path: root/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl b/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5469404..0000000
--- a/Perl/demos/Tk/demos/zinc_lib/lines.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# these simple samples have been developped by C. Mertz mertz@cena.fr
-use vars qw( $VERSION );
-($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
-use Tk;
-use Tk::Zinc;
-use strict;
-my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*';
-my $mw = MainWindow->new();
-my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => 700, -height => 600,
- -font => "10x20", # usually fonts are sets in resources
- # but for this example it is set in the code!
- -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken',
- )->pack;
-$zinc->add('text', 1,
- -font => $defaultfont,
- -text => "A set of lines with different styles of lines and termination\n".
- "NB: some attributes such as line styles are not necessarily\n".
- " available with an openGL rendering system" ,
- -anchor => 'nw',
- -position => [20, 20]);
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 100, 320, 100]); # default options
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 120, 320, 120],
- -linewidth => 20,
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 160, 320, 160],
- -linewidth => 20,
- -capstyle => "butt",
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 200, 320, 200],
- -linewidth => 20,
- -capstyle => "projecting",
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [20, 240, 320, 240],
- -linewidth => 20,
- -linepattern => "AlphaStipple7",
- -linecolor => "red",
- );
-# right column
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 100, 680, 100],
- -firstend => [10, 10, 10],
- -lastend => [10, 25, 45],
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 140, 680, 140],
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linestyle => 'dashed',
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 180, 680, 180],
- -linewidth => 4,
- -linestyle => 'mixed',
- );
-$zinc-> add('curve', 1, [340, 220, 680, 220],
- -linewidth => 2,
- -linestyle => 'dotted',
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', 1, [20, 300, 140, 360, 320, 300, 180, 260],
- -closed => 1,
- -filled => 1,
- -fillpattern => "Tk",
- -fillcolor => "grey60",
- -linecolor => "red",
- -marker => "AtcSymbol7",
- -markercolor => "blue",
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', 1, [340, 300, 440, 360, 620, 300, 480, 260],
- -closed => 1,
- -linewidth => 10,
- -joinstyle => "miter", #"round", # "bevel" | "miter"
- -linecolor => "red",
- );
-$zinc->add('curve', 1, [400, 300, 440, 330, 560, 300, 480, 280],
- -closed => 1,
- -linewidth => 10,
- -joinstyle => "round", # "bevel" | "miter"
- -tile => Tk::findINC("Xcamel.gif"),
- -fillcolor => "grey60",
- -filled => 1,
- -linecolor => "red",
- );
-# -tile => Tk::findINC("Xcamel.gif"),