path: root/README
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- *===========================================*
- The TkZinc widget version 3.3
- *===========================================*
- TkZinc is a canvas like widget extension to Tcl/Tk. It adds
-support for ATC displays, provides structured assembly of
-items, transformations, clipping, and openGL based rendering
-features such as gradients and alpha blending.
- It is currently available on Unices (tested on Linux),
-Windows and Mac OSX (with X11 and fink).
- The newest version is found at: http://www.tkzinc.org/
- It should be at least available in source form in a file
- named Tkzinc<version>.tgz.
- Distribution specific packages may also be available for
- Debian/Mandrake/Red Hat distributions, most likely for stable
- versions.
- For Tcl/Tk users, TkZinc is also available as a multi-plateforme
- (linux/windows) starkit on http://www.tkzinc.org/
- For Perl/Tk users, TkZinc is available on the CPAN, see for example
- on http://search.cpan.org/search?query=TkZinc&mode=all
- As a convenience the documentation (pdf+html) is made available
- on the web site as a separate package.
-0. You need a working Tcl/Tk distribution (version >= 8.4). You can either grab
- it using your regular package manager, or build it and install it from scratch.
- On a Linux system, you need tcl tcl-dev tk tk-dev packages.
- On MacOSX you need:
- - fink with tcltk and tcltk-dev package (http://fink.sf.net)
- - tcl/tk sources, though you are _not_ required to compile and install them.
- tcl/tk sources are needed because some required files are missing in the packages (tclInt.h and tkInt.h,
- if you know how to get those files with fink, submit a suggestion to the maintainers).
- I couldn't install them using fink, d/l them instead:
- http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/fink/direct_download/source
- - X11 et X11 sdk from Apple (http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/)
- From sources or on Windows, get, build and _install_ the Tcl/Tk distribution.
- On Windows there is currently an incompatibility when using a TkZinc compiled under mingw32 with
- a core Tcl/Tk compiled with visual C++. You need to grab a Tcl/Tk
- compiled with the same environment as TkZinc.
-1. Unpack the distribution
- On Unix/Linux/MacOSX:
- tar zxf Tkzinc<version>.tgz
- On Windows:
- Use WinZip or something similar to unpack
- This creates a directory Tkzinc<version> with all the
- needed files. This directory should be in the same
- directory as the Tcl/Tk sources.
-2. Configure
- On Unix/Linux:
- cd Tkzinc<version>
- ./configure <option>*
- This will configure the package for your platform. It
- will install it in /usr/local. If you want it elsewhere
- you can use the --prefix and --exec-prefix options of
- configure to assign another location.
- On MacOSX:
- say we have unpacked tlc/tk sources in $HOME/src. The configure
- line is as follows:
- env "CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include -I$HOME/src/tcl8.4.1/generic -I$HOME/src/tk8.4.1/generic" ./configure --with-tcl=/sw/lib --with-tk=/sw/lib --enable-gl=damage
- On Windows:
- TkZinc has been built using the msys/mingw32 environment.
- It is known to work with Tcl/Tk 8.4.2 compiled using the
- same environment. CAUTION: It doesn't work with Tcl/Tk 8.4.1
- using mingw32.
- The steps for building under mingw32 are the same as on Unices.
- Currently there is no support for building with visual C++.
- On all platforms:
- It is possible to customize TkZinc through configure options:
- --enable-gl=[yes|no|damage]
- --disable-gl
- This is turned off by default. Building with --enable-gl=damage
- is the recommanded way for openGL support.
- --enable-om=[yes|no]
- --disable-om
- This is turned on by default. It controls the inclusion of
- code for avoid overlap between track labels in radar images.
- --enable-shape=[yes|no]
- --disable-shape
- This is turned on by default except on Windows where support
- code is not currently available (it may become available).
- It allows for non rectangular TkZinc windows optionally including
- the top level window.
- And the Tcl standards:
- --enable-threads=[yes|no]
- --disable-threads
- Compile a thread aware/thread safe version (not tested in multi
- threaded environment). Needed if Tcl/Tk has been compiled with
- the same configure option.
- --enable-symbols=[yes|no|mem|all]
- --disable-symbols
- Turn on debugging symbols. If the form --enable-symbols=mem is
- used, turn on memory debugging as well.
-3. Make and Install
- For use with Tcl on Unix/Linux and Windows using mingw32:
- make
- make install-tcl
- It is recommended to do a make distclean before actual building if you
- have done a previous build.
