path: root/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/MagicLens.pl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/MagicLens.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/MagicLens.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index a625254..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/MagicLens.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-# MagicLens.pl
-# This small demo is based on Zinc::Graphics.pm for creating
-# the graphic items.
-# The magnifyer effect is obtained with the help of clipping,
-# and some glass effect is based on color transparency through
-# a triangles item bordering the magnifier
-# Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot <vinot@cena.fr>
-# $Id$
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use Tk::Zinc::Graphics;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use strict 'vars';
-# the original fonts are not available everywhere, even if they are free!
-my $font_9b = '7x13bold'; # '-cenapii-bleriot mini-bold-r-normal--9-90-75-75-p-*-iso8859-15';
-my $font_8 = '7x13'; #'-cenapii-bleriot mini-book-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-*-iso8859-15';
-my ($dx, $dy);
-my @basiccolors = (['Jaune','#fff52a','#f1f1f1','#6a6611'],
- ["Jaune\nOrangé",'#ffc017','#cfcfcf','#6b510a'],
- ['Orangé','#ff7500','#a5a5a5','#622d00'],
- ['Rouge','#ff2501','#8b8b8b','#620e00'],
- ['Magenta','#ec145d','#828282','#600826'],
- ["Violet\nRouge",'#a41496','#636363','#020940'],
- ["Violet\nBleu",'#6a25b6','#555555','#2a0f48'],
- ['Bleu','#324bde','#646464','#101846'],
- ['Cyan','#0a74f0','#818181','#064a9a'],
- ["Bleu\nVert",'#009bb4','#969696','#006474'],
- ['Vert','#0fa706','#979797','#096604'],
- ["Jaune\nVert",'#9dd625','#c9c9c9','#496311']);
-my $circle_coords = [[0,-30],[-16.569,-30,'c'],[-30,-16.569,'c'],[-30,0],[-30,16.569,'c'],[-16.569,30,'c'],[0,30],
- [16.569,30,'c'],[30,16.569,'c'],[30,0],[30,-16.569,'c'],[16.569,-30,'c'],[0,-30]];
-# MagicLens
-my %lensitems = ('back' => {-itemtype => 'arc',
- -coords => [[-100, -100],[100,100]],
- -params => {-priority => 10,
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -visible => 0,
- -tags => ['lensback'],
- },
- },
- 'light' => {-itemtype => 'pathline',
- -metacoords => {-type => 'polygone',
- -coords => [0, 0],
- -numsides => 36,
- -radius => 100,
- -startangle => 240,
- },
- -linewidth => 10,
- -shifting => 'in',
- -closed => 1,
- -graduate => {-type => 'double',
- -colors => [['#ffffff;0', '#6666cc;0', '#ffffff;0'],
- ['#ffffff;100', '#333399;50', '#ffffff;100']],
- },
- -params => {-priority => 50,
- },
- },
- 'bord' => {-itemtype => 'hippodrome',
- -coords => [[-100, -100],[100, 100]],
- -params => {-priority => 100,
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 0,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linecolor => '#222266;80'
- },
- },
- );
-# creation de la fenetre principale
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-$mw->title('Color Magic Lens');
-# creation du widget Zinc
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1,
- -width => 1000,
- -height => 900,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- -lightangle => 140,
- -borderwidth => 0,
- );
-$zinc->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
-my $texture = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data/paper-grey1.gif'));
-$zinc->configure(-tile => $texture);
-# création des 2 vues
-my $normview = $zinc->add('group', 1, -priority => 100);
-my $lensview = $zinc->add('group', 1, -priority => 200);
-my $infoview = $zinc->add('group', $lensview);
-my $zoom=1.20;
-$zinc->scale($infoview, $zoom, $zoom);
-my $lenstexture = $zinc->Photo(-file => Tk->findINC('demos/zinc_data/paper-grey.gif'));
-$zinc->add('rectangle', $infoview,
- [[0,0],[1000,900]],
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => '#000000',
- -tile => $lenstexture,
- -linewidth => 0,
- );
-my $gradbar;
-my $x = 60;
-for (my $i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
- # ajout d'un groupe dans chacune des les 2 vues
- my $cgroup = $zinc->add('group', $normview);
- $zinc->coords($cgroup, [$x, 60]);
- my $lgroup = $zinc->add('group', $infoview);
- $zinc->coords($lgroup, [$x, 60]);
- # références de la couleur : name, Zncolor saturée, ZnColor désaturée, ZnColor d'ombrage
- my ($colorname, $saturcolor, $greycolor, $shadcolor) = @{$basiccolors[$i]};
- # échantillon référence couleur saturée + relief
