,
+ -columnspan => 2, -sticky => 'nswe') if $label;
$fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => 2, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
$fm->Label(-text => 'Value', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => 2, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ ->grid(-row => $i++, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($item);
- my $i = 3;
for my $elem (@options) {
my ($option, $type, $value) = (@$elem)[0,1,4];
$fm->Label(-text => $option, -relief => 'ridge')
->grid(-row => $i, -column => 1,
-ipady => 5, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option, undef, 50, 25)
- ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 2, -ipady => 5,
- -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ if ($option eq '-tags') {
+ &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option,
+ join("\n", @$value), 30, 30, scalar @$value)
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 2, -ipady => 5,
+ -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ } else {
+ &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option, undef, 50, 25)
+ ->grid(-row => $i, -column => 2, -ipady => 5,
+ -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
+ }
@@ -1247,8 +1255,8 @@ sub showalloptions {
# display device coords table
sub showdevicecoords {
- my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
- &showcoords($zinc, $item, 1);
+ my ($label, $zinc, $item) = @_;
+ &showcoords($label, $zinc, $item, 1);
} # end showdevicecoords
@@ -1256,31 +1264,32 @@ sub showdevicecoords {
# display coords table
sub showcoords {
- my ($zinc, $item, $deviceflag) = @_;
+ my ($label, $zinc, $item, $deviceflag) = @_;
my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
my $bgcolor2 = 'gray75';
- $coords_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($coords_tl) and not $deviceflag;
- $coords_tl = $zinc->Toplevel();
+ $coords_tl{$item}->destroy if Tk::Exists($coords_tl{$item}) and not $deviceflag;
+ $coords_tl{$item} = $control_tl->Toplevel();
+ $coords_tl{$item}->transient($result_tl{$label}) if Tk::Exists($result_tl{$label});
my $title = "Zinc Debug";
if ($deviceflag) {
$title .= " - Coords of item $item";
} else {
$title .= " - Device coords of item $item";
- $coords_tl->title($title);
- $coords_tl->geometry('+10+20');
- my $coords_fm0 = $coords_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom');
+ $coords_tl{$item}->title($title);
+ $coords_tl{$item}->geometry('+10+20');
+ my $coords_fm0 = $coords_tl{$item}->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom');
$coords_fm0->Button(-text => 'Help',
-command => [\&showHelpAboutCoords, $zinc]
)->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
$coords_fm0->Button(-text => 'Close',
-command => sub {
- $coords_tl->destroy;
+ $coords_tl{$item}->destroy;
+ delete $coords_tl{$item};
})->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
# scrolled pane creation
- my $coords_fm = $coords_tl->Scrolled('Pane',
+ my $coords_fm = $coords_tl{$item}->Scrolled('Pane',
-scrollbars => 'oe',
-height => 200,
)->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
@@ -1390,217 +1399,30 @@ sub showcoords {
} # end showcoords
-# display in a toplevel group's attributes
-sub showgroupattributes {
- my ($zinc, $item) = @_;
- my $tl = $zinc->Toplevel;
- my $title = "About group $item";
- $tl->title($title);
- # header
- #-----------
- my $fm_top = $tl->Frame()->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 0,
- -padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- );
- # content
- $fm_top->Button(-command => [\&showgroupcontent, $zinc, $item],
- -height => 2,
- -text => 'Content',
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
- # bounding box
- my $btn = $fm_top->Button(-height => 2,
- -text => 'Bounding Box',
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
- $btn->bind("<1>", [\&showbbox, $zinc, $item]);
- $btn->bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", [\&hidebbox, $zinc]);
- # transformations
- my $trbtn = $fm_top->Button(-height => 2,
- -text => "treset")
- ->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
- if ($item == 1) {
- $trbtn->configure(-state => 'disabled');
- } else {
- $trbtn->bind('<1>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 0]);
- $trbtn->bind('<2>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 1]);
- $trbtn->bind('<3>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 2]);
- }
- # parent group
- my $gr = $zinc->group($item);
- my $bpg = $fm_top->Button(-command => [\&showgroupattributes, $zinc, $gr],
- -height => 2,
- -text => "Parent group [$gr]",
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
- $bpg->configure(-state => 'disabled') if $item == 1;
- # footer
- #-----------
- $tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack(-side => 'bottom');
- # coords and options scrolled frame
- #----------------------------------
- my $fm = $tl->Scrolled('Pane',
- -scrollbars => 'oe',
- -height => 400,
- )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both');
- my $r = 1;
- my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
- # coords
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Coordinates', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe',
- -columnspan => 2); # coords
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Coords', -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- my @coords = $zinc->coords($item);
- my $coords;
- if (@coords == 2) {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