- The warnings while compiling libtess are harmless (or so I believe ;-).
- libtess is a tesselation library extracted from GLU/Mesa. I trust it as
- robust unless proven wrong. I do not want to modify the code just to
- shut up some warnings.
- For use with Tcl on Windows using Visual C++:
- nmake /F win/makefile.vc
- There is no install target. You are left with the dlls and the start of
- pkgIndex.tcl (it lacks the entries for the Tcl modules in library).
- It is needed to compile with Visual C++ if TkZinc is to be used with a
- Tcl/Tk compiled with Visual C++.
- P.S: If a pkgIndex.tcl for Tkzinc exists in the autoload path before
- installing, it will interfere with the generation of the new pkgIndex.tcl.
- It should be removed or renamed. echo 'puts $auto_path' | tclsh will
- tell the current load path.
- WATCH OUT! On Linux it is quite frequent to have both Mesa and proprietary
- openGL libraries installed. This may lead to big problems at
- runtime if the linker picks the wrong library. It is often the
- case between the static (libGL.a) Mesa library and the dynamic
- (libGL.so) NVidia library. It is very important to assert that
- the link is done with the library matching the openGL driver
- loaded in the X server.
-4. Run the demos
- In the Tkzinc<version> directory run:
- wish8.4 demos/zinc-widget
- Under windows do:
- wish84 demos/zinc-widget
- It should start a Tk like 'widget' demo showing TkZinc
- features. You can also run the demo with: demos/zinc-widget
- if you have in the PATH a wish that is greater or equal to
- 8.4.2.
-TkZinc for Perl/Tk is available for Linux, Windows (Perl/Tk 804)
-and MacOSX. Also remember that the easiest way could be to use
-the CPAN. However new releases are usually first available on
-0. You need a working Perl (>= 5.6) and Perl/Tk distribution (800 or 804). You can either grab
- it using your regular package manager, or build it and install it from scratch.
- On a Linux system, you need perl and perl-tk packages.
- On MacOSX you need:
- - fink with tk-pm package and its dependencies (http://fink.sf.net)
- tk-pm is available in unstable. You can add this binary unstable tree to you /sw/etc/apt/sources.list:
- deb http://fink.opendarwin.org/bbraun 10.3/unstable main crypto
- deb http://fink.opendarwin.org/bbraun 10.3/stable main crypto
- - X11 et X11 sdk from Apple (http://www.apple.com/macosx/x11/)
- On WinXP you need:
- - perl and perl-tk 804,
- - Visual C++ or the Free Visual C++ Command Line Tools
-1. Unpack the distribution
- tar zxf Tkzinc<version>.tgz
- cd Tkzinc<version>/Perl
- ./export2cpan
- cd ../export2cpan/tk-zinc<version>
-2. Make and install
- This done is the usual way
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- # to run the demo without/before installing:
- perl -Mblib demos/zinc-demos
- make install
- WATCH OUT! On Linux it is quite frequent to have both Mesa and proprietary
- openGL libraries installed. This may lead to big problems at
- runtime if the linker picks the wrong library. It is often the
- case between the static (libGL.a) Mesa library and the dynamic
- (libGL.so) NVidia library. It is very important to assert that
- the link is done with the library matching the openGL driver
- loaded in the X server.
-3. Run the demo
- You can choose in the 35 available demos with the
- following perl script:
- zinc-demos
- It is available in pdf and html forms.
- To make the pdf doc you need pdflatex installed. Then do:
- cd Tkzinc<version>
- make pdf
- This should create a refman.pdf in the doc directory.
- cd Tkzinc<version>
- make html
- This should create the html documentation in the doc directory
- with all the html pages and images. The entry point is index.html.
- You need tex4ht for doing this. It may be packaged separately from
- tetex on Linux, it is so on Debian distributions.
- You can also download the doc from the TkZinc website:
- http://www.tkzinc.org/index.php/Main/Download
- Please report bugs and suggestions to the TkZinc mailing list
- at zinc@tls.cena.fr.
- When reporting bugs try to be as specific as possible.
- Include, if possible, the output from the program. Compile
- TkZinc with debugging symbols and include a backtrace of the
- debugger. Send a small Tcl (or Perl) script reproducing the problem.
- The availability of a correction may dependent on these infos.