- my $refgrad = "=radial -12 -20|#ffffff 0|".$saturcolor." 40|".$shadcolor." 100";
- my $refitem = $zinc->add('curve', $cgroup,
- $circle_coords,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => $refgrad,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -priority => 100
- );
- # clone dans le group infoview
- my $clone = $zinc->clone($refitem);
- $zinc->chggroup($clone, $lgroup);
- # label couleur (infoview)
- $zinc->add('text', $lgroup,
- -priority => 200,
- -position => [0, 0],
- -text => $colorname,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -font => $font_9b,
- -spacing => 2,
- );
- # dégradé de la couleur vers le gris de même luminosité
- my $bargrad = "=axial 270|".$saturcolor."|".$greycolor;
- # création des échantillons de couleur (curve multi-contours)
- $gradbar = $zinc->add('curve', $cgroup,
- [],
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillcolor => $bargrad,
- -linewidth => 2,
- -priority => 20,
- -fillrule => 'nonzero'
- );
- # définition des couleurs du dégradé (saturation 100% -> 0%)
- my $zncolors = &createGraduate($zinc, 11, [$saturcolor, $greycolor]);
- # on retire les valeurs alphas
- foreach (@{$zncolors}){ ($_) = split /;/, $_;}
- # réalisation des pas de dégradé (saturation -> désaturation)
- my $c;
- for ($c = 0; $c < 11; $c++) {
- # couleur du pas
- my $color = $zncolors->[$c];
- # item zinc de l'exemple couleur
- my $sample = $zinc->clone($refitem, -fillcolor => $color);
- $zinc->translate($sample, 0, 65*($c+1));
- # ajout à la curve multi-contours
- $zinc->contour($gradbar, 'add', 1, $sample);
- # déplacement vers le groupe info
- $zinc->chggroup($sample, $lgroup);
- # label texte (% saturation + ZnColor)
- my $txtcolor = ((10 - $c)*10)."%\n$color";
- $zinc->add('text', $lgroup,
- -priority => 200,
- -position => [0, ($c + 1)* 65],
- -text => $txtcolor,
- -anchor => 'center',
- -alignment => 'center',
- -font => $font_8,
- -spacing => 2,
- );
- }
- $x += 80;
-# création de la MagicLens
-my $lensgroup = $zinc->add('group', 1,
- -priority => 300,
- -atomic => 1,
- -tags => ['lens'],
- );
-$zinc->coords($lensgroup, [300, 110]);
-# items graphiques
-while (my ($name, $style) = each(%lensitems)) {
- &buildZincItem($zinc, $lensgroup, %{$style});
-# clipping lensview
-my $lenszone = $zinc->clone('lensback', -tags => ['lenszone']);
-$zinc->chggroup($lenszone, $lensview, 1);
-$zinc->itemconfigure($lensview, -clip => $lenszone);
-# consigne globale
-my $consigne = $zinc->add('text', 1,
- -position => [30, 840],
- -text => "<Up>, <Down>, <Left> and <Right> keys or <Mouse Drag>\nMove the Magic Color Lens behind the color gradiants\nto see the ZnColor value of Hue/saturation\n",
- -font => $font_8,
- -alignment => 'left',
- -color => '#ffffff',
- -spacing => 2,
- );
-my $cclone = $zinc->clone($consigne, -font => $font_9b);
-$zinc->chggroup($cclone, $infoview);
-#----------------------------------------------------------------------- fin de MAIN
-sub setBindings {
- $zinc->bind('lens', '<1>', sub {&lensStart();});
- $zinc->bind('lens', '<B1-Motion>', sub {&lensMove();});
- $zinc->bind('lens', '<ButtonRelease>', sub {&lensStop();});
- $mw->Tk::focus();
- # Up, Down, Right, Left : Translate
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Up>', sub {lensTranslate('up');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Down>', sub {lensTranslate('down');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Left>', sub {lensTranslate('left');});
- $mw->Tk::bind('<KeyPress-Right>', sub {lensTranslate('right');});
-# Callback CATCH de sélection (début de déplacement) de la lentille
-sub lensStart {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
-# Callback MOVE de déplacement de la lentille
-sub lensMove {
- my ($tx, $ty) = @_;
- if (defined $tx and defined $ty) {
- # interaction clavier
- $zinc->translate('lens', $tx, $ty);
- $zinc->translate('lenszone', $tx, $ty);
- } else {
- my $ev = $zinc->XEvent;
- $zinc->translate('current', $ev->x + $dx, $ev->y +$dy);
- $zinc->translate('lenszone', $ev->x + $dx, $ev->y +$dy);
- ($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
- }
- my ($lx, $ly) = $zinc->coords('lens');
- $zinc->coords($infoview, [$lx * (1-$zoom), $ly * (1-$zoom)]);
-# Callback RELEASE de relaché (fin de déplacement) de la lentille
-sub lensStop {
- &lensMove;
-sub lensTranslate {
- my $way = shift;
- my $dx = ($way eq 'left') ? -10 : ($way eq 'right') ? 10 : 0;
- my $dy = ($way eq 'up') ? -10 : ($way eq 'down') ? 10 : 0;
- &lensMove($dx, $dy);