- } elsif (@coords == 4) {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- my $x1 = int($coords[2]);
- my $y1 = int($coords[3]);
- $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)";
- print "we should not go through this case (1)!\n";
- } else {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]);
- my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]);
- my $n = @coords/2 - 1;
- $coords = "P0=($x0, $y0), ..., P".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
- print "we should not go through this case (2d)!\n";
- }
- $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 2, -sticky => 'nswe');
- # device coords
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Device coords', -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- @coords = $zinc->transform($item, 'device', [@coords]);
- if (@coords == 2) {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- $coords = "($x0, $y0)";
- } elsif (@coords == 4) {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- my $x1 = int($coords[2]);
- my $y1 = int($coords[3]);
- $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)";
- print "we should not go through this case (3)!\n";
- } else {
- my $x0 = int($coords[0]);
- my $y0 = int($coords[1]);
- my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]);
- my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]);
- my $n = @coords/2 - 1;
- $coords = "P0=($x0, $y0), ..., P".$n."=($xn, $yn)";
- print "we should not go through this case (4)!\n";
- }
- $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 2, -sticky => 'nswe');
- # options
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $fm->Label(-text => 'Value', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r++, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($item);
- for my $elem (@options) {
- my ($option, $value) = (@$elem)[0,4];
- $fm->Label(-text => $option, -relief => 'ridge')
- ->grid(-row => $r, -column => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- my $w;
- if ($option and $option eq '-tags') {
- $value = join("\n", @$value);
- $w = $fm->Label(-text => $value, -relief => 'ridge');
- } elsif ($option and $option eq '-clip' and $value and $value > 0) {
- $value .= " (". $zinc->type($value) .")";
- $w = $fm->Label(-text => $value, -relief => 'ridge');
- } else {
- $w = &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option, undef, 50, 25);
- }
- $w->grid(-row => $r, -column => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
- $r++;
- }
-} # end showgroupattributes
-# display in a toplevel the content of a group item
-sub showgroupcontent {
- my ($zinc, $group) = @_;
- my $tl = $zinc->Toplevel;
- my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', $group.".");
- my $title = "Content of group $group";
- $tl->title($title);
- my $fm2 = $tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom',
- );
- $fm2->Button(-text => 'Help',
- -command => [\&showHelpAboutAttributes, $zinc]
- )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
- $fm2->Button(-text => 'Close',
- -command => sub {
- $tl->destroy;
- })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10);
- # coords and options scrolled frame
- #----------------------------------
- my $fm = $tl->Scrolled('Pane',
- -scrollbars => 'osoe',
- -height => 200,
- );
- my $fm2 = $fm->Frame->pack;
- &showattributes($zinc, $fm2, [@items]);
- $fm2->update;
- my $width = $fm2->width + 10;
- $width = $screenwidth if $width > $screenwidth;
- $fm->configure(-width => $width);
- $fm->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10,
- -ipadx => 10,
- -expand => 1,
- -fill => 'both');
-} # end showgroupcontent
# display in a grid the values of most important attributes
sub showattributes {
- my ($zinc, $fm, $items) = @_;
+ my ($zinc, $fm, $label, $items, $expandTagsFlag) = @_;
+ $expandTagsFlag = 1;
my $bgcolor = 'ivory';
my $i = 1;
+ $fm->Label(-text => $label, -background => $bgcolor,
+ -fg => 'sienna', -relief => 'ridge')
+ ->grid(-row => $i++, -column => 0, -ipady => 0, -ipadx => 5,
+ -columnspan => 7, -sticky => 'nswe') if $label;
&showbanner($fm, $i++);
+ $i++;
for my $item (@$items) {
my $c = 0;
my $type = $zinc->type($item);
-# # transformations
-# my $btn = $fm->Button(-text => 'treset')
-# ->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
-# $btn->bind('<1>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 0]);
-# $btn->bind('<2>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 1]);
-# $btn->bind('<3>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 2]);
# id
my $idbtn =
$fm->Button(-text => $item,
- -foreground => 'red'
+ -foreground => 'sienna'
)->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe',
-ipadx => 5);
$idbtn->bind('<1>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 0]);
@@ -1608,8 +1430,11 @@ sub showattributes {
$idbtn->bind('<3>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 2]);
# type
if ($type eq 'group') {
- $fm->Button(-text => $type,
- -command => [\&showgroupcontent, $zinc, $item])
+ $fm->Button(-text => $type,
+ -command => sub {
+ my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', $item.".");
+ &showresult("Content of group $item", $zinc, @items);
+ })
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
} else {
$fm->Label(-text => $type, -relief => 'ridge')
@@ -1618,7 +1443,9 @@ sub showattributes {
# group
my $group = $zinc->group($item);
$fm->Button(-text => $group,
- -command => [\&showgroupattributes, $zinc, $group])
+ -command => [\&showresult,
+ "Attributes of group $group (parent of $item)",
+ $zinc, $group])
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
# priority
&entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -priority)
@@ -1631,7 +1458,7 @@ sub showattributes {
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
# other options
$fm->Button(-text => 'show',
- -command => [\&showalloptions, $zinc, $item, $fm])
+ -command => [\&showalloptions, $label, $zinc, $item, $fm])
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
# transformations
my $tlabel = 'yes';
@@ -1639,7 +1466,7 @@ sub showattributes {
$tlabel = 'no' if ($xt == 0 and $yt == 0 and $xsc == 1 and $ysc == 1 and
$a == 0 and $xsk == 0);
$fm->Button(-text => $tlabel,
- -command => [\&showtransfoparams, $zinc, $item],
+ -command => [\&showtransfoparams, $label, $zinc, $item],
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
# coords
@@ -1665,7 +1492,7 @@ sub showattributes {
if (@coords > 2) {
$fm->Button(-text => $coords,
- -command => [\&showcoords, $zinc, $item])
+ -command => [\&showcoords, $label, $zinc, $item])
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
} else {
$fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
@@ -1693,7 +1520,7 @@ sub showattributes {
if (@coords > 2) {
$fm->Button(-text => $coords,
- -command => [\&showdevicecoords, $zinc, $item])
+ -command => [\&showdevicecoords, $label, $zinc, $item])
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 2);
} else {
$fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge')
@@ -1717,7 +1544,9 @@ sub showattributes {
# tags
my @tags = $zinc->gettags($item);
- &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -tags, join("\n", @tags), 30, scalar @tags)
+ my $height = 2;
+ $height = scalar @tags if $cmdoptions{expandTagsField};
+ &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -tags, join("\n", @tags), 30, 30, $height)
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5);
@@ -1764,7 +1593,7 @@ sub showbanner {
->grid(-row => $i, -column => $c++,
-ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe');
$fm->Label()->grid(-row => 1, -column => $c++, -pady => 10);
} # end showbanner
@@ -2817,11 +2646,7 @@ sub newinstance {
my $zinc = shift;
return if $instances{$zinc};
- $zinc->toplevel->Tk::bind('<Key-Escape>', sub {
- $button{zn}->destroy() if @instances == 1 and Tk::Exists($button{zn});
- $control_tl->deiconify();
- $control_tl->raise();
- });
+ $zinc->toplevel->Tk::bind('<Key-Escape>', \&Tk::Zinc::Debug::deiconify);
$instances{$zinc} = 1;
push(@instances, $zinc);
@@ -2830,6 +2655,45 @@ sub newinstance {
} # end newinstance
+sub deiconify {
+ $button{zn}->destroy() if @instances == 1 and Tk::Exists($button{zn});
+ $control_tl->deiconify();
+ for (values %result_tl) {
+ $_->deiconify if Tk::Exists($_);
+ }
+ for (values %coords_tl) {
+ $_->deiconify if Tk::Exists($_);
+ }
+ for (values %alloptions_tl) {
+ $_->deiconify if Tk::Exists($_);
+ }
+ $tree_tl->deiconify if Tk::Exists($tree_tl);
+ $search_tl->deiconify if Tk::Exists($search_tl);
+ $searchtree_tl->deiconify if Tk::Exists($searchtree_tl);
+ $control_tl->raise();
+} # end deiconify
+sub iconify {
+ for (values %result_tl) {
+ $_->withdraw if Tk::Exists($_);
+ }
+ for (values %coords_tl) {
+ $_->withdraw if Tk::Exists($_);
+ }
+ for (values %alloptions_tl) {
+ $_->withdraw if Tk::Exists($_);
+ }
+ $tree_tl->withdraw if Tk::Exists($tree_tl);
+ $search_tl->withdraw if Tk::Exists($search_tl);
+ $searchtree_tl->withdraw if Tk::Exists($searchtree_tl);
+ $control_tl->withdraw();
+} # end iconify
@@ -2869,7 +2733,7 @@ Scan all items which are enclosed in a rectangular area you have first drawn by
=item B<o> display items hierarchy
-You can find a particular item's position in the tree and you can highlight items and see their features as described above. You can also generate the perl code corresponding to a selected branch. However there are some limitations : transformations and images can't be reproduced.
+You can find a particular item's position in the tree and you can highlight items and see their features as described above. You can also generate the perl code corresponding to a selected branch (but images can't be reproduced).
=item B<o> snapshot the application window
@@ -2901,12 +2765,17 @@ Used to display some option's values associated to items of the tree. Expected a
=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-optionsFormat> => row | column
-Defines the display format of option's values. Default is 'column'.
+Defines the display format of option's values. Default is 'row'.
=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-snapshotBasename> => string
Defines the basename used for the file containing the snaphshot. The filename will be <current­dir>/basename<n>.png Defaulted to 'zincsnapshot'.
+=item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-expandTagsField> => 0 | 1
+Specifies if the tags field in the attributes window will be expanded to show all the items tags (it should take up a lot of space). In the default case (value is set to 0), only the head of the list is displayed.
@@ -2920,6 +2789,8 @@ Daniel Etienne <etienne@cena.fr>
=head1 HISTORY
+Oct 5 2004 : transformations are correctly managed in built code.
Oct 14 2003 : add a control bar, and zoom/translate new functionalities. finditems(), tree(), snapshot() functions become deprecated, initialisation is done using the new init() function.
Oct 07 2003 : contours of curves can be displayed and explored.